In what form can you give oats: dry, germination, steaming, yeast

Rabbits - one of the most fastidious in terms of nutrition of farm animals. Certain herbs, grains, or vegetables can cause digestive disorders in the animals, lead to obesity, and also cause intoxication of the body, therefore it is very important to take into account the peculiarities of each product and the nuances of its feeding to rabbits when preparing the menu. One of the most favorite cereals for animals is oats. How to feed it properly and in what form, let's see.

Is it possible to feed rabbits with oats?

Oats belong to the concentrated forages necessary for rabbits for full, correct development and growth. Its advantage lies in the fact that it contains a huge range of nutritional components that are beneficial to the health of animals, has a high energy value of 336 kcal / 100 g. The grass is enriched with such minerals:

  • zinc: takes part in enzymatic reactions, increases the protective qualities of the body, prevents the defeat of viruses and infections;
  • silicon: responsible for the state of tissues and organs, plays an important role in carbohydrate, protein and fat processes, ensures the strength and elasticity of the skin;
  • magnesium: positively affects the cardiovascular system, supports the adrenal glands, increases the body's resistance to stress and nervous tension;
  • copper: actively participates in the processes of growth and further development of tissues, is responsible for the full functioning of the immune system.

Did you know? For the first time, oats began to be grown at the beginning of our era on the territory of modern Southern Europe and Asia. It comes from Asian wild oats. At the same time, some scientists say that the grass first appeared in the mysterious Atlantis and was one of the seven gifts of Demeter.

Also in its composition there is a number of biologically active substances:

  • B vitamins (B1, B5, B6): normalize metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the reproductive system, normalize the state of the nervous system;
  • vitamin A: strengthens the immune system, increases the protective functions of the body, prevents the risk of various diseases;
  • Vitamin E: normalizes the function of the reproductive system, regulates mineral, fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Vitamin F: necessary for the construction of cell membranes, increases the digestibility of other vitamins.
Cereals contain an increased amount of carbohydrates - 55%, proteins - 10% and fats - 8%. However, most oats have pantothenic acid, which is actively involved in metabolic processes, improves digestion of food and due to antioxidants cleanses the body, removes harmful substances. Rabbits eat perfectly a cereal in a dry, germinated, steamed form or mixed with other grains. Moreover, if other cereals need to be steamed, crushed or crushed before serving, then soft oats are great for dry feeding, and rabbits can freely eat it. Feeding animals with green oats is allowed, which is picked in the early stages of ripening.

Important! Old or overgrown herbs can cause digestive problems in animals. It is better to take green food, bevelled before the flowering period or during it.

How to give oats to rabbits in a dry form

Two-thirds of the rabbit's diet should be high-nutritional feed products, namely cereals. It is especially important to provide animals with such food in the winter. The best option for both adults and young is oats, which the animals eat with great pleasure. To make a balanced diet, experts recommend not dwelling on only one cereal, but preparing grain mixtures from wheat, barley, corn, and bran. The ratio of cereals in mixtures will depend on the age and breed of rabbits:

  • young animals during the period of active growth: oats - 30%, wheat - 10%, barley - 15%, corn - 30%, bran - 15%;
  • adults: oats - 40%, wheat - 20%, barley - 20%, corn - 10%, bran - 10%;
  • meat animals: oats - 15%, wheat - 20%, barley - 40%, corn - 15%, bran - 10%.
Enter the oats in the diet should be rabbit, as soon as they begin to feed on their own. It is better to start feeding with steamed cereal, which is easier and safer to digest a small body. Gradually, animals are taught to shredded food, and starting from the age of six months, they switch to whole grains. Rabbits feed with cereals up to 4-5 times a day, adults - up to 3 times.

Important! If cereals form the basis of rabbit nutrition, then water must always be present in the cage.

Cooking methods

In order for the grains to be better absorbed and not to cause digestive disorders in rabbits, they must be properly prepared. Despite the fact that oats belong to soft crops and it is easy to crush, many people prefer to feed their pets with germinated, steamed and yeast-grown grain. What is the difference between these feeds and the benefits of each, let's consider.


Particularly useful is sprouted oats, which during germination releases all "blocked" beneficial components and enzymes that penetrate deep into the animal's body. Regular consumption of this food allows you to clean the intestines, remove toxins and harmful substances, strengthen the immune system.

Important! When contacting with metal elements, useful enzymes in the composition of germinated grain are destroyed, therefore it is forbidden to grind oats in a meat grinder.

Sprouting oats consists of several stages:

  • choose good, clean grains up to 1.5 cm;
  • oats poured into a bucket and poured with water so that it covers the cereals 2 cm;
  • 12 hours later, the swollen grain is transferred to plastic bags with holes made at the bottom, knotted on top, let water flow;
  • The bags are placed in a warm room and periodically shaken. It is important that the layer of grain in the packets be no more than 8 cm;
  • the appearance of sprouts on the grain indicates that it is ready for use.
It is impossible to germinate oats to give animals immediately. It must be introduced into the diet gradually, in order to avoid abdominal distention. The best option is to add cereal in the mash on 1-2 tbsp. l


Steamed grain is perfect as feed for young animals. It is well digested by the body, does not cause bloating. Moreover, it improves the digestive system, promotes good metabolism, and normalizes the functioning of the immune system. Steaming technology is simple:

  • cereal (or a mixture of cereals) poured into a bucket, leaving to the edges of 8-10 cm;
  • cereal poured boiling water;
  • To the mixture add 1 tbsp. l salt and mix;
  • leave to steam for 5-6 hours under the lid.
It is more expedient to feed the young growth with steamed grain several times a day.


Yeast-grown grains are well suited for active animal growth and enhanced weight gain. In most cases, it is used for feeding meat rabbits.

Did you know? Once oats were the only cereal capable of growing in a cool and humid climate, therefore in England and Scotland he was in great demand and was the main food. Since then, it is believed that oatmeal is a recognized national dish of the British.

To make yeast oats you need:

  • grind 1 kg of grain;
  • in 2 l of warm water dissolve 35 g of ordinary baker's yeast;
  • yeast water pour cereal, cover with a lid, leave for 6-9 hours;
  • mix during the fermentation periodically.
It is best to cook such a "starter" for the night, and feed it to the animals in the morning. Give yeast food to animals that have reached the age of 4 months. It is added by 2-3 tbsp. l in a dry feed for one portion. Feeding is continued for several days, then it is replaced by conventional mash.

Contraindications and harm

Feeding oats will be useful for rabbits of any age. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and dosages, since such a valuable and useful cereal can harm the animal.

  1. You can not give the animals green oats, mowed after flowering, because it can lead to bloating, disruption of the digestive tract.
  2. It is also necessary to limit the feeding of adult individuals in the productive stage to the grass, since excessive feed intake can cause obesity and, as a result, liver problems.
  3. You can not always give the animals only one type of cereal. To make the food as complete and balanced as possible, the animals are fed mixtures of cereals.

From the point of view of feed for rabbits, oats have no contraindications and, with the right dosage, are not capable of causing significant harm to the health of the animal. When consuming cereal, the main thing is to adhere to the recommended dose, as well as take into account the age of the animal and its general condition.

Learn all about feeding rabbits.

What else can you give to rabbits from the grains

Rabbit food should be complete and well-balanced in vitamins and minerals, so the diet should include, in addition to oats, and other cereals.


Wheat in the menu of rabbits provides their active and intensive growth, rapid weight gain, uniform grinding of the incisors when eating grain. The cereal is rich in such beneficial components as the B, E and A vitamins, as well as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Cereals are recommended to give the animals steamed or dry.

The percentage of the ratio of wheat in dry feed should be no more than 30%. You should not feed the rabbits all the time, as this may cause digestive problems. Females who are in the process of lactation are recommended to feed 50% of oats and the same amount of wheat. A productive male ratio of oats and wheat is 3: 1. Kids cereal injected gradually in steamed form.

Read also about whether it is possible to give cereal to rabbits.


Corn is a useful and nutritious cereal, which makes it possible to accelerate the pace of gaining body weight of the rabbit, improve metabolic processes in the body. It is excellently absorbed, saturates with carbohydrates and fats, and also compensates for the lack of such vitamins as B1, B2, PP, E, and D. Maize does not contain enough protein, therefore it is not suitable for monoform. It is advised to give the animals in the composition of grain mixtures, no more than 2-3 times a week.


Barley has a beneficial effect on the digestive system due to the presence of choline and lysine, has a positive effect on the general health of animals, and thanks to vitamins and minerals (calcium, potassium, vitamins of group B) contributes to normal life. This cereal is indicated for the use of young animals in the period of active growth. For productive individuals, grain volumes are limited, as this can trigger obesity.

Usually the ratio of barley in the daily diet is not more than 30%. Before serving, the grain must be crushed. If you choose the best grass for feeding rabbits - barley or oats, then the second option is more suitable for adults, as it does not cause obesity. Barley will be a wonderful food for young stock, because it allows you to quickly gain weight, grow intensively and fully develop. Oats is a useful and inexpensive food for rabbits, which has a rich chemical composition and high nutritional value. It allows you to improve the work of the digestive system, strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to various negative environmental factors. However, when you enter it into the diet, you should adhere to the recommendations of experts and do not overfeed pets. The correct feeding scheme and the required dosages will be able to please the breeders with excellent results.

Watch the video: Clean Eating Oatmeal 101 - Everything You Need To Know About Oats (January 2025).