Proper care of garden and indoor flowers

Every person who has a summer cottage, a garden, a balcony with flowers, or just a window sill with house plants often wonders about the correctness of their care. In fact, not every gardener can boast of absolutely all the subtleties of watering, feeding, temperature and light modes for their blossoming friends. And in this article we will examine all the basic rules for the care and maintenance of indoor and garden plants in order to most effectively promote their healthy and long-term growth and flowering.

Proper care of indoor plants

Houseplants are much more whimsical in their needs than plants from an outdoor garden. The fact is that in indoor home conditions it is not always possible to maintain the natural change of the seasons of the year, to give flowers the opportunity to go for wintering, to carry out the right light and temperature conditions, as well as many other actions that were incorporated into the vegetative cycle of plants by nature itself. Growing flowers in an artificial way on window sills, many growers neglect the basic rules that will preserve and improve their pets. And now we will understand the main principles of proper care for indoor plants.

Proper care of house plants is the key to beauty and health of flowers. Learn how to care for begonia elatior, beloperone, dizigoteka, rapis, solanum, liviston rotundifolia, fittonia mix, peresikoy, coral begonia, spatiphillum of "Chopin" and spatipillillum of Wallis.


The mode of watering houseplants varies depending on the season and the growing season. So, in winter, at a time when representatives of the flora are at rest, they should not be over-watered. The best will be the mode of one watering in two weeks. Such a regime should be maintained during November - March. But with the arrival of spring, you need to prepare your pets for the beginning of a new life cycle, gradually increasing the number of waterings. By the summer it’s worth giving them water two or three times a week.

Important! The main indicator that the plant needs to be watered is the dried top layer of land cover. As soon as you find that the earth on the surface is dry, feel free to bring in water.
Optimum use of water at room temperature. From warm water, plants can wither, and from cold - to die. Also, do not water the flowers with boiled water, because it lacks oxygen and essential trace elements.

Video: how to water indoor flowers


The balance of the average daily temperature and its fluctuations during the day are also very important for the healthy and proper growth of your flowering pets. In general, a room temperature of 20-22 degrees is most appropriate for growing flowers on windowsills. In the summer, this figure can reach 23-25 ​​degrees, and in winter a little decrease to 16-18 degrees. In such conditions, your plants will not experience adverse effects from temperature.

If the room temperature is too low (less than 16 degrees), you should move the plant to another place or connect heaters. If the temperature exceeds 25 degrees, then you need to increase the amount of watering in order to avoid drying out of greenery.

Important! And although the temperature of indoor plants are not very picky, their main enemy is a draft. They should be kept away from such an intruder, and it is better not to allow such a phenomenon at all. If it is impossible to completely get rid of the draft (for example, if the wind blows into the window cracks), it is worth resorting to a little trick: put the pot with your pet on high ground so that direct air flows do not fall on its green shoots. This simple manipulation will save the flower.


The light regime is especially important for maintaining normal vital processes in houseplants. Thus, home-grown flora representatives prefer warm light most of all, and therefore, they should be placed on the brightest place in the apartment: the southern window-sill. Almost without exception, flowers are light-requiring. Especially this rule applies to those representatives of the flora, which are flowering species or in which the leaves are marked by variegated patches.

But also do not forget about such an unpleasant effect of direct sunlight, like a burn. To protect their pupils on a hot summer afternoon, one should cover the windows with fabric curtains or close the blinds. So you get a diffuse spectrum of the light beam, which will protect the vulnerable stems and leaves of flowering plants from sunburn.

Did you know? To grow a beautiful and symmetrical plant, you should regularly rotate the container with different sides to the light source. So the sockets of your flowers will be the most correct and ergonomic shape.

Top dressing

Top dressing for all types of flowering plants should be selected in specialized stores, where experienced consultants will be able to choose the necessary vitamin and mineral fertilizer complexes for your flower garden. The main rules that should be followed when applying fertilizers are that before the beginning of the vegetative period in the spring nitrogen fertilizers should be applied to promote the growth and development of the plant, and at the end of the season, in October - November, you should provide your pets with phosphorus and potash supplements.

You can decorate your room with such houseplants: achimenez, yaukuba (Japanese, Himalayan), ginura, codieum, hemantus (deer tongue), tillandia, drimiopsis, euphorbia, crested chlorophytum and euphorbia.
As an optimal variant of feeding you can use tableted, granulated and liquid fertilizers. Tablets and granules evenly scatter on the surface of the earth around the flower. Following the instructions, they are poured with a certain amount of water to facilitate the rapid absorption and absorption.

The liquid substance can be injected in proportion with water, and an IV can be used. Thus, the fertilizer solution will flow evenly to the root system and is well absorbed by the plant.


Pruning should be done when any mechanical or natural damage has been noticed, for example, if a leaf has dried or withered. The affected areas should be removed immediately to prevent further development of adverse effects. You should also cut off flowering buds, so as not to impede the emergence of new stalks and complex growth of the whole plant. Another pruning can be applied when it is necessary to correct a folded outlet.

Important! In all cases, pruning should immediately lubricate the fresh sections with charcoal (conventional activated carbon will do). It should be crushed to a powdery state and generously powder the wound on the body of the flower. So you protect your pet from the adverse effects of trimming.

Air humidity

Ensuring proper air humidity is also very important for the success of growing indoor plants. In order to maintain a normal balance of air humidity, you should regularly irrigate the plants with water from a spray bottle or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. By the way, the last action should be carried out in any case in order to rid the flower of the settled layer of dust, because with too much dust particles in the flower the process of photosynthesis stops and it can die.

If there is high humidity in the room, it is worthwhile to arrange ventilation, but do not need to abuse drafts. Open the window in only one room and close the door there. Within an hour, the air in the room will change, and the problem of excess moisture will be solved.

If there is insufficient humidity and dry air in the room, then it is necessary to moisten it. This can be done in several ways:

  • spray a room with water from a spray bottle;
  • place a flat and wide dish with water next to the flowers;
  • do wet cleaning;
  • get a special device for humidifying the air;
  • to ventilate the room and thereby replace the air.
One way or another, but maintaining optimum moisture is one of the key factors for proper growth and development of flowering plants.


You should not carry out transplanting activities too often. For any plant it is a big stress, and therefore such manipulations are not recommended to be carried out more often than once in one or two years. In order to successfully transplant a pet from one pot to another, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials, namely:

  • A new pot, preferably a clay one, since natural material is much better than artificial and will contribute to the "breathing" of the root system. The pot needs to be chosen a little more than the previous one;
  • sufficient amount of new land;
  • haydite or other drainage material;
  • vitamin supplement.

Repot the flowers better with a lump of old earth. To begin with, fill the substrate in a new pot, which should occupy about a third of the dishes. Next, pour in a small amount of earth and form a kind of indentation into which you will carry your pet with a clod of old earth. Fill the remaining cavities with a new earth and tamp lightly. Now you can make a vitamin dressing, but it is better to wait a little while with irrigation. It is necessary to give time to your plant to take root in a new place. With regard to the frequency of transplantation, they are recommended to produce no more than once or twice a year. The best time will be spring and autumn.

User reviews about orchid care

To begin with, this flower appeared in me about 5 years ago. At that time there was a boom in the popularity of opx. I, as a lover of various non-flowering plants, visited from time to time a flower shop, in the hope of finding something that I do not have. And then my eyes fell on this beauty. I did not have much money with me, and the price of phalaenopsis was from 700 rubles. So I left with nothing. But it became very interesting to me, what all the same this “beast” is. From that moment my study of orchids began. I learned everything from watering to substrate. And once again, having arrived at the store, I saw them again, but already at a markdown, without flowers, and in just 200 rubles I bought a white beauty. She grew up with me for about 2-3 months, then let out an arrow and blossomed. Since then, I have definitely fallen in love with the orhi. Then I bought a lilac, IMAGE: 1monia in speck, white with a pink middle, purple. And 2 more colors of which I still do not know, because I took almost dead and without roots. The most interesting thing is that the orcs in my bloom constantly. I don’t do anything special with them. Watering by immersion for half an hour once a week. 2-3 times for all the time fertilized. Transplanted 3-4 times. Now almost all on the buds, but some are already blooming. By the way, they bloom in time for 2-3 months, then for about a month they make a new arrow and bloom again. Here are my beauties.



Proper care of garden plants

It seems that caring for indoor plants and creating optimal growing conditions for them is much more difficult than for garden ones, because you need to take care of suitable land, and air temperature, humidity and much more. But in the garden, nature itself has already decided everything for us. But do not deceive yourself, because there is also a lot of work there: choosing the right place for planting, watering procedures, pruning, fertilizing and adding vitamin-mineral complexes, transplanting and much more. And we will try to understand these subtleties.

Choosing a place

Flowers are best planted in open areas of the garden where branches of rasply crowns of fruit trees will not hang over them. As is known, the root system of a tree is approximately twice as large as its crown, and everything that is in the zone of this root system cannot develop normally. Flower plants are very vulnerable, and therefore their roots will not be able to get to the necessary minerals and moisture in the ground with the same efficiency when all the sap from it is taken by the tree. The place you choose should be as flat as possible so that there is no accumulation of moisture (depression), and also that the water from precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the site, not completely draining to the side (elevation).

Read about all the intricacies of growing such garden flowers as Babian's flower, Bonika, adonis, agapanthus, sanguinaria, Alpine aster, salpiglossis, Sarah Bernard, argirantemum, peonies and Graham Thomas roses.
It will be favorable to dig around the planted plant and make a parapet (earthen bank) around. Such a shaft will be able to retain water and promote normal water balance in the root zone of the flower.

In addition, the selected landing site should be sufficiently shaded, especially when it comes to fragile flowers like petunias. They do not tolerate open sunlight, especially at noon. At least part of the day for such flowers should not be exposed to direct sunlight to avoid getting burns.


Watering flower plants in your garden in the spring-summer period costs two to three times a week, and during particularly dry periods you can increase to five waterings. With outdoor cultivation in the garden, natural forces act: wind, sun, grass, and others that speed up or slow down the processes of drying the soil.

Familiarize yourself with the advantages of using drip irrigation, as well as learn how to organize a system of drip irrigation at the dacha.

On average, one flower plant requires about 5 liters of water per day in summer, 3 liters in the spring season and 2 liters in the autumn.

Did you know? To check the soil moisture, you can use the usual chopper, weeding watered area. If the ground under the caked crust is wet, then watering is not necessary. If the ground is dry, it should be as soon as possible to please your pets with new irrigation.


Pruning, as is the case with indoor plants, should be done as needed: when the buds have faded, the leaves have dried or the stem has dried out. Such manifestations can be both natural (natural death of the obsolete elements of the flower), and caused by various pests. In the second case, it is necessary to quickly identify the offender and remove. Affected, damaged and fading elements of the representative of the flora should be cut, generously sprinkling the cut with pounded charcoal to prevent further development of painful processes and putrefactive lesions.

Top dressing

The most favorable and effective form of fertilizer is organic, which is a product of decomposition and the life cycle of living organisms. Such fertilizers are presented:

  • manure;
  • bird droppings;
  • compost;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sawdust;
  • sideratami.
Despite the fact that organic supplements tend to be well absorbed, choosing the best option, you should be guided by the differences in plant species, not every floral representative of the flora favorably responds to the introduction of bird droppings or compost, and peat and sawdust generally have an oxidative effect on the soil, which should not be allowed when breeding and germinating calcephils.
To enrich the soil and nourish the plants, use organic fertilizers: straw, pigeon droppings, Florex granulated chicken droppings, bone meal, fish meal, whey, potato peel, compost, eggshell, banana peel fertilizer and tobacco dust.
Compost, humus and oblique siderata allowed to apply to all flower crops. It is best to mulch them the soil of flower beds and flower beds, combining them with small doses of natural humus. It is necessary to regularly update the layer of mulch, which in some cases completely replaces other organic fertilizers, and weed infusions are also an excellent source of trace elements.

Everywhere, experienced gardeners contribute organic matter under the root in both liquid and dry forms. For example, mineralized complexes can be used in dry form, and can be diluted in proportional mix with irrigation water. In the form of infusions, organic supplements are most often made on the basis of manure and bird droppings, but compost, peat or humus fertilizers are used for mulching and filling of the planting fossa.

Special mention deserve feeding with a prolonged period of action, produced in the form of sticks, triangular pyramids or in granules. Over time, such complexes release macro- and microelements, helping to maintain mineral and vitamin balance.

Feedback from users on feedings, produced in the form of sticks "clean sheet"

Hello! Usually, in the spring, I am engaged in transplanting domestic plants into new pots (of course, if it is necessary to change their size). I noticed that my plants, if I may say so, "wither" day by day and decided to "fertilize" them, remembered how it was last year.

In the flower shop I bought the Pure Leaf fertilizer universal in sticks.Honestly, I am not a very good florist and I don’t even know how to pick up fertilizers for each individual flower. Therefore, it is a clear advantage for such a fertilizer - UNIVERSALITY, since it is suitable for both flowering and ornamental foliage, petunias, and orchids.

Another plus is that you can forget about feeding plants for three THREE months, everything you need is collected in a stick. At first I watered the plant, and then I easily stuck this stick into the ground. The stick itself should be covered with earth for about two centimeters at the top (do not damage the plant roots carefully).

For an ordinary medium pot, two sticks are enough (pot diameter is about 15 centimeters). There are 30 pieces of such sticks in a package, but I bought them in flower shops by the piece (that is, the number I needed).

The effectiveness of this fertilizer is obvious to me - more healthy leaves, more saturated color and beautiful flowering, while care is only watering. I go again to buy universal sticks, I recommend!




Up to three years, it is not recommended to replant flowering plants in the garden, as their root system is still poorly developed, and such intervention may cause undesirable results.

After reaching the age of three, the plants begin to replant. The optimal time for transplantation is considered to be spring (before the beginning of the vegetative period) and autumn (at the end of flowering).

It is better not to abuse transplants. The best number of transplants per year is considered one and better in the fall, because then during the winter the plant will have time to go through stress and by the spring it will be ready to rejoice the eye with lush flowering.

Whatever way you choose to grow representatives of the flora, in the garden or in pots on the windowsill, it is important to remember and strictly follow the prescribed rules for the care and maintenance of your pets. Houseplants need proper lighting, temperature balance, watering, feeding and transplanting. All these activities are important for creating the most comfortable conditions of growth, similar to natural ones. Garden crops also need attention. It is important for them to create optimal watering, fertilize in time and remove obsolete elements. By following these recommendations, you can provide your green pets with decent care, and they will delight you with lush flowering.

Video: when to transplant perennial flowers

Watch the video: How To Care For Indoor Plants + GREENIFY YOUR SPACE (January 2025).