Collection, time and storage temperature of ostrich eggs before incubation

An ostrich egg is an expensive and valuable product that is stored, sorted and processed on the basis of rigorous technology. This material is devoted to the subtleties and nuances of this mandatory and important process.

Collection rules

The collection of ostrich eggs must necessarily be carried out according to the principle: the less the products lay in the nest, the better their quality will be and the more suitable they will be for incubation.

We advise you to familiarize yourself with the basics of breeding ostriches at home.

It is highly undesirable to leave them for a long time - with each hour many pathogens develop on the surface of the shell, and the risk of death of the embryo in conditions unsuitable for its development increases. Harvesting should be done daily, preferably in the evening, as well as as quickly as possible - this will well stimulate the female to continue further egg-laying and recover the lost one.

Did you know? Ostrich eggs for nutritional qualities and taste are not much different from chicken, only the size, because only one ostrich specimen can replace 31-40 ordinary eggs of poultry, thus, one ostrich egg can be cooked eggs for 10 people.
It is necessary to remove products from the nest only after the female is distracted as much as possible from the incubation of the offspring, otherwise the bird will suffer severe stress, become restless and stop laying. Some farmers use dummies instead of seized eggs, which are made from real specimens by removing the insides and filling with other material.
Important! In the process of collecting each copy must be marked, and then fix each number and information about it in a special incubation journal.
The main and important collection rules:
  1. Find a person who in the process of collecting will monitor distracted ostriches.
  2. Wash your hands in warm water with disinfectant soap.
  3. Collection to produce in a special container or basket.
  4. Taking a product in your hands, you cannot shake it and make sudden movements.
  5. After removal, each egg should be washed under lightly warm water, dried and examined with an ovoscope.
  6. Spread out on natural fabric until completely dry.

Shelf life of ostrich eggs

At room temperature, the product can be stored for up to 30 days, provided that the shell is not damaged. In the refrigerator, the shelf life increases to 5-7 months. The pre-incubation storage period is from 7 to 10 days, but no more - in eggs, the destruction of albumin should not begin (the ingestion of a large amount of oxygen into the yolk).

Read more about ostrich eggs.

How to prepare and store

Almost all selected ostrich specimens are suitable for incubation bookmarks. Of the 100%, only a quarter may be unfertilized. The rest can provide offspring, but before incubation they must be properly prepared and maintained.

How to process before storage: disinfection and washing

Cleaning and processing of ostrich eggs before storage is not difficult, but to refuse this procedure is unacceptable.

Important! After collecting, washed and dried specimens are folded with a blunt end up on a natural fabric in a clean box, the top of which is necessarily covered with gauze or film. This is done to ensure that pathogenic microbes do not enter through the open pores of the shell.

The procedure itself is as follows:

  1. Each instance is washed with warm running water.
  2. It is processed with a clean cloth moistened with iodine solution.
  3. Rubbed dry with a cloth.

Storage conditions

Immediately before laying the boxes with eggs folded in a dry, darkened room, with the optimum temperature from + 13-17 ° C and humidity up to 40%. In this case, the products are moved to a horizontal position or with a sharp end down.

We recommend reading about the incubation of ostrich, chicken, duck, turkey, indoutin, quail and goose eggs.

Features of transportation

Transportation of egg boxes will be the most successful, without shaking and strikes, if they are put on a soft anti-vibration rubber. Each egg must be wrapped in rubberized packaging material. Remember that a good incubation result depends not only on the organization of the process itself, but also on the preliminary clear actions that help to choose, clean, preserve and transport the valuable ostrich product.

Did you know? Ostrich females have a strict hierarchy, and the dominant bird lays its offspring first. It then allows subordinate females to nest in or near the nest.

Watch the video: Collecting, Selecting, and Storing Eggs for Hatching - Hatching Eggs (January 2025).