The description and cultivation of a tomato "My love" for an open ground

Recently, there have been many different hybrid varieties of tomatoes, which have improved characteristics. Among them is known the variety "My Love" F1, the originator of which is Lyubov Myazina. Let's deal with its main characteristics and rules of cultivation.

Variety description

"My love" refers to varieties that ripen early, from the germination of seedlings until the beginning of maturity takes a little less than 3 months. In the garden, the plant grows up to 80 cm in length, in a greenhouse it can reach 1.2 m. After the ripening of the fifth inflorescence, the growth of the plant stops.

Unlike other varieties of medium height, gives a good harvest, and the hybrid nature makes it impossible to seed reproduction. According to the information on the seed package, there are few leaves, although some gardeners complain that until the fruits appear, the leaves grow abundantly. Foliage - green, medium size, tapering at the end, at the edges - serrated.

Check out the most high-yielding varieties of tomatoes.

The advantages of this variety:

  • early maturation;
  • requires a minimum of costs;
  • can grow in open ground and in greenhouses;
  • suitable for beginner growers;
  • does not require frequent watering;
  • good yield;
  • tasty flesh;
  • attractive appearance of the fruit;
  • more resistant to diseases;
  • you can do without pinching;
  • tolerates transportation;
  • suitable for long-term storage;
  • suitable for various uses.
Did you know? The European Union ruled that tomatoes are fruits, the US Supreme Court took them to vegetables, and botanists around the world insist that tomatoes are berries.

  • requires tying up;
  • needs fixing;
  • heat-loving, in northern latitudes not recommended for planting in open ground;
  • requires good illumination;
  • demanding saturation with fertilizers;
  • not suitable for seed reproduction.

Fruit characteristics and yield

Tomatoes are round, pointed at the ends, resemble a heart, and color is red. Grow brushes to 6 pieces each. The weight of 1 tomato is about 200 g. With 1 bush you can collect at least 5 kg of tomatoes, and from 1 square meter. m - from 15 to 20 kg. Approximately 90 days after emergence, the tomatoes begin to ripen almost simultaneously. On one bush can be 5-6 clusters of up to 6 tomatoes each, therefore, from 1 plant can go from 25 fruits.

The flesh is similar in structure to the watermelon, sweetish, delicate taste, melts in the mouth, looks attractive in the section. The number of seed chambers - 3-4 pieces.

Selection of seedlings

To choose a good seedling of tomatoes "My Love", you must adhere to these rules:

  1. Buy in late May or early June.
  2. Do not take the seedlings on which the tomatoes are already tied - it does not tolerate replanting.
  3. If the purchased seedlings have got fruit, they should be cut off.
  4. Do not take too large seedlings with bright green leaves - she is overnourished with nitrogen and gives little tomatoes.
  5. Pay attention to the absence of yellowed lower leaves, damaged leaves, spots, larvae, etc.
  6. About on the bushes 7 leaves.
  7. The stem is moderately thick (approximately like a pencil), its height is about 30 cm.
  8. Flower brush should be visible.
  9. Seedlings should be in boxes or pots of soil.
  10. If the seller has seedlings planted thickly, the roots will be damaged when transplanting, and it will take time to restore them.


Did you know? Until the 18th century, tomatoes in Russia were planted in flower beds as ornamental plants.

Growing conditions

The soil on which you plan to grow tomatoes "My Love" should be acidic, the acidity level - not less than 6 and not higher than 6.8. In order to reduce the acidity, the soil can be poured with lime, and to increase - pour ammonium sulfate in the granules.

The soil should be fertilized with nitrogen, potash, phosphate, calcium fertilizers. When planting it is used to make compost and rotted manure, the procedure must be repeated twice or three times before the end of growth. Dig the ground need more in the fall. Tomatoes of this variety need a well-lit place. When planting comply with the scheme 40 to 40 cm. "My love" is afraid of low temperatures, so when planted early it needs shelter for the night to ensure temperatures above 0 in the case of night frosts. It is best to plant seedlings at the end of May. To moisture, these tomatoes are not demanding, you can water them infrequently.

Important! Good forerunners of tomatoes will be carrots, parsley, zucchini, cauliflower, dill, cucumbers.

Seed preparation and planting

To further the tomatoes were less exposed to diseases, the loose seeds before planting are treated with a one-percent solution of potassium permanganate (1 g potassium permanganate by 0.5 cups of water). To do this, the stuck together seeds are ground or soaked, the whole planting material is wrapped in a piece of bandage or gauze and dipped in the solution for 45 minutes, then rinsed with clean water and soaked in a growth activator to improve germination. You can also warm the seeds in water at a temperature of 50 ... 52 ° C for 25 minutes so that they are not affected by fungi. Seeds are sown in early March. To do this, in the container with the prepared soil to the depth of about 3 cm, the treated seeds are poured, after which they are watered and covered with foil.

We recommend that you read the step-by-step instructions for growing tomato seedlings.

Maintenance and care

Until the sprouts appear, the seeds that have been planted are not watered. When the first few leaves appear, the shoots dive.

The time for planting seedlings comes 50 days after the emergence of shoots. Prior to this, it is recommended to harden it during the day on the balcony: 2 weeks before disembarking, seedlings are carried out to the open air at a temperature not lower than +10 ° C for 2 hours, shading it. After a few days, the hardening time is increased to 6 hours, and it is left from morning to evening for 3 days, gradually allowing direct sunlight. In the following days it is necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes. It is obligatory to water and loosen before planting into the ground, then tomatoes are watered about once a week. The soil around the plants should be regularly loosened, enriching with oxygen and removing weeds.

Fertilize tomatoes 3 times before the fruit is harvested, making alternately organic and mineral fertilizers

Important! Pasynki in this variety can not break off, then the crop will ripen a little later, the tomatoes will be smaller, but their number will be more. If desired, you can remove the 2 lower stepson, then the size of the tomato will be larger, and the number - less.
So that the shoots do not break under the weight of the harvest, they need support and a garter.

Disease and pest prevention

Although "My Love" is characterized by increased resistance to disease, it can be affected by fomoz (bacterial spotting) and vertex rot. In the first case, "Hom" and "Fitolavin" helps, in the second - nitrate with calcium. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to warm the seeds before planting, to observe moderation in watering, to air the greenhouses during the growth of seedlings and young plants. You also need to burn the remains of plants in the fall. Tomato Fomoz Big damage to tomatoes is caused by butterflies, moths, sawflies. "Lepidocide" helps in the fight against them. As a preventive measure, seed treatment before planting with potassium permanganate or a mixture of 50 g of aloe juice, 0.5 teaspoon of honey, a couple of drops of garlic juice and an immunostimulant is used. A week after planting in open ground, the plant is treated with a weakly concentrated mixture of potassium permanganate and boric acid. Another means of prevention can be a tincture of nettle, horsetail and wood ash, mixed with a small amount of garlic, which is sprayed with bushes once a week.

Familiarize yourself with common tomato diseases and how to control them.

A known pest of tomatoes is the Colorado potato beetle, which can be destroyed by Prestige; you can also collect bugs and larvae from foliage by hand. There is no effective prevention against him.

Gourd aphid and thrips are killed by the drugs "Bison", "Fitoverm", "Karate", "Aktellik", "Vermitek", "Akarin".

For prevention, it is necessary to dig a garden in the fall, and in the process of tomato growth weed weeds.

Harvesting and storage

The ripe crop of tomatoes "My love" is harvested in late August. It is important not to delay the time so that frost does not start, otherwise the tomatoes will be poorly stored. It is not necessary to harvest in the early morning or late evening - dew will shorten the storage time of such fruits. When ripe, tomatoes are easy to tear from the stem. You can also collect green or slightly brown tomatoes and send them for ripening, but they will have a worse taste, although they are stored better.

Did you know? Cookbooks began to mention tomatoes in Italy. at the beginning of the seventeenth century.

Tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, wiping them with vodka or alcohol and wrapping them in paper. In the basement they store tomatoes in boxes of wood or plastic, peppered with sawdust or wrapped in paper. It is impossible to lay more than 3 layers, tails must be directed upwards.

You can store fresh tomatoes loosely folded in a sterile glass jar and peppered mustard powder. The jar is rolled up, the tomatoes are pre-washed and dried. As such, they can be stored for up to 5 months.

Find out how and where to store tomatoes.

Thus, the hybrid variety of tomatoes "My Love" F1 ripens early, the fruit gives delicious, beautiful, fruits abundantly. This can be achieved through proper care of the plant, compliance with the rules of planting, watering, harvesting. If you still follow the recommendations for storing fruits, then you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with fresh tomatoes for a long time.

Watch the video: Super tomato yield - How to Growing Tomatoes (October 2024).