Lice and chickens: what to do, how to get rid

Quite common parasites in poultry, in particular, in chickens are lice, or peroeda. Data ectoparasites (so called insects that live on the surface of the body of animals or humans) is quite difficult to bring. First of all, because the struggle with them requires endurance, patience and certain knowledge.

Than dangerous

Some poultry farmers believe that lice in chickens are not dangerous. In fact, such a statement is fundamentally wrong.

Here are some of the consequences that can be caused by the presence of these parasites in domestic birds:

  • lice carry infectious diseases;
  • lice can infect chickens with worms;
  • discomfort from constantly experiencing itching can cause severe weight loss and even lead to death;
  • prolonged contact with these insects leads to a decrease in egg production and susceptibility to various diseases.

Did you know? All drugs against lice are divided according to their effect on two types: some act as an insecticide, others block the access of air (kerosene, benzene). Substances of the first type kill the parasite, affecting its nervous system, the insect chokes from drugs of the second type.

Where do lice from chickens come from

Some of the reasons why lice appear in domestic chickens are:

  • unsanitary conditions;
  • transmission of parasites from wild birds;
  • from wild and domestic animals.
Infection of domestic chickens with lice is extremely difficult to notice, since lice are no larger than 0.5 cm. The development of the parasite from egg to adult insect lasts about 1 month.

Symptoms and course of the disease

There are certain signs and symptoms that can tell you when a chicken is infected with lice.

  • increased nervousness and concern of birds;
  • the chicken begins to pinch itself with its beak and tear its feathers;
  • birds have bald patches;
  • the chicken loses mass, her appetite decreases, egg production decreases;
  • chickens and youngsters die.

If you notice at least one of the symptoms, you should carefully examine all birds separately and separate them into another room infected with parasites. The next step should be the treatment of sick chickens.

Familiarize yourself with chicken diseases, methods of their treatment and prophylaxis, and in particular with coccidiosis, colibacteriosis, pasteurellosis and diarrhea, as well as methods of controlling non-communicable diseases.

What to withdraw

Ectoparasites in chickens can be derived as modern chemical means, and with the help of folk methods. The main condition for the success of events - patience and perseverance. One-time action to destroy the parasites is unlikely to lead to success.

Therefore, no matter how you decide to act - through the achievements of the modern chemical industry or take advantage of popular experience, first of all, you should arm yourself with patience.

Important! For poultry, pyrethroid-based anti-parasite products should be selected. These are artificial counterparts of the natural insecticide pyrethrin, a substance found in the colors of the Astro family. Insecticide acts lethal on lice and does not pose a threat to animals.


The most effective drug treatment method for infected chickens. The most commonly used drugs that affect the nervous system of parasites, without causing any harm to the bird.

We advise you to read about how and how much to feed domestic chickens, how to prepare feed for chickens and for adult birds with your own hands, what to do if chickens do not carry well, can chickens and ducks be kept in the same room, do you need a rooster to carry eggs .

Among such funds can be identified such:

  • drops "Neotman", "Frontline", "Leopard" and others;
  • sprays for poultry (also drugs intended for humans are used). Use them for the purpose of the vet, following the recommendations. For example: "Geth", "Nuda", etc .;
  • means for disinsection of the room, for example "Karbofos". To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to apply the agent on the floor, walls and perch.
Insecticides act exclusively on mature individuals, they do not pose a danger to eggs. Of these, after 10-15 days, young lice will appear, so you should re-treat the birds and the room after 1-1.5 weeks.

Folk remedies

The action of all kinds of folk remedies is based on the use of "aromatherapy" and the use of improvised hydrocarbons:

  • the smells of wormwood, chamomile and marigold scare the parasites. It also has a repulsive effect on lice like the smell of essential oils (orange, lavender);
  • process feathering of feathery mixtures of vinegar, water and kerosene (1: 1: 1);
  • mixtures that have proven their effectiveness not only in the processing of poultry, but also in the chicken coop: kerosene, benzene, ammonia (1: 1: 1).
Did you know? In the early twentieth century in Swedish Gradenburg, the common louse was directly involved in the choice of the burgomaster. Chair candidates sat around the table and laid their beards on it. In the center of the table was a louse. In the elections won the candidate, in whose beard crawled insect.
Learn more about why chickens go bald and how to get rid of feathers in chickens.

What not to do

Previously, such parasite as dust and sulfur agents were popular. Currently, due to the high toxicity of these substances, their use is minimized.

What not to do when detecting lice in poultry:

  • after processing the chicken coop immediately start a bird there. It should be ventilated and then washed;
  • prevent insecticides from entering the birdseed. This can lead to poisoning of birds;
  • allow rodents to be present in the hen house, they can become carriers of parasites;
  • use insecticides without consulting a veterinarian and without instructions;
  • use some drugs to kill the parasites in birds less than 1 month before slaughter.

Can a person get infected

Lice on the body of poultry can become carriers of serious diseases, such as:

  • brucellosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • trypanosomiasis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • encephalitis.
We recommend to get acquainted with the largest and most unusual breeds of chickens.

Although bird parasites do not live long on humans, they are able to infect him. You can also get infected by eating infected chicken. All of the above diseases, like some others, which can be infected by infected chickens, pose a danger to humans. One should not think that ectoparasites in poultry are dangerous only for birds.

Important! Insecticide-treated poultry is removed from the hen house. The room at this time is treated with appropriate means. Return the birds to their original place in 15-20 days. Before you run the birds into the old place of residence, it should be thoroughly cleaned.


The best way to fight lice is to prevent them from appearing. To do this, carry out such preventive measures:

  • sand baths with ash are installed;
  • process the chicken coop with boiling water;
  • provide enough space for the existence of the bird, its ability to walk in the fresh air;
  • young chickens should be treated with insecticides;
  • regularly clean the chicken coop, remove litter, feathers and down;
  • limit the bird as much as possible from contact with wild birds and animals (including domestic ones);
  • make regular inspection of chickens for the presence of ectoparasites.

You will probably be interested in reading about how to make a chicken coop yourself, how to build it, how best to warm the chicken coop in winter, as well as how to choose and use a fermentation bedding for chickens.

It is much easier to devote time to preventive measures than to deal with the time consuming process of treating infected birds. Do not be frivolous about the problem of lice in poultry, because parasites can be carriers of very serious diseases that threaten the health and sometimes even human life.

Reviews from the network

If lice bother chickens, then you can buy a solution at a Butox pharmacy. Pouring ash with sand and chickens will roll in this mixture, it will help get rid of unpleasant chicken lice. The Butox manual is attached, only be careful not to fall into your eyes. She is bred and sprayed on a chicken coop and chicken litter.

Lice are not ticks, and it is very easy to get rid of them; to buy a lice remedy at a pharmacy to bathe out chickens, not to drench your head, to process a shed, to whitewash it with freshly sour lime, to add more chlorine there, to replace the perches, nests, bedding, to burn the old one immediately , put a bath for ash plus sand, so that chickens are constantly bathed, lice infest from extreme heat.

Watch the video: Chickens With Mites and Lice; How to Treat Quickly (December 2024).