Alfalfa grass as medicine

You probably saw alfalfa - yellow and purple plants, which can often be found in the fields. It is known since ancient times as a medicinal plant, which ancient Chinese healers used to get rid of many ailments. It is also popular in the modern world, and how it is attractive and how it is used, we will look at this article.

Botanical description and habitat

The herb alfalfa belongs to the legume family. Under this name are combined annual and perennial herbs and dwarf shrubs, of which there are about 100 species.

Beans include food crops (peanuts, beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, beans) and fodder (vetch, clover, lupine, sainfoin).

The rhizome of alfalfa is very powerful and penetrates deep into the soil up to 10 m, thanks to which it accumulates useful substances inaccessible to other plants. At the roots of the plant has characteristic tubers with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which provide the process of processing nitrogen from the air and enrich the soil with nutrients. Stems have four facets, they can be bare or with a small edge, well branched. The leaves are small, no more than 2x1 cm, oblong in shape on the petioles.

Inflorescences have the form of an elongated brush. They are formed on the top or branches of the stem. Flowers bisexual. Different types of plants can have a wide color range of corolla flowers, but most often you can find blue, purple, yellow and white flowers. There are also bright and variegated flowers, especially if this plant is used for landscape design.

Flowering grass can last almost a month and comes in 4-8 weeks after sowing. Flowering brush lasts 10 days, pleasing every day 4-5 new buds.

Alfalfa is pollinated by insects, resulting in the formation of fruits with tiny yellow or brown seeds. The grass is called the homeland of Central Asia, North America and the Mediterranean region. However, it has become quite widespread and can be found in almost any country, thanks to a number of useful qualities and properties. The ideal habitat is dry meadows, steppes, grassy slopes, pastures and river valleys. Can grow as a weed and seed plant.

Did you know? In the people lucerne is also referred to as lechuha, medunka, alfalfa, dawn, and vyvyl.

The chemical composition of herbs

The amount of nutrients that make up the grass is pretty impressive. The ancient Chinese healers knew about this 6-7 thousand years ago and actively used the natural source of health for the benefit of man. First of all, it should be said that alfalfa contains almost the entire group of vitamins B, namely: B1, B2, B5, B6, B9. In addition, vitamins A, PP, C, K, E. The composition of alpha includes potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and a number of micro and macro elements. Chlorophyll provides blood purification, flavonoids act as an anti-inflammatory and painkiller.

Fenugreek bean culture is known to the world as fenugrek, or Shambala is a popular spice.

What helps and what treats

The range of useful properties of a grass is very wide, so among main methods of its use as a therapeutic agent can be identified:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the thyroid gland;
  • ensuring the normal functioning of the circulatory system, reducing cholesterol and increasing hemoglobin;
  • effectively acts on the urinary system, is used to treat gout, excretion of uric acid salts;
  • reduces inflammation in tuberculosis, arthritis and fungal diseases;
  • having a positive effect on the elasticity of the arteries, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure, stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Due to the high content of vitamin K, the use of grass prevents the occurrence of hemorrhages and bleeding, and funds based on it are able to stop the blood at the site of cuts and wounds. Alfalfa is used in the manufacture of toothpaste, as a powerful tool in the fight against tooth decay. Chlorophyll with uronic acid prevents viruses, including herpes.

Preparations containing alfalfa are also prescribed for such diseases as:

  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • joint diseases;
  • erosion;
  • colpitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • endocrine system diseases.

Did you know? Young mothers can say "thank you" to alfalfa, because it helps stimulate lactation, the milk becomes more, which means that the baby will be full and calm. In addition, it helps to improve digestion and can eliminate problems with poor pancreas and constipation.

Pharmacy drugs

Wanting to buy a miracle herb in a pharmacy, you can easily find it, because most drugs have the same name as the herb name Alfalfa or Alfalfa.

So, in pharmacology such forms of drug release are presented as:

  • grass;
  • packaged herbal tea;
  • biologically active additives (BAA);
  • tincture;
  • pills;
  • fito-candles;
  • cosmetics.

Important! Ayurveda uses alfalfa for the treatment of peptic ulcer, due to the content of vitamin U, which can heal the gastric mucosa.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Popular wisdom and knowledge of how to use natural resources for the benefit of man, which have been accumulated for many years, are embodied in the form of numerous recipes of traditional medicine. Alfalfa very effectively helps to get rid of, prevent the appearance or development of many diseases.

With diabetes

Recipe 1

To reduce the level of sugar in the blood using fresh juice of the plant. In order to get it, you need to pick young leaves of grass during flowering and pass them through a meat grinder. Fresh will be very concentrated, and therefore, before taking it must be diluted. Water can be used for these purposes, but carrot juice is best suited. The ideal proportion for such a vitamin cocktail will be 1: 3, it is diluted with water 1: 1. A medical dose of 50 grams three times a day, half an hour before a meal, significantly affects the level of sugar in the blood. Recipe 2

Pour 2 tbsp into a glass or metal container. dried herbs and pour 1 st boiling water, and then put in a water bath for 20 minutes. At the expiration of time, get the container and push the grass for another hour. Then infusion should be filtered and divided into 6 servings. You can take this medicine daily until you reach a result, and the blood sugar level does not drop.

Traditional medicine for diabetes recommends the use of such plants as burdock, aspen (bark), cmin cave, astragalus, stevia, celery, blueberries, centaury, as well as chaga mushroom.

For pain in the joints

To eliminate pain in the joints, folk healers recommend making alcohol infusion on alfalfa. To do this, pour 5 tbsp into a glass jar. dried herbs and pour 500 ml of vodka. Next, the tincture must be infused for 2 weeks. Take a therapeutic agent should be 10 drops, diluting them in 100 ml of water, three times a day for half an hour before meals.

With nervous overstrain

To calm and relieve tension crescent-shaped grass. 2 tbsp. herbs pour half a liter of water and put in a water bath for 5 minutes, and then insist. You can also pour boiled water over the dried alfalfa and let it stand for 3-4 hours. Take the infusion should be half a cup before a meal.

For cuts and wounds

In the event of injuries, for example, during a hike or a rest in a forest area, in the absence of special medical facilities, you can give first aid using alfalfa leaves. To do this, you should pick fresh leaves of the plant and cook gruel from them, which is placed on the affected or injured place. Due to the high content of vitamin K, alfalfa can stop bleeding and disinfect the wound. Gruel should be changed 2-3 times a day.

Read also about the technology of cultivation of alfalfa and use as a siderata.

With hemorrhoids

Feeling unpleasant and suffering from hemorrhoids, as well as with vaginal and nasal bleeding, it is recommended to take fresh grass juice of 25 drops twice a day.

With bad breath

Due to the high content of chlorophyll, alfalfa effectively copes with bad breath. To do this, you can take an extract of the herb, or infusion of it.

Did you know? Alfalfa grass is often used in haute cuisine recipes for making salads and soups, and the seeds are used as the basis for creating flour and gourmet pastries.

With nosebleeds

In the event of a nosebleed, take a cotton swab and moisten it with alfalfa infusion, then roll it up and place it in the nasal sinus. The hemostatic property of alfalfa will quickly and effectively help to cope with the problem.

How to use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, alfalfa has gained popularity due to its anti-aging properties for the skin of the face. It is able to remove puffiness and redness, improve the complexion. The grass also has a great effect on hair growth, prevents hair loss.

For hair

Infusion of herbs has a positive effect on the scalp. It is applied to the hair after washing, rubbed into the skin. For preparation: 4 tbsp. Grass per 1 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes and leave to cool, after which you can use. Alfalfa juice can also be ingested. Drinking fresh several times a week, you will certainly see changes in the condition of the hair. They will fall out less and begin to grow actively.

For the beauty of hair, it is recommended to use clove oil, cinnamon, bergamot, mustard, rosemary, chili pepper, burdock root.

For face and body

Alfalfa has a positive effect on the skin color of the face, relieves redness and swelling, rejuvenates, tightening small wrinkles and smoothing skin tone. For this, it is advised to make masks based on grass.

Redness Mask

Mix the decoction of dried herbs with honey and apply on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes, then remove with a damp towel or rinse with warm water. Mask with anti-aging effect

Grind dried alfalfa grass to a powder state using a grinder or blender. Take 1 tbsp. chopped material and add boiling water until a thick, pasty consistency. Give the mixture a little brew, and then add honey and mix well again. The resulting mask can be applied to the face for 10 minutes. At the end of time, it should be washed off and apply a moisturizer. You can take this cosmetic procedure no more than 2 times a week.

Familiarize yourself with the useful properties of honey varieties: lime, acacia, chestnut, buckwheat, may, sunflower, cypress, mountain.

Alfalfa Rejuvenation Mask

In addition to the infusion, the effective result demonstrates the juice of freshly harvested grass. To prepare the mask will require 1 tsp. juice and the same amount of liquid honey. After mixing the ingredients, the mixture is applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes and then washed off. You can apply such procedures every other day, in a course of 10 sessions, and then you will be able to observe the visible effect of natural cosmetics.

Preparation of medical raw materials

The collection of useful plants should be dealt with in its flowering period. It is better to use a knife or garden tool for this. The bush is cut in half. Then the grass is laid out in a dry, dark, well-ventilated room.

The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight, for this you can spread out the grass under a canopy on the street in dry and warm weather, you can bundle it in bunches and hang it under a canopy.

After the raw material dries well, it is folded into small canvas bags or dense bags of natural fabric and sent for storage in a cool place. Thus, medicinal raw materials can retain all their beneficial properties for 2 years.

Contraindications and harm

Before you start using alfalfa as a cosmetic tool or for the prevention and treatment of other diseases, you should consult with your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications.

People who Not recommended take medications and folk remedies based on alfalfa:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 12;
  • persons suffering from autoimmune diseases, systemic lupus, poor blood clotting.

Natural resources allow a person to protect themselves against many diseases, prevent the development of diseases, improve their immunity and improve their health. The amazing properties of alfalfa give youth and beauty - you just need to properly apply and preserve popular wisdom and experience.

Watch the video: Alfalfa Juice Health Benefits (January 2025).