Grapes: fruit or berry?

Almost every one of us in our life tried such a fruit as grapes. But is it a fruit, in fact, as some of us are accustomed to count, since there are quite a lot of opinions confirming the fact that grapes are berries. This is due, perhaps, to the fact that there is a substitution of concepts: it is called a berry, but the raisins that are obtained from it are considered dried fruit. In order to more accurately determine what it really is, consider the history and features of the terminology that will clarify this issue.

Grape history

Grapes are considered one of the most ancient fruits. Its history begins more than 60 million years ago, although the wild variety was spread on the planet even before that. In those days, it began to grow in fairly large quantities, and now and then archeologists find jugs, drawings and other dishes with its images. For example, ancient jugs and bowls with grapes painted on them are often found in Georgia.

The birthplace of this berry is still Asia. In more recent times, grapes have spread widely throughout Europe. Everyone knows the Roman and Greek feasts, where it was almost impossible to do without wine and grapes.

Later, the culture of its cultivation spread further to America, although there is found its wild variety, which was eaten by the Indians. At the time of colonization, European varieties were brought to the territory of modern North America, as they were more suitable for making wine.

It will be interesting for you to learn about the benefits and harms of grape seeds, how the leaves of the vine are useful, whether the red wine is useful, about the benefits and harms of the grape juice, what can be harmful, and what is useful for black grapes.

Terminology features

Returning to the main question, this is a fruit or a berry, it is necessary to pay attention to the terminology of both concepts. There are several points of view that help determine what grapes belong to.

Important! From a botanical point of view, the berries are part of the fruit and belong to them. They have seeds and pulp but thinner peelthan fruit.

Why are the fruits of grapes fruit

In our language, the words "fruit" and "fruit" can be equated and replace each other. In some cases, only one of them is used, for example, “fruits from a tree”, since practically no one says “fruits from a tree”.

“Fruit” is considered a more everyday and everyday word, “fruit” refers to botanically correct and verified terms.

In the botanical dictionary there is such a definition of a fruit - a part of a plant that develops from a flower, with seeds inside. Very often, the berries are also called fruits, as they are more familiar in everyday speech.

Why are the fruits of grapes berries

The encyclopedic dictionary reports that a berry is a fruit with pulp, thin skin and seeds inside. Referring to Ozhegov's dictionary, you can also define a berry as a fruit growing on shrubs and shrubs, as well as herbaceous plants.

Learn also how to make grape juice, how to apply grape vinegar, how to make raisins from grapes.

The botanical term "berry" means a fruit with many seeds, a juicy inter-fruit and an intra-fruit. At the same time, there is no such word as fruit in botanical terms - it is borrowed from Polish, just means juicy fruit and is used to name larger berries.

So the grapes, according to these opinions, can be considered just a berry.

Did you know? Argued that if there are a lot of grapes - can grow stout. This is only a myth. In fact, grape fruits increase appetite and promote the absorption of food, but additional weight is gained due to the food eaten.

So in the end: berry or fruit?

Since the fruit has a rather thin peel, many small seeds and juicy flesh, it belongs to the berries. And in order to consolidate the effect of new knowledge, let us turn to the culinary household classification: grapes are berries, because they have a small size and sweet taste.

Some more terminology: Is grapes a tree or a shrub?

Although many people will say with confidence that the plant is a shrub, and the name "grape bush" is already entrenched among the people, yet it is not a shrub, and even not quite a tree. Grapes - it is a vine, or rather a woody vine under the Latin name Vitis.

This perennial woody liana reaches 20-25 meters in height and clings to the support with the help of antennae. Liana belongs to the heat-loving plants, and therefore grows in hot countries.

But today there are such types of vines that are less demanding of weather conditions and can be grown in temperate climates.

Use and application of grapes

Berries have a fairly large range of useful properties. Not only the pulp is used, but also the bones, which are widely used in cosmetology and skin treatment. It is also a major component of the wine industry. In addition, berries are often used for cooking or decorating dishes.

Did you know? All parts of the grapes have useful properties - not only berries, but also leaves and wood. There is even such a thing as ampelotherapy, which is part of traditional medicine that specializes in the treatment of chronic diseases by grapes.

In cooking

Berries are often used to make juice and jam. Everyone is also familiar with raisins - dried berries of different varieties, which are used in baking, making salads and other dishes.

Snacks or desserts are prepared with him, often added as a decoration to chilled desserts and jellies. Wine vinegar is also in demand, which is used by many chefs in various main dishes.

In winemaking

There is nothing to say here - grapes are the main component of winemaking. At the same time, there is no exact number of cultures that exist today - there are more than five thousand of them, however, not all of them are suitable for making wine.

For the preparation of wine, grape varieties such as Pinot Noir, Harold, Jupiter, Tason and Isabella are also used.

For the production of the drink, about a hundred technical varieties are used, of which about a third are taken only to make red wine, and another third for white. From their choice depends not only the quality of the drink, but also the taste, color, bouquet and aftertaste.

The most popular red grapes are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Sangiovese, Syrah, or Shiraz, and others. For white grape berries are suitable such varieties: Chardonnay, Muscat, Riesling and others.

All varieties can also be divided into 4 categories:

  1. Wine that is used for making wine and tincture, characterized by small size and small berries.
  2. Canteens - a large group, which includes large varieties. Mostly used independently.
  3. Drying, from which prepare raisins. May be white or dark. The group is quite small.
  4. Universal, which are used for making drinks, and for eating.

For the manufacture of wine used mainly European varieties of such berries.

You can also make plum wine, black currant wine, raspberry wine, chokeberry wine, apple wine, rose petal wine.

In medicine

Fruits contain quite a lot of nutrients, include fiber and vitamins of groups P and B. Also in the berries are pectin and beta-carotene. Useful acids, such as tartaric, amber, citric and malic, are also found here in large quantities. Here there is also iodine, potassium, manganese, fluorine, iron and a lot of other useful components.

That is why grapes are used in the treatment of a large range of diseases, including:

  • cardiovascular;
  • intestinal problems;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • infectious and catarrhal diseases;
  • asthma attacks.

Also, grapes are often prescribed for pregnant women, as there are many components they need. It is very good to take it during mental activity, as the fetus improves memory and improves overall tone.

Important! Although grapes are very useful, you should definitely consult with your doctor before starting treatment. In addition, it can not be taken for people with high acidity of the stomach, diabetes and hypertension.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, grape seed oil is mainly used, since biologically active substances are preserved in them. It is used as an antioxidant and an excellent means to improve the tone of blood vessels.

Included in many creams, often used in massages as the basis for aromatic oils. The tool helps to restore the elasticity of the skin, fights burns and abrasions, quickly heals skin peeling. Also, this oil is included in the complex therapy against skin diseases.

In nutrition

Fruits contain a fairly large amount of sugar, so they are well satisfy hunger and give a boost of energy. Per 100 grams of white grapes on average, about 40 calories, red - 65 calories.

It does not promote weight gain, but improves appetite. Such a quantity will be optimal - 15 berries a day, then there will definitely be no weight gain from the grapes.

Grapes are not only sweet and tasty, but also quite healthy fruit. It includes a large number of substances that are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and other industries. And regarding the question, this is a berry or a fruit, we can safely say that grapes are a berry.

Watch the video: BERRIES! GRAPE & STRAWBERRY FRUIT MUKBANG!! (January 2025).