Dracaena marginata: home care

Dracaena loved by many gardeners for good reason. It harmoniously fits into any interior, creating a beautiful and spectacular comfort zone around itself. Large copies of the flower are purchased mainly for offices. Little dragonza marginata looks cozy in small rooms.

Dracaena marginata: plant description

This species can rightly be attributed to the most popular and hardy varieties of evergreen draceni. Marginata looks like a flower, the stem of which is branching, serpentine with a woody coating. Its elongated leaves are collected at the top. They are visible streaks, which are arranged in an arc. Each nest of the fruit dracaena has one seed. Flowers dracaena painted white or greenish, small size.

Dracaena marginate exudes a fragrant aroma, but it can also produce a sharp acrid smell during the flowering period. At such times it is better to expose her away from the room. But in these cases, only one saves - dracaena blooms quite rarely. They take up the cultivation of dracaena often because of the beautiful leaves of the plant. This flower fits well into any interior, emphasizing its graceful trunk with exotic-looking leaves.

Important! Dracene can often be confused with flowers of the Cordilina genus, which are in close relationship with her. But to distinguish them is quite simple, because the dracaena has no rhizome. Its roots are orange, straight and smooth to the touch. In representatives of the Cordilin genus, they are knotty, white in color, and the rhizome spreads.

Climatic conditions for successful growth dratsy

Caring for margin marketeer at home does not give you trouble, because this is a very unpretentious and well growing in the shade plant. It grows well even when it is far from the window. The most "resistant fighters" are those dracenes with green leaves. In summer, the dracaena can be taken out into the street by arranging for it additional protection from excessive exposure to sunlight. In winter, for comfortable development of dracaenas, it is necessary to organize the temperature within 12-15 degrees of heat, not more.

Did you know? According to Chinese Feng Shui, the dracaena stalks have symbolic meaning. So, three stalks bring happiness; five - lure positive energy and wealth; seven - health; eight - happiness and good mood; The composition of twenty stems is called the "tower of love."

Temperature and humidity

Dracaena feels comfortable at room temperature, which is within + 15 ... +28 ° C. Marginata quietly tolerates lower temperatures in winter to +12 ° C. Only in such conditions, the regularity of watering should be reduced by half. Otherwise, there is a risk of hypothermia, which can lead to diseases and even the death of the roots. For dracaena it will be convenient if the humidity of the air in its environment is slightly increased.

Try to sprinkle a flower out of a sprayer two or three times a day. The first signal of insufficient air moistening will be the dry tips of the leaves. At least twice a year the plant must be rinsed under a warm shower. With its help, all the dust from the leaves of dracaena is washed off and their pores open. After such a soul, the plant literally comes to life. Its appearance is more well maintained.

What should be the lighting

The light at which the draina reagent grows healthy and develops quickly enough should be bright and diffused. It does not tolerate direct sunlight. On the southern and south-eastern windows, the plant should be pritenyat curtains. But do not overdo it with blackout.

The first evidence that the dracaena is deficient in lighting, - This is the appearance of the leaves. They begin to lighten, which means that the dracaenum needs to be brought closer to the window or to organize a point with artificial lighting. Also, the lack of natural light will lead to the fact that new flower growths will reach for the source of light.

How to plant a planting scheme

Before planting, dracaena seeds should be soaked in a special stimulator solution for a day at a temperature of approximately 30 ºC. After giving them a little drain and land in disposable dishes with soil for palm trees. Water the seeds and place them in a warm place. Cover them with glass or plastic to make an improvised greenhouse. Within two months, the first shoots of dracaena will appear. After the film can already be removed. Further care involves watering and a one-time monthly fertilizing with complex fertilizers. In the future, when the sprout reaches 6 cm in height, it can be transplanted.

How to properly care for the bordered dragon

The edged dracaena belongs to the family of asparagus, and caring for it is not difficult even for beginners.

Watering plants

Watering dracaena should be regular and abundant. It is necessary to carry out it when the top soil layer has dried up 3 cm in depth. At the same time, try not to overwet the roots of the plant, as dracaena reacts badly to such missteps. The top soil layer, where the draginna marginate is planted, must be loosened in order for the watering to be carried out most efficiently. Water should be taken only filtered or settled rain. In summer, the plant must be watered once every couple days. If the dracaena leaves begin to dry, then watering will need to be frequent.

Keep track of the humidity of the air, which the flower needs. In the summer, the leaves of the plant should be sprayed with water at room temperature. In winter, when the dracaena is at rest, watering should be reduced, especially when the flower is located far from the batteries. But if the heater is near, it is necessary to water and spray more often, otherwise the dracaena dries.

Dressing dragon flower marginata

Continuing the story of how to care for the dragon tree at home, let's talk about her feeding. Here, too, the plant is not distinguished by special preferences. During the spring and summer periods, twice a month you need to fertilize the flower with complex preparations. With the onset of cold weather, feeding needs to be halved. There is a wonderful tool called "Dr. Foley Starter", they fertilize the leaf part of the plant. The leaves after it become more saturated and shiny. Such processing dracaena good because after transplantation does not need to use additional root processing.

Did you know? Oily juice dracaena red Africans call the "blood of two brothers" or "vermilion." One of the types of dracaen and is called this cinnamon-red.

How to properly trim a plant

The dragon tree of the marginate can grow up to three meters, and if you take into account its specific appearance, then a long, bare trunk of this size with a bundle of leaves at the top looks at least unattractive. Professional growers recommend cutting such specimens, getting two flowers in the end. The first will continue to grow from the rest, the second from the rooted top. By the way, this method solves the problem of reproduction by apical layering, which will be discussed later.

It is also worth knowing how to form the marginate dragonza so that its top is lush and bright. It should not be plucked, and cut the leaves with a knife. This is necessary so that the resulting stalk is suitable for further rooting and growing the second new plant. Pruning is done with a knife 5 cm from the apical bud. Before the procedure, the barrel must be disinfected with alcohol. The cut can be done both oblique and straight.

Fresh "wound" should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal or sulfur powder. The cut off part should be immersed in water, with the coal added to it, so that the future plant will take root. The maternal dragon flower of marginat should be applied in a warm place. In order for the lateral buds of the flower to sprout, the plant should be covered with a transparent film or a large glass jar to create a greenhouse effect. Watering the plants must be tempered, because an excess of moisture inhibits the growth of new shoots, besides, the roots may begin to rot.

Many flower growers have difficulties with how to make the margin of the marginate lush. After the appearance of young shoots after 14-20 days the film can be removed. For the growth of new shoots need a little time. Then, after reaching the desired size, the procedure for cutting the top will need to be repeated. So is the formation of a dense and lush crown of the plant.

It may happen that the side shoots may not sprout for a long time. Stimulate their growth can be forced, using the drug "Epin". He literally awakens the flower buds. The reverse process can happen - the growth of a large number of kidneys. Most of the resulting shoots are better to remove, enhancing the growth of the rest. With the advent of new shoots, the dracaena can be rearranged again to a bright place with good lighting, under the scattered sunlight.

Sprouted side shoots dracaena stretch up. For a more voluminous crown with branches, you should resort to a little trick. Between the new shoot and the trunk, you can fasten a ball of dense material wrapped in cloth. This technique can take the stem so that it does not press against the trunk and the size of the ball to adjust the desired direction of escape. Later the ball can be removed.

These simple techniques, by which the dragonza marginata turns into a magnificent houseplant, are available even to amateur flower growers. It is enough to make only a little effort so that the dragon tree of the marginate will soon respond with a lush and attractive shape of its crown.

When you need and how to transplant the dragon marginata (fringed)

Before transplanting the purchased dracaena, you need to pick up the necessary pot, soil, fertilizer and other materials and supplies. Home transplantation is best done in the period from March to April. In the autumn, it is better not to disturb any indoor plants, as they begin preparations for overwintering. This process should be carried out every three years, for a young plant - once a year.

Nutrient soil for transplant is sold in any flower shop. Usually it consists of leaf and sod land, peat, humus, useful micro and macro elements. All this normalizes the growth of dracaena. Then a pot with a diameter greater than 4 cm by the plant is selected. It should not grow in cramping, and there will not be a lot of free space either. Roots can start to rot from overwetting and satiating with nutrients. So, the pot is chosen, now it is necessary to fill expanded clay at its bottom. It can also be bought in specialized stores. Now we come to the point that the dragin of the marginate, the transplant of which should be carried out shortly after the purchase, is ready for this process. You need to take the plant by the trunk, tilt the container in which it was purchased, and pull it out along with the earth clod.

Dry and rotten roots need to be removed. Shaking off the ground from the root system cannot be due to the fact that it can be damaged. Now the plant can be placed in a prepared pot and covered with soil. For watering need to leave extra space.

Did you know? In industry, the dracaena is used to extract the resin, which is called for its color "dragon's blood"

Breeding dragonna marginata

The most popular breeding methods are dracaenas: with the help of apical cuttings and cuttings after its strong growth.

Reproduction by layering

The breeding of dragon flowers of marginate by aproducts is not an easy way. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, and a positive result will be achieved. The first step is to determine the height of the flower and select the stem of the desired length. Make a mark at a certain height and cut into place. Place a small wedge-shaped foreign body there.

So the cut will not be able to grow together. Next, around the incision you need to attach a bag with buried earth, which should fit snugly to the trunk. It can be fastened with wire or kapron thread. The soil needs to be kept wet constantly, so you need to irrigate with a syringe with a needle. You will then continue to observe how the plant starts up new roots. When the number of roots is sufficient, the incised part of the stem should be finally cut off and transplanted into a separate container.

Plant cuttings

For this method you need to take a young and strong stalk. It should be cut into even cuttings of 5 cm so that each of them has two buds. On one side, cut the bark on the stem, stick the cut with the fresh side into the soil and place in a warm shaded place. Cover with a glass jar or plastic bottle to form a greenhouse. Watch for moisture under cover, when shoots appear, they should be periodically sprayed with clean warm water.

Watch the video: Growing Dracaena Marginata (January 2025).