Celery root: the benefits and harm of plants

One of the unique and diverse in the use of vegetables is celery. Everything is useful and applied in this culture: leaves, stems and root. Today we will talk about celery root, its beneficial properties and application.

Celery Root

The plant belongs to the large family of umbrella. It is a round root with a dense and juicy flesh, growing to 20 cm in diameter. The taste is sweet-bitter flesh, with a spicy aroma. The life cycle of the plant is two years: in the first rhizome and stems with foliage are formed, in the second - inflorescences and seeds. All three types are popular: leaf, stem and root. In principle, it is all the same celery, the only difference is in the method of cultivation, more precisely in the goal. When growing for the sake of leaves and petioles, all attention, respectively, is paid to the green mass and care for it. When ripe, this part is cut for their needs, collecting at any time of the season. Growing the root celery, the greens are not cut, otherwise the root crop simply does not ripen, just enough to remove the side roots. Crop harvested in the fall.

Learn how to plant root celery, how to prepare it for the winter, and how to deal with pests and diseases.

The composition of the product

As part of the root is present for the body's important acid - omega-6, in addition to which you can select other, no less useful: myristic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, oleic, oxalic and glutamic acid. Also, the plant is rich in flavonoids, purines, essential oil.


The vitamin composition of the plant is determined by such components as B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP.


  • macronutrients: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.


  • proteins - 1.5 g,
  • fats - 0.3 g,
  • carbohydrates - 9.2 g,

In addition, as part of the plant (per 100 g), 1.8 g of fiber and 88 g of water are also released.

Read also the benefits and harm of celery.

Calorie content

100 g of celery root contains only 42 kcal, which makes the plant an excellent ingredient for dietary nutrition.

Did you know? A wreath of green celery was awarded to the winners of the Nemean Games in Ancient Greece - competitions dedicated to Zeus and held near his temple.

Useful properties of the root

In pharmacology, celery root is part of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and liver, and in folk medicine it is used to alleviate the condition of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, problems of the digestive tract, rheumatism.

For men

The root crop contains the male hormone androsterone, which is a metabolite of testosterone, and increases libido and potency, normalizes reproductive function, stimulates the function of the genitals. Our ancestors knew about the celery property to attract female attention: andosterone, when secreted by sweat glands, acts as an aphrodisiac. In addition, androsterone plays an important role in the formation of muscle mass.

It is also good for men to eat: parsley, walnut, ginger and carrots.
Smoking men will benefit from hepatoprotective properties of the root, because thanks to him the plant is able to remove carcinogens from the liver, clean it from heavy metal salts. Rich in vitamins, minerals and essential oils, celery will have a positive effect on infections of the urogenital system, as well as serve as a good prophylaxis for prostatitis. The low calorie content of the product will help middle-aged men to control their weight, at the same time replenishing the body's nutrients and strengthening the immune system. The root crop is useful for gout (in men, the disease is recorded much more often), as it removes salt from the body, preserving the health of the joints.

For women

Celery is especially beneficial for women on critical days, helping to reduce bleeding and pain. During menopause, it will support the nervous system, hormones, strengthen the heart muscle. In diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis), celery will have a diuretic and antiseptic effect. In addition, you no longer have to exhaust yourself with diets, trying to maintain a shape and depriving the body of essential trace elements - the root crop will fill their stock and help to quench the feeling of hunger.

Important! In the presence of progressive varicose veins, the juice from the root should be consumed as rarely as possible, since the active substances in its composition dilates the blood vessels.
Juice from the root will help restore a healthy complexion, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, prevent acne and inflammation on the face. Also, it will benefit lovers of high heels, because drinking the drink will help prevent the problem of "venous grids" (well strengthens the walls of blood vessels).

Is it possible to use

Celery contains purine substances and essential oils that may be harmful in certain conditions.

For children

Children root give not only possible, but necessary. It is a source of ascorbic acid, so necessary for the immune system. B vitamins are involved in the formation of bone and muscle tissue, nerve fibers, the brain and the central nervous system, carotene is important for healthy vision, and trace elements for blood, heart, and digestive activity.

Check out popular celery varieties.
Celery will be useful for the hereditary disease of phenylketonuria, which is one of the few that is treated with medications and diet. The disease is a violation of metabolism due to lack of phenylalanine, which is present in the composition of the product. Failure to follow a low-calorie diet with foods rich in phenylalanine leads to a serious damage to the central nervous system, impaired mental development.

Pregnant and lactating women

The ability of the root to dilate blood vessels can be a rather dangerous property during pregnancy: a strong blood flow to the uterus is likely to cause miscarriage. Nursing mothers should also abandon the product, because purine substances can provoke bloating and colic in the baby, and essential oil - an allergic reaction. In addition, the property of the product to suppress milk production is known.

Harm and contraindications

Use of the product is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • ulcers of the digestive tract;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • pancreatitis;
  • thyroid disease;
  • cholecystitis.
Important! If there are stones in the kidneys, the product can provoke their movement, which will cause severe pain and lead to the need for surgical intervention.

How to choose and store the product

When choosing a root, you should be guided by its elasticity and color: it should not be stained, too yellow or have rotted places. Pay attention to the green part: the leaves should be bright green. The storage place is a fridge; here the root will keep fresh for a week.

How to lose weight with celery root

One of the main advantages of the product is fiber. Dietary fiber fills the stomach, causing a feeling of satiety, improves the digestive process and removes food, along with slags and cholesterol, from the intestines. Celery, having a low calorie, enriches the body with almost all the necessary substances and energy, and due to the diuretic effect removes excess salt from the body.

You can also lose weight with green pepper, radish, tomatoes, melons, currants, plums, white beans, savoy and cauliflower.
The advantage of the use in dietary purposes is that the product can be consumed both raw and after proper processing. Compatibility with other products and a variety of applications will not cause losing weight negative emotions.

Cosmetic properties

The abundance of vitamins, minerals and organic acids in the composition of the plant, is successfully used in industrial and home cosmetics. Products based on celery have the following properties:

  • nourish and cleanse the skin;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • regulate the sebaceous glands;
  • tightening "tired" contours;
  • eliminate eels and comedones;
  • cleanse and tone up;
  • provide regeneration and youth at the cellular level.
Apply the product can be for any skin type, except that there is damage. It is noteworthy that beauty can be maintained both externally and internally.
The mask can also be made with zucchini, purslane and spinach.
Recipe number 1. Cleanser

The root is cut into thin layers and filled with water (50 g of raw material per 400 ml of liquid). On low heat the mixture is boiled for about fifteen minutes, then poured into a suitable container. It can be used not only as a cleansing lotion, but also as a base for a mask. This broth, cooked in larger quantities, is drunk a quarter of a glass before meals. The tool helps to overcome acne on the face.

Recipe number 2. Scrub Mask for Fading Skin

20 grams of root rubbed on a grater, dried in an oven for 10 minutes, and then crushed (using a blender or coffee grinder). Crushed raw materials are mixed with a teaspoon of potato starch, half a spoonful of lemon juice, applied to the face for ten minutes. Wash off with warm water, then apply a nourishing cream. Recipe number 3. Anti-aging cocktail

Root juice must be mixed with carrot or apple juice in a 1: 1 ratio. Drink a drink half a glass per day to improve the complexion, skin and hair, strengthen nails, improve visual acuity.

Recipe number 4. Nourishing and wellness mix

Grated celery (20 grams) should be mixed with grated ginger (10 grams) and a teaspoon of honey. The mask is applied on the face for fifteen minutes, and after rinsing they nourish the skin with a moisturizing cream. The same ingredients (ginger and root vegetable, sliced ​​into slices) are laid in layers in a glass jar, peremazyvaya layers of honey.

Did you know? French women are called the sexiest women in the world. They say that the secret of their success in nutrition: in almost every dish there are celery, carrots and onions (even in some desserts).
One teaspoon of such a remedy, taken daily, will help strengthen the immune system, protecting the body from colds and beriberi. Regular consumption of the product in the raw or after heat treatment will help clean the blood, and this is the main condition for clean and healthy skin.

How to cook delicious celery salad

Recipes for making salads with celery root do not count, but now we offer you only one of them, which will fit perfectly into a diet for weight loss, and in a normal diet.

Required Products

  • celery root - 1 pc .;
  • apple -1 pc .;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • nuts - 50 g .;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • thick natural yogurt - 6 tbsp. l

Step by Step Cooking Process

In a deep bowl, put the required amount of yogurt, squeezed garlic, mustard and lemon juice. Ingredients mix until smooth. Peeled root need to grate and immediately add to the dressing, mix. Peel the carrots and apples, grate them with a large grater and add to the celery, mix, so that the apple pulp does not darken. Chop walnuts (not very fine), leaving a few wholes to decorate. Add nuts to the salad, mix and cover with cling film. Put the salad in the fridge so that it is soaked with dressing and juice of all components. Before serving, decorate with halves of nuts. Despite the specific taste, the root vegetable can be very appropriate, if you know exactly how best to cook it. Given the beneficial properties for the whole organism, it is advisable to include celery in the diet for both children and adults.

Watch the video: What is Celery Root? (January 2025).