How is hot pepper for the body?

Peppers are plants of two genera that are not related to anything. The genus Kapsikum is a caplet, and its varieties are red (bitter or chili) and others. They have a keen taste for alkaloid capsaicin. And the genus Pepper is the same black (or pea) and long pepper - have a pungent taste due to the presence of the alkaloid piperine.

Calorie and nutritional value

About 1.87 g (7 kcal) of proteins, 0.45 g (4 kcal) of fats and 7.3 g (29 kcal) of carbohydrates are present in bitter pepper. The ratio in the energy plan is: (b / w / s): 19% / 10% / 73%. In addition, it contains saturated fatty acids (0.042 g), mono- and disaccharides (5.3 g), water (88.02 g), and dietary fiber (1.5 g).

Vitamins, micro and macronutrients

In the vegetable there are about forty vitamins, twenty minerals and many other nutrients:

  • A lot of vitamins of group B (choline, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine), as well as vitamins PP, K, E, C, A and beta-carotene;
  • Peppers contain manganese, selenium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sodium.

Varieties of bitter chili peppers

Chilli includes all hot peppers. They come from tropical America. Worldwide, about 500 varieties. Fruits differ in taste, shape, smell and, of course, burning.

Did you know? Hot red pepper is a berry! The most burning in it are the seeds and internal partitions.

Let's name some of its varieties:

  1. Anaheim - the fruit is green, long. It has a mild sharpness.
  2. Banana - thin and long form, a small amount of seeds. It has a spicy aroma, sweet taste.
  3. Cayenne - wrinkled shell and curved shape. The pungent taste and tart flavor.
  4. Habanero - the shape of the lantern. The hue changes from green to red. Exotic taste and tropical flavor.
    Did you know? When added to food, even a small amount of pepper is burned about 45 kcal.
  5. Padron - curved shape with grooves. The smell of savory, parsley and hot pepper.
  6. Serrano - small, elongated shape with rounded ends. Taste with a little sourness.

What is useful hot pepper

Vegetable has many beneficial properties: it treats sensory disorders, diseases of the central nervous system, has a beneficial effect on digestion, increases blood circulation, dissolves blood clots and improves liver function. At the expense of endorphins relieves pain and improves mood, and also removes toxins from the colon. Drugs made from it are used for insomnia and neuralgia.

For men

Vegetable has a positive effect on male potency. Due to endorphins, a man is under a surge of strength and, thus, gets rid of anxiety, often causing a decrease in potency.

Rosehip, Zheleznitsa Crimean, melon, scorzonera, periwinkle, maral root, hazel, parsley, common dope, horseradish, asparagus, arrows of garlic, goryanka, ginger, thyme, saffron, walnuts and nutmeg also have a positive effect on potency.

For women

This is a good tool for weight loss, but with healthy kidneys, heart and stomach. Pepper improves and accelerates blood circulation and metabolism, which has a positive effect on the breakdown of fats. It has few calories and carbohydrates.

Is it possible

About pepper, you can say that it is good in moderation. Even if you are healthy, it does not mean that it can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

Small children

This vegetable is completely prohibited for children under the age of 12 years.


For pregnant women, even in the absence of any health problems, it is also banned.

During lactation

It is better to exclude it from the food of nursing mothers. With milk, it enters the body of the child, and as we have said, for children under 12 years old, it is prohibited.

When losing weight

For weight loss chilli pepper is a godsend. It adds spiciness to food, allows to reduce a portion (you can not eat a lot of it), and also has a positive effect on metabolism and blood circulation.

Weight loss also contributes to: cardamom, swede, leek, okra, cauliflower, cherry, broccoli, lingonberries, spinach, apples, raisins, beans, carrots, red currants.

Application in the kitchen of different countries of the world

A hot vegetable is used in the kitchens of all countries. Most of all it is used in South American cuisine. It improves the taste of fish and meat dishes, soups, vegetables and side dishes. It is salted, stewed, pickled and marinated.

Shredded dried fruits are used as seasoning. Hot pepper goes well with basil, garlic, coriander and other spices. It is part of the curry seasoning and Tabasco sauces.

Important! To avoid irritation and burns when cooking with hot pepper, do not touch the mucous membranes with your hands (do not rub the nose, eyes, or bring it to the mouth).

How to choose when buying

Buying need to pay attention to such factors:

  • the pods should be bright, and the fruits are dense, smooth, without wrinkles;
  • need to avoid damaged, lethargic and perishable peppers;
  • dried fruit before drinking should be soaked in hot water for 30 minutes.

How to store at home

To preserve a vegetable longer, you need to follow several rules:

  • storage should be dark and cool;
  • you need to put everything in a plastic bag and use it in 2 weeks;
  • A large amount must be packaged in small packets and stored in the freezer.

Before freezing, the fruit must be washed. Prepackaged so as not to refreeze. With repeated frosts lost nutrients. In the freezer lie for about a year.

The use of hot medicine in traditional medicine

Different varieties of pepper are distinguished by their zhguchestyu. The higher it is, the more healing properties. Application in traditional medicine is very different.

Worm collecting

Any anthelmintic fees or tinctures with pepper, traditional medicine does not lead. Traditional healers simply recommend to include vegetables in small quantities in their daily diet.

With a cold

  1. When a cold begins, put a small piece of pepper in a glass of milk and boil. Throw pepper away, and drink milk and go to bed.
    For the treatment of flu and colds also use: garlic, anemone, lyubku two-leaved, raspberry leaves, sour, sage meadow, black cumin, onions, cranberries and stevia purple.

  2. You can insist 1 pod in 0.5 liters of vodka for 7 days in a dark place. Drink a quarter cup at the beginning of the disease. You can add pepper to tea.
  3. As trituration use oil-kerosene tincture. For it you need to grind 10 pods and add 1 cup of vegetable oil and kerosene. Put in heat for 10 days. At night, rub the chest and back and wear warm underwear.

With a cold

  1. The easiest way to get rid of a cold is to put ground pepper in socks for the night. Do not use at temperature.
  2. You can use pepper tincture. For its preparation take pods and 90% alcohol in the ratio of 1:10. Week insist and strain. Moisten several layers of gauze tincture, wrap your feet, put on woolen socks on top.


Gout-affected joints are smeared with tincture of 1 part red pepper and 5 parts vodka. Insist before use for 7 days in the dark and strain.

For pain in the joints

From articular pain apply oil-kerosene tincture. Her recipe is given in the section "For colds." She is lubricated with painful joints for the night.

How to use in home cosmetology

A hot vegetable is also used in cosmetology. It is part of the anti-cellulite preparations, shampoos, masks and balms. Also, pepper is in the composition of some toothpastes and helps to get rid of weakness and bleeding gums.

To strengthen hair

Pepper promotes blood flow to the hair follicles, reduces oily hair, and has a positive effect on thin and colored hair. To prepare a homemade mask you need to take 2 spoons of any vegetable oil and 1 spoonful of red pepper tincture. Rub the mixture into the scalp, put on a plastic bag and a scarf. Leave for half an hour, and then rinse well.

To strengthen the nails

Burning properties are used for the beauty and strength of nails. For a nail mask you need to mix half a teaspoon of ground pepper with 10 drops of boiled water and a teaspoon of hand cream. The mixture should be kept for 10 minutes in a water bath, then cooled. Lubricate the nails for 15 minutes and rinse. You can use no more than 8 times a month.

Contraindications and harm

In many countries, hot peppers are consumed in very large quantities. But despite its undeniable benefit, it can bring and harm.

Important! A large amount of pepper can damage the mucous membrane, provoke heartburn, and even malignant tumors.

Contraindications to the reception of burning vegetables are:

  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • heart, liver and kidney disease;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 12 years.

Even if you have no contraindications to the use of pepper, you still need to use it in small quantities in order not to harm the body. The importance of hot pepper in our lives is hard to overestimate. We use it in cooking, medicine, cosmetology. But before using it, it is necessary to study its effect on our body in order to gain benefit, and not cause harm.

Watch the video: How Eating Spicy Food Affects Your Brain And Body. The Human Body (January 2025).