Hardy beauty - Chinese plum varieties "Orlovskaya dream"

Chinese varieties garden plums are not very well known to gardeners, because Far Eastern breeding is quite young.

But decided to buy a little-known so far variety of Chinese plums Oryol dream did not regret it.

The tree is very hardy, does not grow uncontrollably, thickening planting, begins to bear fruit in the third year. And how beautiful it is in early spring, when there are no green leaves yet, and the branches are already covered with plum flowers like white foam.

Description of plum "Orlovskaya dream"

Plum "Oryol dream" description of the variety. AT kidney usually 3–4 flowers, crowns closely fitting the branches, for which several decades ago the Chinese plum was also called the “three-flowered plum”.

In the first days of May, blooms The discharge of this variety on May 10–14 is a real garden decoration with an indescribable scent. Pleases lovers and harvest.

Adult plum reaches a height of 3 meters, usually not higher than 2 - 2, 5 meters.

Spreading crown has the shape of a pyramid. It is not too thick and elevated above the ground.

Bark scaly, brown, on young shoots smooth and lighter. Lentils are clearly visible on young shoots, they are narrow and not too protruding above the surface. The buds have a regular conical shape, the leaves are dark green, smooth and slightly curved downward, with notches.

Scape - 1, 5 cm, with pigment spots. The flowers are very interesting: their petals are white, touch each other, and the stigma of the pistil, 6 centimeters long, protrudes slightly above the anther (stamens about 5 centimeters long).

Flower cups like bells, Chinese cherry fruits on the sprigs of flowers. The fruits of the Oryol dream are rounded, about 35 millimeters in height, weighing just over 30 grams. Coloring of a fruit is very beautiful - brown with violet light and as if covered with a wax raid.

Plums They are very tasty, their pulp is sour - sweet, dense, fibrous, yellow with brown color.

A photo

Photos of plums "Orlovskaya dream" are presented below:

Breeding history

The variety obtained by selecting seedlings of Chinese plum "Alenushka" after free pollination.

It was developed at the All-Russian Research Institute for the Breeding of Fruit Crops and is included in the State Register of the Central Black Earth Region.

Chinese plum is often called the three-flowered plum because of the flowering characteristics of the tree.

Characteristics of a variety

"Oryol dream" - variety of table purpose. The plum fruit bone is oval, it is difficult to separate from the pulp, its weight is 2 percent by weight of the berry.

This variety is partially self-fertile, but one or more plants of the same or other varieties in the garden do not interfere: for plum, self-fertility is a non-permanent trait.

Good yield, plum blossoms profusely in early May, fruits ripen by mid-August.

Despite the frost resistance, this variety is afraid of spring frosts, which can ruin the color.

With good care it is easy to achieve excellent yields. But it becomes one of the drawbacks Oryol dream: the abundance of fruits affects their size, the berry shrinks.

Planting and care

When planting this variety in your plot, consider that he likes:

  • shine;
  • turfy soil with sand and humus;
  • high places.

Destroy your plum can:

  • waterlogging;
  • podprevanie;
  • wind;
  • early bloom;
  • lack of pollinator.
It is better to plant a Chinese plum on a tall stem, considering that this plant is not too compatible with a domestic plum. Mistake with grafting can lead to inhibition of growth, fragility of the tree.


  1. In the landing pit (it needs to be prepared in advance, at least 14 days before planting, or better - in the fall) 60–80 centimeters deep, 50 centimeters wide, pour a drainage layer 20 centimeters: this may be rubble, expanded clay, and crockery.
  2. Then pour in the soil mixture: add 3 parts of humus and 1 part of sand to 3 parts of sod land.
  3. Insert a stake in the center of the pit (this will help make the seedling steady).
  4. Put a seedling with a good root system (preferably at least 3 - 4 branches 40-50 centimeters long) carefully put it in a recess, straightening the roots and gradually sprinkling the mixture of soil so that it fits tightly and does not break the roots, tied to a peg.
  5. Add fertilizer, and then ordinary land again, so as not to burn.
  6. Make sure that the root neck is 5-7 centimeters above the ground, this will help to avoid overriding.
  7. Ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium chloride will help settle down to a young plant.
  8. Water the tree well during the first year often, pouring no less than a bucket of water.
You can plant a plum in spring and autumn, but the Oryol dream is preferable in spring, as soon as the buds begin to swell.

A sapling, purchased in the fall, can be prikopat on the plot and cover for the winter, so that the frosts do not damage it.

Dig a tree that overwinters this way right before planting.

In the first 2-3 years, you need to cut strong-growing branches, frostbite tops, thin out growths. At this time, it is important to form the crown of the future fruit tree. Feed your seedlings with nitrogen fertilizer several times in the summer. Sometimes the tree is covered with manure, but do it carefully, so as not to burn.

Young plants for the winter it is better to wrap with cloth, sacking so that there is no frostbite and wounds.

In the future, the fruiting tree will require only the usual care for plums, healthful pruning, soil mulching and removal of old branches, foliage and weeds.

Diseases and pests

To one of the most serious diseases of plums - klesterosporiozu (he is a perforated spot) The Oryol dream is stable, it is included in the list of the merits of the variety.

Polystigmatosis (red spot) leaves may appear on young leaves with yellowish or reddish spots, which increase as the fungus grows. Diseased trees are bad fruit.

In years with high humidity, the disease develops rapidly.

For prevention, you should follow the rules of care, remove the old branches, the leaves from under the trees burn, not allowing the fungus to winter in your garden.

If the tree is sick, many gardeners use Bordeaux mixture, Strobe, Fundazole, which are sprayed with plants.

Among the pests dangerous to the Oryol dream are leaf beetles, moth, scytworm, nun silkworm and others.

After flowering, treat the trees with 0.2% solutions of karbofos or chlorophos.

Dangerous for seedlings anthill on the root system of a young tree. If your young plums began to overpower the ants, pour ordinary lime on the anthill and cover it with water.

From pests your garden will save such measures:

  1. Pruning and burning of damaged branches, digging the ground before the budding of the buds of the codworm, aphids, sawflies.
  2. Removal of damaged and fallen ovaries after flowering has ended, will save from all types of pests.
  3. Autumn harvesting of foliage, branches, dried bark, digging the soil will also protect against the appearance of pests in the spring.
Broth of onion peel, infusions of green tops of potatoes, dandelions and yarrow does not tolerate aphids.

Treat your trees with any of these remedies so that the plum sap does not attract these small, almost invisible insects.

A decoction of tomato tops, a mixture of water and wood ash, and mustard infusion will make the sawflies go.

Bitter wormwood is useful in any garden. Infusion of it saves from moth. And if you leave a few plants near any of the fruit trees, the smell of grass will scare away other harmful insects.

For gardeners Chinese plum Orlovskaya dream can be a real find. Adapted for many regions, this variety adorns the gardens in early spring, when other trees and shrubs just wake up, have good resistance to diseases and, with proper care, are very productive.

Many are afraid of the capriciousness of the new variety. But a little care and attention, planting and care with all the characteristics of the variety - and Oryol dream will become the embodiment of your dream about your favorite plum variety.

Watch the video: Our Favorite Grafted Loquat Trees Japanese Plums (January 2025).