Created for the Urals: description and photo of popular varieties of sweet pepper

Today, many types of peppers are grown in the Urals.

We describe some varieties of this vegetable that are most suitable for maturation in the climate of this region of Russia.


The variety "Trapez" is grown in Russia, Ukraine, as well as in Moldova. This is an early ripe vegetable. One of the main advantages of the variety is that it gives a stable crop. "Meal" is distinguished by good taste characteristics. It is stored very well even with long transportation. It has a good presentation. Sick plant is small, is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Used mainly for conservation.Take off the "meal" from the branch green, later he blushes. The length of the fruit is from 10 to 12 cm. These peppers are fleshy, soft in taste, belong to juicy fruits. Wall thickness "Meal" up to 10 mm. The shape of the fruit resembles a prism. Vegetables grow to 180 g

The plant reaches a size of 80 cm. "Meal" refers to the semi-determinant type. The bush is not very sprawling, has a large number of leaves. Vegetables begin to grow on the 95th day. The bush needs additional feeding, watering and loosening.

In the presence of a good greenhouse with a heating system and lighting, you can grow peppers of varieties Soloist, Golden Miracle, Swallow, Atlas, Kakadu, Ratunda, Cow's Ear, Orange Miracle, Antey, Belozerka, Anastasia, California Miracle, Claudio F1.
For the Urals, the “Trapez” pepper variety is considered to be fruitful - up to 12.6 kg per square meter can be collected. m


"Medal" - an early ripe vegetable. From sprouting sprouts to harvest, it takes about 110 days. In height "Medal" - 1 m 20 cm. The plant belongs to the compact, in some cases it is semi-sprawling. The size of the vegetable is big. The fruit resembles a wide prism, its surface is ribbed, the top is of a dull shape. Rip off the peppers green and use them when they turn red. The walls of the fetus reach a thickness of 4 mm, and the weight reaches 50 g.

The plant does not fall ill with gray mold. This tasty, sweet pepper variety is suitable for growing in the Urals. In addition, the "Medal" has a good yield: from 1 square. m can collect 4.5 kg of pepper.

Did you know? The first varieties of pepper were known 4000 years before our era.


"Hero" belongs to mid-season types. Since the emergence of sprouts and until the harvest takes about 130 days. Bogatyr blushes in a month. This is a tall plant. Bushes mostly sprawling. The height of the Bogatyr is 60 cm, the shape is conical-prism-shaped. The fruits are quite large, wavy. They take off their light green, later they turn red.

The wall thickness is 5.5 mm; the maximum weight reaches 180 g. The Bogatyr variety is rich in vitamin C and other vitamins, as well as trace elements. "Bogatyr" - is pleasant to the taste in raw form and is suitable for canning.

The plant is not afraid of tobacco mosaic, it also does not get sick with tip rot, and also has resistance to verticellosis fading. Differs in good transportability and productivity: from 1 sq. M. m harvest up to 7 kg.


The variety "Merchant" is early ripe, It is suitable for outdoor planting. You can also grow it in a closed greenhouse. Mature vegetables are obtained 14 weeks after germination. Plant height is about 80 cm, the bush is semi-sprawling. "Merchant" - large pepper, grows to 100 g. The shape of the fruit resembles a pyramid. Rip off the peppers of this variety green, ripening, they blush. The wall thickness of the vegetable is up to 8 mm.

"Merchant" is very fragrant, its flesh is juicy, contains many useful vitamins and trace elements. In addition, there are many sugars in the fruit. Used "Merchant" and raw and canned. It is also very tasty cooked, stewed and stuffed.

This pepper is popular with gardeners, because it has a good yield and large size. In addition, the "Merchant" is little sick and tolerates any weather conditions.

Did you know? Previously, pepper could be paid for goods - our ancestors valued it so highly.


Pepper "Dawn" is an early ripe vegetable. Plant height is 70-75 cm. The leaves of this variety are small, green, openwork. The fruits of "Dawn" are shaped like a cone, there are few edges. Rip off these peppers are also green, and later they turn red. The number of nests in Zare is from 2 to 3. The weight of the vegetable is no more than 100 g, the walls are no thicker than 6 mm. The rind of the fruit is glossy, dense structure.

The average yield of this variety is from 103 to 390 centners per hectare, and the maximum yield is 590 centners per hectare.

The vegetable has excellent taste, it is characterized by good transportability, it does not suffer from verticelle fading. Use "Zarya" in industrial processing. Fruits are consumed raw and canned.


"Intervention" - mid-season view. He has a long fruit formation: the vegetable is gaining an average size for 130 days from the moment the sprouts appear. Ripe fruit becomes about 160 days after germination. This is a fruitful type of pepper. The plant belongs to the indeterminate. Bushes branchy and sprawling. This is a vigorous plant, its average height is from 90 to 120 cm. The rafts are elongated and drooping. The shape of the fruit resembles a cone.

In one pepper "Intervent" - from 2 to 3 cameras. The maximum size is 27 × 6.5 cm, the minimum size is 20 × 5.5 cm. The “Intervention” grows to a weight of 200 to 250 g. The fruit that has reached its normal size is green, and the ripe fruit has a red color. The walls usually reach a thickness of 4 to 5 mm.

"Intervention" - high-yielding pepper. It is very tasty, resistant to tobacco mosaic. Growing "Intervention" in greenhouses. Plant it not thicker than 3 to 5 plants per 1 square. m

"Winnie the Pooh"

Selection of vegetables held in Moldova. "Winnie the Pooh" - a hybrid early-maturing look. The crop is removed after 100 days from the moment of seed germination. Shrubs are small plants, reaching 25 cm in height.

Important! Thanks to the small size of the bushes "Winnie the Pooh" can be grown in any greenhouse, even the smallest.

This pepper has a stab form and few leaves. The fruit grows like a bundle on the trunk of a plant. The shape of the fruit "Winnie the Pooh" is pointed, initially it is green, and when it matures, the color changes to red.

"Winnie the Pooh" - small in size. In length it grows up to 10 cm, the maximum weight is about 50 g, the wall thickness is 6 mm. This is a very sweet and juicy vegetable. They eat it fresh and stewed, and it is also good for baking and preserving.

Variety "Winnie the Pooh" does not suffer from verticillous wilting, resistant to tle. Refers to good "commercial" fruits. This pepper is beautifully stored and has good transportability. Winnie the Pooh has high yields, but fruits are very small in size and weight. Therefore, from 1 square. m collect no more than 5 kg of the product.

"Yellow" and "Red Bull"

"Red Bull"

The ripening period of the "Red Bull" is small. The fruits of this variety reach a mass of 200 g. Pepper grows up to 20 cm. The shape of the fruit is elongated, the maximum number of chambers in the pepper is 4. The walls of the Red Bull are thick. Initially, the pepper is green, after removing reddens within 5 days. A distinctive feature of the variety is that all the seeds that gardeners sow, sprout. Peppers need to be grown in a greenhouse, the best option - polycarbonate greenhouse. But in the southern part of the country it can be planted on the garden bed. The plant is tall, can grow up to 1.5 m.

Important! There are a lot of fruits on the “Red Bull” and they are all heavy, so you need to tie up the plant. To do this, next to each bush, install a peg.

"Red Bull" does not suffer from tobacco mosaic virus. It is also not susceptible to any diseases that sick nightshade.

"Yellow bull"

Yellow Bull is a hybrid species. It grows up to 20 cm. If you cut it in two, it will be 8 cm in cross section. The wall thickness is 10 mm. The average weight of the fruit - from 200 to 250 g, and the maximum weight can be 400 g. The surface of the "Yellow Bull" resembles a gloss, the skin is tender. The shape of the fruit resembles a truncated cone. "Yellow bull" has outside up to 4 faces. Peduncle dented. While the pepper is growing, it has a green color, and over time it turns yellow. The flesh is tender and juicy. This is a very tasty vegetable.

Variety grows to 1.5 m, has a good growth. Harvesting carried out after 3.5 months after germination of seedlings. The average time of ripening is from 3.5 to 4 months.

"Yellow bull" is not afraid of drought, but does not like the wind. Gives a good harvest, it is up to 9 kg / sq. m when grown in open ground and up to 20 kg / sq. m, if the pepper grows in a closed greenhouse. The fruit is different "marketability". It is stored for a long time, well transported.

It is used in canned, raw, boiled and stewed form.


"Pioneer" - an early ripe look. Its unripe color is green, and when ripe it changes to red. "Pioneer" grows up to 12 cm. The weight of the fetus ranges from 70 to 100 g, the shape is similar to a prism, the flesh is tender. This is a sweet juicy vegetable, its wall thickness is from 8 to 10 mm. The minimum height of a bush is 70 cm, and the maximum reaches 1 m. There are a few leaves on a plant, a half-spreading bush. "Pioneer" - a high-yielding vegetable. Productivity ranges from 9 to 12 kg per 1 square. m. The plant needs to be watered and loosened the earth in time, and also to conduct dressing.

Grade "Pioneer" disease-resistant, does not suffer from tobacco mosaic. It is stored for a long time and is well transported, is a "commodity" grade.

This pepper is very tasty. In cooking, it is used for canning. Grow it in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.


"Montero" - an early ripe grade. From the appearance of sprouts to ripening of seedless fruits, it can take about 12 weeks. The usual height of the bush - about 1 m, but it can grow and higher. The shape of the fruit "Montero" resembles a red prism. The average weight ranges from 240 to 260 g, and the maximum mass of the fetus was recorded in 2002 and was 940 g. The wall of the fetus has a thickness of 7 mm. This is a very tasty pepper.

This variety of pepper should grow in the greenhouse. The plant does not suffer from tobacco mosaic. Its productivity is from 7 to 16 kg per 1 sq. M. m

This review presented the main varieties of pepper for growing in the Urals. And which ones are the best - you decide.

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