Fig tree or fig: outdoor cultivation

Everyone knows such a fruit as figs. It is famous for its sweet taste and plenty of healthy substances.

In our article we will talk about popular varieties and how to grow fig tree in open ground.


The plant belongs to the subtropical deciduous shrubs, belongs to the Mulberry family. Cold latitudes are suitable for its cultivation; it is also possible to cultivate a bush at home.

In addition to the fig tree, mulberry and ficus also belong to the Mulberry family.
Pollination occurs with the help of osboplasts, in some cases other insects assume this function.

Important! If the planting of figs is planned on the territory with clay, dense soils, it is necessary to ensure the drainage with the help of coarse sand or gravel.
The plant has large leaves of dark green color, the length of which is up to 15 cm, and the width is up to 12 cm. The fruits are distinguished by sweet taste, juiciness, have a pear-shaped form. Their length is about 8 cm, radius - 5 cm, weight - up to 7 g.

Popular varieties

There are many varieties of fig trees. Consider the most popular ones.


Variety refers to the early ripening, samoplodnym, fruiting occurs 2 times a season. During the first harvest, the weight of the fruit can be up to 180 g. 3 years after planting, the plant is able to give the maximum yield.

Tree frost-resistant, can withstand temperatures up to -15 ° C. Pear-shaped fruit, painted in green. The flesh is red, different juiciness, sweet taste with a slight acidity.


Brunswick refers to the self-fertile, Remontant figs varieties. It has five-lobed leaves. Fruits of light green color, big sizes. The mass of one fruit can reach 200 g. The variety belongs to high-yielding, has good taste characteristics. The height of the shrub reaches 2 m. The flesh has a pink or red color.

Tiger variety

Refers to the old varieties. Its name was due to the specific striped color. The flesh of the fruit is red, the taste of the fig is very similar to strawberries. The variety has rather large, tall trees, differing drought tolerance and having a good fruiting.

Cherry, raspberry, gooseberry, barberry, almond, currant, bird cherry, sea buckthorn, shadberry, honeysuckle and hawthorn, as well as a fig tree, drought-resistant plants that can grow in hot and arid regions.

Outdoor cultivation

Quite often, a fig tree is grown in open ground. However, to achieve maximum results and get a big and tasty crop, you need to know how to plant and care for the figs in the open field properly.

Landing time

Planting fig tree can be carried out both in spring and autumn. If you plan to plant a plant in an unfavorable climate, it is better to postpone this event until spring.

Did you know? Figs - one of the trees-long-livers. The tree lives for hundreds of years, while fruiting is maintained for 300-400 years.
It is recommended to begin landing actions in the last days of April - the beginning of May. It is important that stable weather be established without night frosts.

Breeding methods

There are several ways to reproduce figs. With the help of seed, new cultivars are most often cultivated. If you decide to use the seed method for growing seedlings, remember that the characteristics of the parent plants are not always inherited. The vegetative breeding method is considered more efficient, using which one can preserve the varietal qualities of fig fruit. Consider in more detail each of the ways. Seeds

To get plant seeds, you need to choose a ripe, high-quality fruit.

  1. From the fruit with a teaspoon, you must select the pulp containing the seeds, put it in a small container and leave for 2-4 days in a warm room.
  2. After the start of the fermentation process, it is necessary to wash the seeds from the pulp, dry them and store until the sowing period at a temperature of + 5-7 ° C.
  3. In the third decade of February, you need to sow seed in the nutrient mixture, which includes sod land, humus and sand in the same quantity. It is necessary to deepen the seeds about 5 mm.
  4. After 3-4 weeks you will notice the first shoots. During the month it is necessary to spray the earth every day with warm water.
  5. When 5-7 leaves appear on the shoots, it is necessary to dive into separate pots, the diameter of which should be 10-12 cm.

Important! In order to prevent the occurrence of burns of the roots, fertilizer should be applied after irrigation.
It is possible to plant a small bush in open ground in 2-3 years. During this time, it is necessary to carry out regular watering and once every 2 weeks to carry out mineral and organic supplements.


Cutting cuttings is recommended in late autumn. For this purpose, one-year-old shoots are cut from an adult healthy bush. It is better if they are broken off and not cut off. This will allow them to settle down better and form a powerful root system. For planting, cuttings with a length of 25-30 cm and a diameter of at least 1.2 cm are suitable. It is recommended to use leaf and soddy soil, humus and sand as a soil mixture. Before use, the substrate must be sterilized. Landing includes the following stages:

  1. Pour the soil into a small container, level it and moisten it with warm water.
  2. It is necessary to deepen the cuttings by 7-10 cm, the distance between them should be 4-5 cm.
  3. Then it is necessary to cover the cuttings with glass and put in a warm place.
  4. After about 1 month, the seedlings will begin to grow actively.

Did you know? The smell of fig wood has found application in the perfume industry. The most popular fragrances are "Diptyque Philosykos" and "Versace Versence".
By the end of April, the saplings will become strong bushes, on which 3-4 leaves will appear. At this time it is necessary to bring the bushes into the garden so that they can gradually get used to the sun's rays. After the growing season, you need to bring the bushes room or put them in the cellar for wintering. In April, landing on a permanent place.


Before planting a fig tree, it is necessary to fertilize the prepared trenches with organic substances. This may be garden humus, matured compost, peat or rotted manure. This mixture should be poured into a trench: the layer should be about 30 cm. At the bottom of the pit, earthen mounds form through a distance of 2 m. It is worthwhile to install tree saplings on their tops, and after carefully spreading the root system, sprinkle it with earth. Then abundant watering is carried out. Each bush takes about 3-4 buckets of warm water. After that, the ground must be compacted and powdered with dry soil.


The fig tree in summer needs plenty of watering. Young plants should be watered every 7-10 days, with 5-10 liters of warm water needed for each tree. After the formation of the root system is to reduce soil moisture, while the volume of water increases to 8-12 liters.

Important! Not it is necessary to allow the land to dry out - this can cause loss of taste of the fruit.
After the irrigation procedure it is necessary to loosen the rows and weed them. The last watering should be carried out after the harvest is gathered - this will help to increase the winter resistance of the plant.

Top dressing

Much attention should be paid to top dressing:

  1. In the first third of the growing season, the plant must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers, which will contribute to an increase in green growth.
  2. In July, it is recommended to introduce phosphates, which are necessary for the qualitative formation of fruit ovaries.
  3. In the last third of the growing season do potash supplements - they are necessary for the ripening of wood.
  4. Every 2 months it is necessary to spray the plants with complex fertilizers.
Regularly fertilizing figs in moderation, you can achieve a tasty and large crop.


Requires special attention preparing the plant for winter. Perform this event is necessary if the air temperature will fall below + 2 ° C.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove all covering materials that were on the site.
  2. Then the binding of the shoots and their bending to the ground.
  3. The next stage is the construction of planks above the trench.
  4. On top of the boards, you must stretch the polyethylene.
  5. On top of the film is to pour garden soil, a layer of which should be 10-15 cm.
Due to the construction of this structure, the plant will survive the cold winter without serious consequences.

Did you know? The fruits of the fig tree begin to deteriorate within a few hours after harvest. That is why most often the figs are sold as drying or preserving.

Spring care

Removing the winter shelter should be carried out in mid-April. If this procedure is postponed, it can lead to decay of figs. If there is a crust on the soil, or it has not completely melted, it is necessary to pour it with hot water. Above the seedlings is to build a greenhouse again, straighten the branches. Dry leaves must be harvested and burned, and the pea-fruit should be left on the branches.

Fruit picking

Fruit ripening is uneven, therefore, the harvest should be carried out as soon as it is ready. Ripe fruits can be identified by the presence of nectar drops on their skins, and they also acquire the tint inherent in a particular variety. Tearing a ripe fruit, you can see that there is no release of the milky juice. Do not leave ripe fruit on the tree for a long time. - they quickly deteriorate and lose their presentation.

Learn the beneficial properties and contraindications of figs.

After reading our article, you learned how figs grow, what this fruit is and how to properly care for it in the open field. Having grown unusual fruits, you can enjoy their original taste and enrich the body. a large number of nutrients and vitamins.

Watch the video: How to Grow Figs - Complete Growing Guide (January 2025).