Characteristics and description of the apple variety "Red Chief"

Among the huge number of fruit crops, apple trees are the most popular, which occupy about 70% of all country and home gardens. Gardeners are especially appreciated by the autumn, early-ripening varieties, which include the outstanding variety of apples "Red Chief" or "Snow White Apple".

Appearance history

Apple variety "Red Chief" was obtained in the USA (Iowa), as a result of selective selection from another popular species - Red Delicious. However, some breeders, on the contrary, argue that a new variety of apple trees did not arise intentionally, but as a result of random sowing after crossing Grims Golden and Golden Reinet varieties. This species came to world markets in 1914, where it quickly gained high popularity for its qualities.

Did you know? The longest-lived apple tree in the world was planted in America in Manhattan in 1647 by Peter Stewesant, where it remains to this day and even bears fruit.

Botanical description

In order to appreciate the varieties of red chif apple trees, it is necessary to refer to their detailed botanical description.

We advise you to read about the intricacies of growing apple trees of the varieties Uralets, Imrus, Pepin Saffron, President, Champion, Cinnamon Striped, Berkutovskoe, Solnyshko, Zhigulevskoe, Medunitsa.


This variety is characterized by fairly undersized skoroplodnymi trees with rounded miniature crowns, which gives gardeners an excellent opportunity to plant them in dense rows.


The fruits are considered the main advantage of the presented variety - large (more than 200 g), truncated-conical, slightly elongated, with a wax rich red skin, pleasant aroma and sweet taste. The flesh of apples compacted, medium juiciness. The dry matter content of at least 15%.

Important! According to the tasting scale, the Red Chif fruits are rated at 4.8 points, which gives the right to call their taste one of the best in the world.

Characteristic variety

High-quality "Snow White Apples" are characterized by such indicators:

  • high level of winter hardiness;
  • average drought tolerance;
  • good transportability.

The removable maturity of apple trees is rather late and falls at the end of October, while the consumer one - in December.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each variety has its pros and cons. Fortunately, in the case of Red Chief, the positive aspects far exceed the negative ones.

Grade advantages:

  • high resistance to mechanical damage;
  • good tolerance of freezing temperatures;
  • long-term preservation of fruits (in the case of storage without the help of special equipment, apples do not lose their presentation until mid-February);
  • wide use;
  • high level of commercial and consumer quality;
  • unpretentiousness of plants in planting and further care;
  • good resistance to bacterial burn and powdery mildew.

Read also about the features of planting and caring for apple varieties "Glory to the winners", "Rozhdestvenskoe", "Ural Bulk", "Orlinka", "Orlovim", "Zvezdochka", "Papirovka", "Ekonomnaya", "Antey", "Antonovka ".

Among the disadvantages of this variety, it is possible to distinguish low resistance to some garden diseases: bitter spot, fruit vitreousness, rot and scab.

Planting rules seedlings

In order to saplings of the variegated "Snow White Apple Trees" get acclimatized well on the site, and later develop well and bear fruit, you must first take into account a few important landing rules:

  • the place should be without significant groundwater occurrence, the root system of trees will quickly begin to die from their abundant uplift and prolonged stay in the soil. In order to calculate the unfavorable places in advance, one should pay attention to the following sign: a dry peak at the root of the seedling;
  • the landing site must be open and in good sunlight;
  • on the northern side, the landing should be protected from strong, cold winds;
  • the soil should be chosen loamy, since on the sandy soils of this type, the winter hardiness will significantly decrease;
  • planting is desirable to place on the south side of buildings, this will provide plants with additional shelter during return frosts;
  • Selected plants should be planted only on low growth or medium height rootstocks. The landing scheme, in this case, should look like this: 4x1.5 m;
  • The best pollinators of this type will be the varieties: Golden Delicious, Gloucester and Elstar.

Important! For Red Chief, soils with an elevated level of mineral salts are also harmful.

How to care for a grade

To care for varietal planting "Red Chief" is not hard, because by themselves the trees of this species are not capricious and unpretentious. But not to do without some of the most necessary agrotechnical activities:

  • in the summer, especially on hot and dry days, apple trees need to provide abundant watering;
  • After wetting, the soil should always be loosened near the trunk and across the crown area, while not forgetting to remove weeds (weeding). Such procedures will allow the root system of the apple to get enough oxygen;
  • every year, starting with 3-4 years of life of a sapling, in the spring period of time, fertilizer, previously purchased in a specialty store, is laid under the trunk;
  • if the soil for the seedlings was chosen not entirely successfully and is considered “empty”, then it is necessary to start feeding in the first year after planting;
  • Do not forget about the spring chemical treatments of plants for the prevention of various pests and diseases. Manipulations should be carried out before flowering;
  • in the fall and spring, pruning is carried out, during which sick, frozen shoots, as well as excess branches, which excessively thicken the crown, are necessarily removed. After completing the procedure, it is advisable to treat the cut points with a garden pitch.

Did you know? In the UK every year, October 21, the population celebrates "Apple Day" ("Apple Day").

If you follow all the rules for planting and caring for the variety "Red Chief", your apple trees will long delight you with wonderful fragrant blooms and abundant high yield.

Watch the video: Scarlet-2. Red delicious Apple Spur variety. New Features. Live (December 2024).