Useful properties and contraindications of golden whiskers

Golden mustache is a perennial plant that can often be found on the windowsills of apartments or in small greenhouses. The flower has not long ago been considered exotic, since its habitat is the tropics. But fragrant callusia is known not for its decorative properties, but for its healing properties. So let's analyze all the useful properties of the flower and find out how to use them correctly.


Kallisia fragrant belongs to the monocotyledonous plants from the family Kommelinovye. The plant is also called "golden mustache" because of the horizontal shoots that go in different directions. Kallisia also has vertical shoots that can reach 2 m in height.

Most often at the ends of the horizontal shoots formed sockets. Small fragrant inflorescences are located along the horizontal shoots. During flowering petals become white.

Did you know? The name Kallisia is derived from the Greek word "callus" and translates as "beauty."
The leaves of the golden whisker are dense and smooth, up to 30 cm long and 5 cm wide. The habitat is tropical forests.

The composition of the golden mustache

The golden mustache flower is known for its healing properties. The composition of the plant juice includes flavonoids, among which the important ones are kaempferol and quercetin, as well as steroids and fiber.

A tropical plant contains tannins, phytosterols, B vitamins, nicotinic acid. Calcium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, copper and many other trace elements are present in the leaves of the plant.

Such indoor plants such as hibiscus, jacuzzi, aloe, kalanchoe, yucca, cacti have become famous for their useful properties.

Useful properties of the plant

Due to the rich composition of vitamins and important trace elements, "golden mustache" has antispasmodic, antioxidant, regulatory action. The use of decoctions or infusions made from a flower helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. This is due to the presence of fiber and pectin in the juice of the leaves. In folk medicine, there are various recipes for tinctures from a plant, as well as ointments that can be used daily for arthrosis.

Thanks to quercetin, which is part of the juice of the leaves of callusia fragrant, pain during movement is reduced, as well as salts from cartilage are removed. Beta-sitosterol helps to normalize disturbed metabolism and endocrine system.

Golden mustache includes many useful properties that help in the fight or prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels and joints.

The use of therapeutic properties

Fragrant callusia is a universal plant from which various therapeutic mixtures can be made. They are used for angina, inflammatory processes of the skin, as well as stomach ulcers and in the process of glaucoma treatment.

The main rule of using golden whiskers - compliance with all dosages. After all, an overabundance of those substances that are part of the juice of a plant can be dangerous.

Important! Ointments, decoctions and other means are best made in the fall, when the plant collects the maximum amount of useful substances in its leaves and stems.

The juice

The sap of the plant is obtained from the leaves. To do this, you will need to rinse and finely cut the cut material (usually takes 1 sheet to 10-15 cm long) and fill it with boiled water. Leave the mixture to infuse for no more than 8 hours. Then strain the composition. Juice is ready.

Juice Kallisia fragrant used for diseases of the throat. But for the use of kalliziya, it is necessary to prepare in advance the garlic infusion of honey, lemon and garlic. For this you will need:

  • 4 heads of garlic;
  • 400 g of honey;
  • 5-6 pieces of lemon.

After cleaning all the ingredients, grind and mix everything until smooth. Honey add last. Garlic infusion before use is stored in a cool, dark place for 10 days.

Therefore, you should prepare it in advance and use as needed. At the same time it will be enough for half a teaspoon of garlic infusion to add one teaspoon of juice kallizii. Gargle is recommended 2 times a day. But if there is no pre-cooked infusion, you can make it much faster. Two cloves of garlic are ground and poured a glass of boiling water.

Then everything is filtered and a teaspoon of honey is added. Kallisia is added according to the same principle: for 1/2 teaspoon of garlic infusion - 1 teaspoon of plant juice.

The juice of kallisia fragrant is added to the mask against acne (just one teaspoon in any mask is enough). If you find yourself in the fungus of the foot and nails, then a mixture of juice and water or juice and vegetable oil will help you get rid of this disease.

The ratio of juice to water should be 1: 3, and to vegetable oil 1: 5.

Important! Gold mustache juice can be consumed only within 24 hours, otherwise it will lose its properties.


For infusion of kallizii need one large leaf of the plant (up to 25 cm) and one cup of boiling water. In deep dishes you need to grind the pre-washed leaf of fragrant callus. Then pour boiling water, wrap any material and insist for 24-36 hours. Infusion should be dark pink. It is used for pancreatitis and gastrointestinal diseases.


Golden whisker tincture on vodka has become widely used in osteochondrosis. On the horizontal whisker shoots, divisions can be seen - the joints (nodules of a dark purple color).

To prepare the tincture will need 20 of these "joints". You need to take a deep dish, chop the material and pour it with 1 liter of vodka. The entire composition should stand one week in a dark place. Sometimes it needs stirring.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis will help: ambrosia, sunberry, alokaziya, acacia, zhivokost, fir, mordnikov.

Then the whole mixture is filtered, and the liquid is poured into the jar. The can itself should be tightly closed, because the tincture has a sharp smell. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take 40 drops of tincture per glass of water once a day for ten days.

Tincture of the golden mustache shows its healing properties in diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Important! During the use of tincture, you must give up alcohol and smoking.


For decoction suitable two leaves of a plant of small size. Crush them and put in a saucepan, pour immediately with 1 liter of boiling water. After that, boil for 3-4 minutes.

After removing the pan, wrap material that retains heat well. Broth must insist knocks. Then you can strain. Apply a decoction for diabetes and pancreatitis (50 ml of broth 40 minutes before meals three times a day during the week).


The oil of this tropical flower is recommended for massage and the prevention of arthritis. There are two cooking recipes:

  1. Cake, which remained after making the juice, pour linseed oil so that it completely covers the golden mustache. Stir and let stand 17-20 days. After that, strain and pour into a container of dark glass.
  2. Pour the sunflower or flaxseed oil into the crushed joints. The ratio of joints to oil is 1: 2 (for example, 1 tablespoon of crushed joints to 2 tablespoons of oil). Then simmer in a water bath for 6 hours. The main thing is to stir and not let boil. Cool the mixture and strain through cheesecloth. Store in a dark glass container.


To prepare the ointment, it is best to use fragrant callus juice. Two tablespoons of butter should be mixed with one tablespoon of juice. Oil should be pre-melt.

Mix all ingredients and place in a container with a lid. Store in the refrigerator. Ointment from fragrant callusia is used for pain in the joints and for healing wounds. It is possible to prepare an ointment with the addition of vaseline or baby cream. For this you need 4-5 leaves of the plant. They need to be washed and chopped. Add to cream.

The ratio of plants and cream / vaseline should be 2: 3. Keep the ointment in a cool place. Used for frostbite and bruise treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the positive reviews of the medicinal properties of the "golden usa", there are many contraindications to its use. First, the excessive use of fragrant callus in any form leads to the accumulation of phytosteroids.

Because of this, headaches and fatigue begin, because the body can not cope with their processing. Secondly, the decoction and tincture detrimental effect on the vocal cords. As a result, you can hoarse and will restore the voice for a long time.

Therefore, you should not take these funds for more than seven days. Thirdly, an overdose of substances callus causes itching in the abdomen.

Did you know? Domestic cats are often sensitive to fragrant callus. They may have an allergic reaction to the flower.
Golden mustache is contraindicated in pregnant women and children, as well as people with kidney disease. If you had an adenoma, then the use of the plant in any form is prohibited.

Do not forget also that the use of tincture from kallisy is strictly prohibited in case of diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Fragrant callusia surpasses even ginseng in its healing properties. But do not forget that folk recipes can not always cure you and your loved ones.

Contact your physician initially and consult with him before using golden whiskers in any form. If you have made any medicine from a plant, then write the date of manufacture on the container with it. After all, even "homemade" drugs can not be stored for a long time.

Watch the video: Каллизия душистая или Золотой ус. Лекарственные растения на подоконнике. Рецепты. (January 2025).