Decorating the site with Chilean gravity

One of the common plants used for decorating flowerbeds and borders is gravilat. In this article we will tell you how Chilean gravilat looks like, how it is planted and cared for in the open field, and also provide a photo of the plant.


Gravilat belongs to the Pink family. The plant is represented by small perennial shrubs that have straight stems. Possesses basal rosette with large leaves of pinotuspane or pinis-dissected form. Among the inflorescences found corymbose and paniculate. Flowers bell type; white, pink or yellow. Pollination occurs with the help of insects. The genus includes about 50 species, and culture - 20.

Gravilat is used not only for decorative purposes, it also has healing properties.

Important! Before planting, think carefully about the place for the flower. During transplantation, it may die, so it is better to immediately provide it with a permanent place.
The flower is the owner of a creeping, blackish, slightly woody root that grows deep in the soil. The height of the perennial is usually 60 cm. Flowering occurs in July and August.

Choosing a landing site

To grow healthy and please the eye, you need to choose the right place for his landing.


For planting plants need to choose well lit areaon which the sun's rays fall. In the shade a flower can also survive, but its growth will not occur very quickly.

The soil

When planting, it is better to give preference to non-oxidized soils. It is recommended to pre-fertilize the land with a mixture of charcoal, coarse sand and hardwood soil. It is not necessary to plant a flower in waterlogged soil - sprinkle a little bit of soil and lift the flowerbed.

How to plant Chilean gravity?

Planting plants should be made in the spring. Despite the fact that the flower does not belong to capricious cultures, it is recommended to loosen the soil a little. Be sure to make it peat or compost. If there is only land with high acidity for disembarking, add a little dolomite flour to it. When planting a crop, stick to the recommended distance between the bushes - at least 20 cm.

Did you know? If the light low-alcohol drinks add tincture of orange peel and rhizomes of gravilate, they will get the taste of vermouth.

Planting a flower We recommend using some tips:

  1. A great option when disembarking is the use of low long rabatok. They will harmoniously fit into the framing of the paths.
  2. Another good solution is mixborders. They are necessary for the collection of plants that bloom constantly. Having dropped the gravity with other colors, you can create a beautiful composition.
The flower can be used to create a carpet lawn. Due to the fact that such areas are more often in the shade, the bush will bloom less often, but it will please you with beautiful greenery.

To decorate the borders you can use: zhivuchku, dicenter, balsam, aster, bells, chrysanthemum, arabis, fuchsia.

Care features

Like any culture, Chilean gravity needs care. Consider what you should pay attention.


Plant able to endure a small drought, but it does not mean that you can not water it. In the summer, when the air temperature is especially high, it is necessary to perform abundant and regular watering. Even if the flower has suffered from severe drought, with the help of abundant watering it can be reanimated. To prevent rotting of the roots, it is necessary to build drainage.


Better to use for dressings fertilizer preparations. Please note that their composition should be nitroammofosk. This fertilizer has the form of granules and contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Thanks to this feeding, made 2 times a season, the gravilat will delight you with a lush and beautiful flowering.

Soil care

The soil in which gravel is planted is necessary periodically loosenand also add wood ash to it once a season. If the flower grows on waterlogged soil, it is worth it to either transplant or lift, fill up the ground.

Important! If germination did not happen after the landing, you should not think that the seeds died - they can ascend in a year or two. If you need a plant in the current season, it is better to plant its seedlings.

Sometimes there is a need for pruning. It may be necessary to remove the inflorescences that have faded, to rejuvenate the plant and give it shape. Pruning will have a favorable effect on gravilate and will contribute to the growth of new shoots and brighter, lush blooms.

Instilled breeding

If you decide to plant Chilean gravel on the plot, you can choose one of two ways: growing from seed or dividing a bush. Consider each one of them.


Before planting seeds, their pre-stratified and soaked in water. Thanks to these measures, you can significantly increase the germination of seed. Seedlings cover with a film, thus protecting them from frost.

It is necessary to provide them with moderate watering. Then perform a dive seedlings on the bed. It is worth moving them to a permanent place at the end of the summer or in the spring. Gravilat "Fireball", the cultivation of which was made from seeds, is sure to decorate your summer cottage.

Dividing bush

If you decide to propagate a plant by this method, better to perform the procedure in the spring. It is not recommended to repeat it more than 4 times a year. It is necessary to carefully separate the child rosettes with pieces of the root system from the parent plant. Saplings immediately worth planting on the prepared area and watering abundantly.

How to protect a plant in winter

Chilean Gravilat is a plant with good frost resistance. However, despite this, with the arrival of cold weather it is better to protect him with a shelter. Lap branches can be used for this, you can also cover the flower with a rich carpet of dry leaves. To use fabric materials, winding up a plant, is useless - they will not save it from frost.

Did you know? Gravilat - one of the few plants, a decoction which allows you to bring back to normal and regulate sweating.

Chilean Gravilat is a beautiful plant that will add to the appeal of any site. With proper care of the flower, he will delight you for years.

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