Autumn apple pruning in detail

Many gardeners argue about when it is better to prune apple trees in spring or autumn. Practice shows that in relation to seed-type trees, pruning will be useful and expedient in both spring and autumn.

In our article, we will consider in detail the procedure for pruning apple trees in the fall: we will learn all about the timing, goals and methods of this event, we will reveal all the details and analyze all the mistakes made during this procedure.

Why do I need autumn pruning of apple trees

First of all, trimming - This is a process aimed at creating a beautiful, correct form of the crown of the tree, as well as to increase its yield. Proper removal of old dry branches stimulates the growth of new and healthy, rejuvenates the plant and reduces the risk of hollowing and rotting. Thinned crown is well and evenly illuminated and warmed by the sun, which allows the fruit to grow and ripen at the same time and evenly. Such a crown also makes it easier for gardeners to harvest and care for the tree itself. Autumn pruning, among other things, prepares trees for comfortable wintering.

Did you know? In the US, there is an apple tree, which this year is 370 years old. The most amazing thing is that it still gives fruit, although it was planted as early as 1647.

Optimum time for autumn pruning

Pruning apple trees in the fall should fall under certain deadlines. The best time for this - the period from the moment all the leaves fell, before the first frost hit. During this period, the tree is in a calm, "sleepy" state, and pruning will not cause it stress.

Important! The main thing is to prevent freezing of the trimmed areas on the tree. This can provoke long overgrowth and even decay.

Usually, autumn pruning is carried out in one of the warm sunny days of November.

Set of garden tools for work

In order to prune all the excess from the crown of an apple tree, you will need the following:

  • gardening scissors;
  • pruner;
  • garden knife;
  • hacksaw or saw.
With scissors and shears, it will be easy for you to cut thin branches, and you will need a saw or a handsaw to remove thick branches.

Important! The main thing that the tool was well ground. A dull blade will cause the tree additional wounds that will slowly heal.

Apple tree pruning scheme depending on age

Pruning trees of every age has its own reasons and subtleties. Therefore, when determining the scheme, you need to consider how old your apple tree is.

Young trees

Formation of the crown of the future adult tree occurs mainly during the first pruning, after planting the seedling. Therefore, when pruning young apple trees in the fall, the scheme is quite simple, most often it is called "weak".

Strongly grown and ugly protruding branches are cut to a quarter, giving the apple tree a symmetrical, neat shape. If "competitors" were formed at the central branch, they should be removed - the trunk should be one. If the crown of a young tree is too elongated, the top should be shortened to stop growing the apple tree far up - this will complicate the process of leaving and harvesting an adult tree. You can also hang the weights to the lower branches, directed sharply upwards, so that they take a horizontal position, and if necessary, it was easier for you to reach them.

To care for the garden properly, familiarize yourself with the features of pruning apple trees, peach, cherry, plum, pear, apricot, grapes.

Fruiting apple trees

For fruit trees, pruning has mainly character thinning. If you see that the crown is too thick, it prevents proper lighting and ventilation of all its branches, it will be necessary to thin it out for the winter so that these problems do not happen next season.

Removed branches growing deep in the crown, dry, as well as those that take up a lot of space, closing the rest. The main thing is to open the access of heat and light to the center. Again, if a tree has grown too high upwards - its top needs to be shortened and directed to an increase in width. The main rule for circumcision - This is to remove the branches "under the ring", that is, without leaving stumps and torn sections, to prevent rotting. And always remember that it is worth starting with pruning with large unwanted branches, and then it will be better seen if you need pruning of small ones. A tree will more easily and quickly suffer one big loss than many small ones.

Did you know? Cut dry apple branches are ideal for making a fire over which food will be cooked. Meat, roasted on coals from the branches of an apple tree, has a richer taste and breathtaking aroma.

Old apple trees

The scheme for pruning old apple trees in the fall mainly comes down to their rejuvenation. With age, the apple tree loses the level of yield, its branches grow old, dry and do not produce fruit. To fix this and prolong the life and fruiting of the tree as long as possible, all the dry, sick, old branches are cut or cut. The slices heal quickly and a new life forms in their place.

Important! To rejuvenate the old apple is better not immediately, but within two years.

Heavily overgrown tree, we also thin out and adjust the shape of the crown. All small branches growing at an acute angle are also to be removed. Of the two closely growing branches, we cut the one that looks weaker.

Pruning and cleaning unsuitable branches are a prerequisite for preventive measures against the development of various diseases of the apple (for example, powdery mildew and scab).

Post-trimming activities

After you have adjusted the shape of the crown, freed the tree from dry and diseased branches, rejuvenated and thinned your apple tree, it is time to process the cuts. Usually for this use garden pitch. This is an effective tool that blocks the open "wound", not allowing the tree to lose vital juices through it. Var is usually a solution of lime, with the addition of copper sulphate, in the ratio of 10 to 1. If the frost is near, keep in mind that the var can freeze from the surface of the wood after freezing. During this period, it is better to use oil paint as a tool for treating slices.

Important! So that the paint does not burn the tree, it should be only oily, based on drying oil! Other types of paints for this procedure are not suitable.

Also remember that the places where you cut off old and dry shoots should be processed immediately, and those where green sprigs grew and the wound turned out to be “wet”, it is better to dry them within 24 hours before treatment.

That's all you need to know about pruning apple trees in the fall in order to carry out this procedure correctly - do not harm the tree and increase the amount of its harvest for the next season. As you see, there is nothing difficult here, the main thing is to follow simple rules, and your apple trees will delight you with their health and tasty apples for many years to come.

Watch the video: How To Prune Apple Trees Between Autumn And Spring (December 2024).