Features of planting and maintenance of Pinky Winky paniculate hydrangea variety

Hydrangea Pinkie Winky - It is a shrub with lush buds that can create a magnificent background for landscape design in your garden. Its bloom is long lasting, and the beauty of flowers is amazing. Shrub does not belong to unpretentious, but it is also impossible to call it capricious. Just need to know all the features of care. Consider them in more detail.

Variety description

The variety of hydrangea paniculata Pinky Winki was bred in Belgium in 2003. A distinctive feature of it is cone-shaped inflorescences of large size (up to 20 cm long). They consist of fetal and sterile flowers. Flowering begins in July and continues until the cold October. Hortensia blooms in white, but eventually turns purple-pink.

The coloring of the inflorescences occurs gradually, so the same brush can have white and pink flowers. This gives picturesque shrubs. Elliptical leafy plants of a large size, pubescent from above, in summer green, in autumn - reddish. The size of the bush can be quite large: about two meters in diameter and up to two meters in height. The plant consists of several trunks, the shoots are straight and strong, so do not need to tie them.

Check out other varieties of hydrangea paniculata.

Choosing a place in the garden

To choose the right place for planting, it is necessary to proceed from the characteristics of the variety and its large size. Pinky Winky variety does not like transplants due to the superficial and bulk root system. Given this, you must immediately choose a suitable permanent place. Replanting a plant, you damage its root system, and this significantly impairs its development.

Did you know? Hydrangea got its name thanks to the first French round-the-world expedition of 1768. Her party Nassau-Siegen named an unknown flower in honor of his sister. Later, this man became the admiral of the Russian Navy of the Catherine era.

Lighting for landing

The plant loves sunny beds with a slight shade. Better fit a place with bright sunshine half a day and a little penumbra the rest of the time.

Soil selection for shrubs

The plant is demanding to the soil. The flower grows in a loose, fertile soil with a pH of 4.5 - 5.5. These are acid podzolic soils. Soil fertility should be regularly raised with fertilizers for hydrangea. Also, the soil under the bush needs constant loosening.

The main stages of planting Pinkie Winky hydrangea variety

Hydrangea paniculata Pinky Winky for the successful development in need of proper planting and care. Plant shrubs better in early spring. Planted in the fall of the plant should be covered for the winter. The seedling is placed in a shallow hole (up to 50 cm deep), having previously moisturized it well and placed a mixture of peat, sand, humus and coniferous litter on the bottom. It should be remembered that the root system develops in breadth, so the hole should be wide. You can add mineral fertilizers when planting (25 g of urea, 65 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium sulfate). The hole is filled up so that the root neck is near the surface. Later the plant is watered and mulched. Until the final engraftment, the plant needs regular watering.

When planting hydrangea, use sheep, pork, cow, rabbit and horse humus.

Plant growing rules

Annually, the shoots of Pinkie Winky hydrangea grow on average by 30 cm. The number and size of inflorescences depend on simple rules for caring for shrubs.

Do I need to often water the bush

Pinky Winky is moisture-loving. With insufficient watering, flowering abundance and size of inflorescences are significantly reduced. To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out mulching. Its goal is to maintain sufficient moisture in the root zone and protect the roots of the plant from overheating. For this, the soil in the area of ​​the hydrangea roots is sprinkled with sawdust, peat, bark, pine needles up to 10 cm thick. Water the bush often and abundantly. In the summer at least once a week in the amount of 15-20 liters of water, in spring and autumn - once every two weeks.

Features feeding and care for the soil

Proper feeding of Pinkie Winky hydrangea promotes good growth and lush flowering plants. Feeding is carried out in several stages: in the spring for good growth, in June for the formation of flowering and during flowering for lush flowers and the formation of buds of the next year. To do this, use complex fertilizers for rhododendrons and azaleas or hydrangeas, as well as organic fertilizers.

Pruning Hydrangea Trimming

Proper pruning of a panicle hydrangea should take place in the fall and spring. In the fall, it is necessary to cut dried inflorescences so that the snow does not break the shoots of the plant. In early spring, before the plant wakes up, all weak and dried shoots under the stump should be removed, and the strong ones should be shortened to 2-3 pairs of buds. Pruning carried out over the kidney, leaving no large hemp. It activates the growth of new shoots. If you cut the hydrangea shortly, the inflorescences will be large, and if it is sparing, the number of pyramids will increase, but their size will be smaller. For mature shrubs spend rejuvenating pruning.

The formation of a hydrangea bush resembles the formation of a tree. The trunk is cut, and skeletal branches form from the place of cutting. These branches are also pruned, and they give their shoots, which are also pruned.

Important! Pruning hydrangeas is needed not only for flowering, but also for the prevention of pests and fungi. They reproduce better in densely growing crown.

Breeding features

The reproduction of this type of hydrangea produce cuttings or layering. For breeding by layering choose a strong branch of a plant, bend it to the ground and fix. From above the place of fixing is sprinkled with soil. A year later, the layers will take root, and it is transplanted to a permanent place. This process can be carried out in spring or early autumn.

During pruning, unnecessary branches can be used for cuttings. The stalk should contain 3-4 internodes. The lower parts of the cut cuttings are treated with a growth stimulator and put in cups of soil. Two parts of the cutting must be in the soil and one on top. The soil mixture is prepared from sand and peat in equal proportions. Markets on top are covered with plastic wrap. Planted cuttings in the soil after the appearance of new shoots.

In autumn or spring you can multiply the hydrangea by dividing the bush.

Did you know? Hortensia is sometimes called leptosia. This name was given to a new flower from Japan by the French naturalist Philibert Commerson in honor of the famous scientist in the field of mathematics and astronomy Nicole-Rein Lepot.

How to prepare the plant for winter

The shrub of this variety of hydrangea refers to frost. It withstands temperatures up to -25 degrees. Moreover, the older and stronger the plant, the easier it tolerates winter and does not need shelter. Young plants up to 3 years of age must be covered. To do this, use a layer of rotted manure or dry leaves and peat, covering the root zone. Shelter thickness should be 16-20 cm.

Chubushnik, spirea, barberry, silverweed, almond, magonia, euonymus, juniper, tamarix and snowberry are frost-resistant ornamental plants that can withstand low temperatures for a long time.
Hydrangea Pinky Winky, according to the description, refers to the accent plants of landscape design. It can be planted along the banks of ornamental ponds, near arbors, as hedges. Decorative shrubs not only in gorgeous colors, but also in attractive foliage, which is combined with other shrubs in landscape compositions.

Watch the video: Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky' (January 2025).