What to do if the leaves of the Phalaenopsis orchid wither, the main causes of wilting

The Phalaenopsis orchid is an exceptionally beautiful and most popular hybrid of the home-made orchid. These amazing plants are different from other household flowers, and they require special care.

Wherever you get the Phalaenopsis orchid, it would not hurt to assign her a month quarantine just in case and place away from other representatives of the home greenhouse. Phalaenopsis are considered unpretentious, but it happens that the plant starts to hurt.

Having found that they wither, frown, or become covered with spots, or the phalaenopsis orchid leaves change, the careful owner tries to figure out what to do in such cases.

Phalaenopsis orchid leaves are wrinkled, what to do

At some point you may notice that the leaves are your home favorite. Fell down and began to frown. It is not so difficult to understand why the orchid leaves have wrinkled: most likely, it lacks moisture. You need to revise the principle of watering and spraying the plants and, most likely, everything will be very quickly adjusted.

Important! If after the first watering the situation has not been corrected, then it’s not water, and you need to look for another cause of flower disease.
If you are sure that watering is organized normally, but the orchid is too actively evaporating moisture, you need to find a cooler place for it. There is a “first aid” recipe for such cases: sugar syrup. Four teaspoons of sugar diluted in a glass of water, apply with a brush in several layers on the lower surface of the sheet overnight. In the morning, be sure to wash off: the plant must breathe. You can use this recipe 2-3 times, but only if the sheet has no mechanical damage, and if you are sure that no microorganisms have caused the disease, because sugar is an excellent nutrient medium.

Why wilted leaves of phalaenopsis orchid, root damage

If you have watered and watered your phalaenopsis well, but the leaves do not think to recover, and even look worse, see the root. When orchids have flabby, sluggish, soft, yellowing and dying leaves, the reason is almost always in the roots.

Did you know? Phalaenopsis orchid is a very hardy plant, it can recover even with one 5-6 cm spine. If the roots are not left at all, but the orchid is not exhausted to the limit, even in this case, you can try to reanimate it.

Softness can signal a lack of calcium or phosphorus, but damaged roots are the most likely and common (9 out of 10 cases) reason why orchids have soft leaves. You should carefully move the orchid in the pot, checking whether it is firmly held in the soil. If it "staggers" like a bad tooth, then the root system has suffered decent damage. It is necessary to pull the orchid out of the pot and carefully examine the roots. Dry, rotten, slimy and decaying roots should be removed with a sharp clean knife to healthy tissue. Process the cut with crushed coal or antiseptic without alcohol. You can not feed the plant until the complete healing of wounds.

Important! If the sections are treated with a substance containing alcohol, it will spread through the capillaries, causing irreparable harm to the already unhealthy plant.

Causes of spots on phalaenopsis leaves

One day you may find that the orchid has spots on the leaves. These could be burn marks, or foci of a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. The last two can be difficult to distinguish from each other, since the symptoms are very similar: both pathogens and pathogens leave spots on phalaenopsis orchid leaves.

Did you know? The main distinguishing feature of fungal infections is the absence of odor.
The appearance of stains can be a serious problem not for one plant, but for the whole home greenhouse, since infectious diseases are infectious. Suspecting such, do not panic. First you need to isolate the plant with signs of the disease, then figure out why there are spots on the leaves. Depending on the pathogen, they have a different look.

Transparent spots on orchid leaves . Spots appear on the sheet, which dry out and become transparent. Most likely, this is a fungal infection, but it can also be viral. Brown spots on phalaenopsis orchid leaves. A fungal infection is small specks of brown color that increase in size and, finally, the orchid leaves leaves completely brown. Viral infections can begin with brown spots, which, as the disease progresses, become black and depressed. Wet watery spots with a yellow rim on orchid leaves - most likely bacterial soft rot (Erwinia). It smells of rotting vegetables, it develops rapidly - you do not have time to look back, as orchid leaves have already become watery, lifeless. Starts with a little speck. Wet spots can be caused by heat or sunburn. Such damage has a dark bezel. They are not restored and are not dangerous in terms of infection, although they spoil the look of the flower. In the event of stains due to burns or other mechanical damage, the maintenance regime should be reviewed and the like should be avoided. If the plant is infected, you should take immediate action. Black spots appeared on orchid leaves. Black spots on your orchid are a sign of late blight, chlorosis, phyllostosis (black spot) and other dangerous fungal diseases. A viral infection can also manifest itself in black spots. If a the trunk of the orchid turns blackmost likely it is black rot - the most dangerous fungal disease. She loves flowers already weakened by some disease and with pleasure joins this disease. If a significant part of the plant is affected, it is no longer possible to save it. The cause of this disease is low temperature. The treatment consists of removing the affected parts with treating the slices, replacing the substrate, disinfecting the pot, isolating it from other plants, and strictly observing the entire greenhouse. Of course, you need to create the most favorable conditions for plants.

Important! Regardless of the pathogen, the diseased plant should be quarantined away from other household flowers and as carefully as possible treat the conditions of its maintenance: lighting, watering, feeding, air circulation. Damaged areas cut off with a sterile instrument to healthy tissue.

General principles of treatment depending on the pathogen.

  • Bacterial diseases. Decrease in humidity of air, its additional circulation. Remove affected tissue with a sterile instrument. Treatment for at least five days with a bactericidal agent: streptocid, furatsilin, gentamicin, etc.
  • Viral infections. There is no specific treatment for viral infections, therapy is aimed at removing the affected fragments, creating favorable conditions and strengthening the immune system.
  • Fungi. Cutting off the diseased parts with a sterile tool, stopping the spraying until full recovery, treatment with fungicidal preparations not in prophylactic, but in medical concentration.

The pledge of healthy growth and development of the orchid is the right care, which all its representatives need: dendrobium, tselogina, miltassia, wanda, ludysia, blétilla, venerina shoes, cymbidium, miltoniopsis.

The orchid leaves are sluggish and soft

Provided that the roots are not damaged, the causes of this disease may be the following:

  1. Overheating of the roots. The pot with the plant should be moved to a cooler place and leave it alone for an hour or two. The main thing - gradualness, in no case can not sharply cool the orchid. After a rest, it should be poured abundantly and irrigated. This procedure may take several days to complete recovery.
  2. Excessive amount or lack of moisture. In these cases, you need to change the mode of fluid intake. In irrigation, you need to focus not so much on the timing as on the state of the substrate, the drying of which can be influenced by many factors.
  3. Too much or too little fertilizer. A large concentration of fertilizer can burn the roots of a plant. If you “overfed” the orchid and understand that this is the cause of the disease, you should completely replace the substrate, inspect the roots and remove the damaged ones. If the flower is "underfed", you need to adjust the system. Keep in mind that the damaged parts of the plant will not be able to recover.
  4. A transplant is required. If there are too many roots in the pot, the substrate has oxidized, it has caked and has lost its main function - air permeability, the plant needs to be transplanted, because it began to choke. Another reason - the substrate may be infected with soil fungus.
Did you know? The root problem is always reflected in the green part. If you adjust the situation "bottom", the "top" will also be good.

Gray rot in orchid phalaenopsis

Gray rot is a fungal disease in which dark specks appear, covered with a fluffy patina. It begins on the leaves, then moves to the soil and flowers, which are covered with brown specks. The cause of gray rot is low temperature plus high humidity. It can also be provoked by an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizers. Treatment classic: removal of affected areas and fungicidal drug.

Important! It should be borne in mind that the gray rot spores become resistant to the drug, and if the same plant will again be affected by gray rot, the fungicide used in its treatment should be different.

Wither Phalaenopsis leaves, pest control

Orchid suffers from pests as much as from infections. There are many parasites that love to eat orchids, in particular, phalaenopsis. Here are some of them.

  • Red flat mite - the parasite most widespread in house greenhouses. Dwells on the top of the sheet. It sucks the sap from the plant, as a result of which the leaf turns yellow, its edges are wrapped, and its lower part acquires a characteristic silver shine. Insecticides against it are ineffective, it is necessary to use preparations of contact-intestinal action, making food for the tick poisonous.
  • Mealybug - plaque on the roots and substrate. Appears on weakened plants due to violations of the mode of content, accumulates on the flowers and inside the leaf. Remove cotton buds, wash with soapy water, spray "Fitoverm" twice with an interval of a week.
  • Shchitovka and false guard inhabit the trunk and the lower side of the leaf. A sticky coating appears on the affected parts of the plant. Females lay eggs, covering them with a crust - a shield. The parasite is very difficult to hatch. It is necessary to influence it with a contact-intestinal insecticide, which is watered with the substrate. It is absorbed through the roots into the orchid, and it becomes poisonous to the scythes. Repeat the treatment after a week.
  • Phalaenopsis mite, or flat plate leads a hidden life and hides at the base of the leaves or in their folds. It damages the growth point, the orchid cannot grow new roots, babies, leaves, as the tick eats them at the beginning of growth. Exceptionally stubborn parasite. Systemic drugs have no effect on him. In this case, a single application of Marshal pro-insecticide is justified. This substance is extremely harmful to humans, treatment should be carried out outside the dwelling with a full set of personal protection. After all treatment, it is necessary to rinse the preparation from all surfaces except the flower.
  • Spider mite - the appearance of a thin cobweb on the flowers and on the inner side of the leaf, in the advanced stages of yellow spots, twisting and drying the leaves. Appears in dried air. Wash with soapy water, to destroy the remaining ticks to make greenhouse conditions with an increased percentage of moisture. Make sure that it does not overheat. Treat with insecticides.
  • Thrips - small dots and strokes on the inside of the leaves. They cause damage similar to damages of spider mites, accumulate on flowers, leaves, roots, and in the substrate. Arise due to overdried air or transferred from an infected plant, as they have wings.

Preparations that will help in the care of Phalaenopsis Orchid or in the fight against its diseases and pests: "Fundazol", "Fitosporin", "Fitoverm", "Aktellik", "Zirkon", "Aktara", "Alirin", "Hetero-Auxin", "Inta-Vir", "Kornevin".

After studying this information, you can make the wrong idea that the Phalaenopsis orchid is very capricious and difficult to care for, is subject to a huge variety of diseases that threaten all the plants in the house. However, phalaenopsis are fairly resistant to diseases, usually have good immunity and with proper prevention of diseases, as well as the observance of the rules of care, delight their owners with beautiful flowers and healthy appearance.

Watch the video: Rejuvenating stressed Orchids Part 1 - Limp, leathery leaves (December 2024).