Lakonos: use, benefit and harm

Lakonos or Fitolacca - ornamental plant with medicinal properties. Homeland lakonos - North America. All plants of this genus, about 20 species, are poisonous, with the exception of laconosa berry.

Chemical composition laconosa

Lakonos in the description presented as a medicinal plant. All parts of the plant have healing properties: roots, leaves and berries. The roots of the plant contain beneficial organic matter and mineral salts; the most valuable substance by which the plant is recognized as medicinal is the phytolaccin alkaloid. The composition of the leaves of laconosa also contains phytolaccin in small quantities, except for it: tannins, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, carbohydrates. The composition is replete with vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6 and PP. Useful elements in the composition are represented by phosphorus, manganese, copper and iron.

Healing properties of lacunosa

Vitamin B1, or thiamine in the composition of the plant is necessary for the body to protect against the influence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol), and this antioxidant activates brain activity. Lakonos strengthens the immune system, due to the presence of vitamin PP is useful for people who have had a heart attack, supporting heart activity. Nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP, regulates and helps normalize the body's metabolic processes.

Laconic root due to its beneficial properties is used in pharmacology as a raw material for drugs of various spectra of action.. On its basis, laxative, anti-inflammatory, tonic, antimicrobial and antirheumatic drugs are prepared. Preparations from the leaves of lacunosa help fight skin diseases. Oncologists took up the study of the composition of the plant. Doctors discovered an unusual protein compound that negatively affects the cells of leukemia.

Use in traditional medicine

With the use of lacunosa is associated with a large number of recipes in traditional medicine. Tinctures, decoctions and other drugs are used to treat skin fungal and viral diseases, with problems of a neuralgic nature, with colds, joint pains and dental diseases.

Did you know? Another name lakonosa "Kermes berries" comes from the name of the insect - Kermes. Juice of laconosa berries and natural dye carmine, which is obtained from this insect, are the same in color. In addition, the juice can also be dyed fabric - get a beautiful shade of burgundy.

Useful properties of lacunosa juice

Benefit berries lakonosa discovered even the first colonists of America. Juice of berries is used as lotions and compresses for skin cancer, inflammation and rashes, skin ulcers, swelling and acne. Significant relief brings the juice when applied externally suffering from hemorrhoids. To make the juice, chop the berries into a mush, squeeze and strain through a thick layer of gauze.

Infusion in diseases of the joints

For rubbing, lotions and compresses for rheumatic pains in the joints preparing water infusion of the leaves of the plant. Two tablespoons of dried leaves pour a glass of boiled water. Leave it in a dark place for two weeks.

Tincture with laryngitis and sore throat

Tincture Laconosa is prepared from the root of the plant. 10 g of the root (crushed) infused in 100 ml of alcohol (70%).

Important! For the preparation, it is not necessary to take alcohol of 90% of the strength, since water-soluble components do not pass into the extraction.

Need to insist for three weeks, then you can apply for gargling for throat with laryngitis, sore throat (purulent), pharyngitis. In official medicine, such a tincture is part of some drugs.

Broth laconosa

A decoction of the berries lakonosa found application for colds and dental diseases. It is also used for hypertension, in this case, give up the time of admission to alcohol-containing drugs and products. For the preparation will need a handful of berries (5 g), 250 ml of water. Boil berries in water for a couple of minutes, then insist 30 minutes. With hypertension, take a tablespoon three times a day before meals, with stomatology or colds used for rinsing. For the latest diseases, you can also prepare a decoction of the leaves of the plant in the proportion of 10 g of leaves per 250 ml of water.

The use of lacunosa in homeopathy

The healing characteristics of laconosa have found a response in homeopathy. The well-known homeopathic tincture "Phytolacca", which is prepared from fresh raw materials, is indicated for coughing, migraines, rheumatism, sore throat, fever, sciatica, pharyngitis. Homeopathic preparations based on laconosa normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system, musculoskeletal functions and have a tonic and sedative effect on the body.

Interesting fact! In some southern European countries laconosa juice is tinted with light wines, and in Germany and the USA, preparations from laconosa are included in the official pharmacopoeia of the countries.

Collection, preparation and storage of raw materials lakonosa

As a medicinal raw materials collect all parts of the plant. The leaves can be harvested during the season, they are dried in a dry ventilated room or in the oven after harvest. Then they pick berries and stalks, then roots. Laconosa fruits begin to ripen at the beginning of autumn, after full ripening they become an ink color. During this period, the root of lacunosa is suitable for harvesting as raw materials. Suitable rhizomes should have a yellow center, if it is red, the root is not suitable. Roots washed and dried in special dryers at a temperature of 50 degrees. Berries are used both fresh and squeezed out of them, and dried - either indoors or in dryers.

Attention! It is recommended that you wear gloves while collecting raw laconosa to protect your hands from getting juice. It may cause irritation or inflammation.

Contraindications and harm lakonosa

Treatment with drugs lakonosa not prescribed to patients under eighteen years of age. In case of drug overdose on the basis of laconosa, vomiting, diarrhea and headaches are possible. Poisoning of moderate severity is accompanied by convulsions and temporary paralysis of the limbs, with severe poisoning, death from cardiac arrest or suffocation is possible. The poppy seed is contraindicated in pregnant women, possibly increasing the tone of the uterus and, as a result, the rejection of the fetus. At external use of side effects it was not recorded, but the intolerance of some substances as a part of a plant is possible. Allergy sufferers should test the drug on the skin in the crook of the elbow (internal) to ensure that they are not allergic to the plant.

What is this plant lakonos? Many medicinal plants exhibit their medicinal properties due to their toxicity. Lakonos is also poisonous, so self-medication is fraught with irreversible consequences. Consult a doctor before taking the drug.

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