How to use Baikal EM-1 on your site

EM-technology preparations entered the history of agronomy as living fertilizers. The history of the creation of such fertilizers can be kept from the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. But the real results, which received worldwide recognition, appeared in 1988. Japanese scientist Teruo Khiga created a complex drug of resistant bacteria to nourish the fertile soil layer and called it EM - effective microorganisms.

In the same year, the Soviet scientist P.A. Shablin, exploring the fertile soil of the Baikal ecosystem, based on its microorganisms, created the drug "Baikal M-1". He surpassed his eastern rival in many respects.

Did you know?One of the first suchpreparations was prepared in 1896. Its basis was nodule bacteria, which tend to fix nitrogen.

The history of EM technology

In the Soviet Union, ever since the 20s of the last century, constant research has been conducted on these microorganisms and their effective use in various areas of life, not only in agronomy. Mass production began only in the late 90s. In the Soviet Union, a system and scheme for obtaining excellent yields was developed, but the depletion of the soil at such intensity was a problem.

Later began to produce similar drugs, but with different cultural components. This is due to different climatic zones, soil composition and degree of depletion. But Baikal EM-1 is still the leader in the fertilizer market.

How to apply the fertilizer "Baikal EM -1", we consider next.

Benefits of EM technology

The preparation "Baikal EM -1" has become "life-giving moisture" for most areas of agronomy. It is used to saturate and revive the soil, to increase the yield of plants, to enrich biological waste.

In crop production

A distinctive feature of the technology is that there is no harm from its use for the environment. The preparation "Baikal EM-1" is quite economical in cost.

A feature of EM technologies when used in crop production is that they, due to recycled organics, perfectly restore soil fertility and make it possible to grow the same crop for several seasons in the same place. Useful microorganisms that are part of the drug, create a loose soil in which germination, flowering and fertility of the plant is significantly accelerated.

The use of such drugs increases the amount of nutrients and their influx to the plant, keeps the growth of harmful microorganisms and protects plants from various diseases.

The use of EM-preparations does not affect the quality and usefulness of agricultural products, which does not lose its qualities during the winter period of storage. The recommended period of use of the EM drug is from the beginning of spring to late autumn.

In animal husbandry

EM drug showed excellent results in animal husbandry and poultry farming, increasing the weight gain, milk yield. The quality and quantity of nutrients in meat and eggs increases significantly with the regular use of this kind of technology. Normalizing the intestinal flora in animals, the drug heals and prevents the onset of any disease by increasing the immunity of the animal.

This drug is used in animal husbandry for:

  • increase in milk yield, egg production and fur quality;
  • reduce mortality of animals and birds;
  • increasing the reproductive abilities of animals and birds;
  • disease prevention;
  • obtaining high-quality and environmentally friendly products.
  • improve feed digestibility.
Such drugs are effective in combating unpleasant odors on farms, it is possible to use them for the preservation of silage.

At home

EM-preparations are indispensable not only in the garden and on the farm, but also in a regular apartment. For living rooms and hallways, use a 1: 1000 solution to eliminate the unpleasant smell from carpets. When you leave the house, spray the solution of the EM drug in the air, it will destroy the dust, the smell of cigarette smoke and the unpleasant smell of pets.

If you began to smell unpleasantly and leather products are covered with mold, treat them with an EM solution, and the smell will disappear and the mold will decrease. Cabinets with clothes can be periodically sprayed with this solution, and you will forget about the unpleasant smell, mold and insects that sometimes appear there.

Your aquarium will stay clean and fresh for a long time, you just need to add 1 tbsp. spoon per liter of water, and the water will remain clean for a long time.

The kitchen is a place where harmful bacteria and microorganisms can constantly live. Spray the EM 1: 100 solution onto a cutting board, fan, refrigerator, sink, sink, and you can be sure that your food is clean and healthy.

In the bathroom with this solution you can handle everything. It is also possible to pour 10 ml of EM into the drain tank every day - this will help eliminate odors, dirt, and the drain pipe will be less likely to clog.

What is included in the Baikal EM-1

The preparation "Baikal EM-1" is included in the group of effective microorganisms. "Baikal EM-1" is a concentrated drug, offered in the form of a liquid, which contains a huge number of beneficial microorganisms: photosynthesizing bacteria, which synthesize useful elements from plant root secretions by using the heat of the soil and sunlight; lactic acid bacteria that limit the spread of malignant microorganisms, while affecting the breakdown of cellulose and lignins; yeast - stimulates the germination of plants and stabilize the environment.

How to prepare working solutions of Baikal EM-1

The simplest and most common solution from "Baikal EM -1" is an aqueous solution, which is also called the EM solution. The concentration of this solution depends on the purpose of use.

If you need a similar solution for watering plants and soil, use one part of the drug to 1000 parts of water. Sometimes the concentration increases, it all depends on the state of the culture. If you want to use a solution for watering indoor plants, or soil volumes are limited, a solution of 1: 100 is prepared.

Did you know? The drug "Baikal EM-1" is sold in containers of 50 ml.

To prepare the solution, you will need settled spring water or boiled water + 20 ... + 35 ° С. If you need to get 10 liters of EM-solution, (1: 1000), then on one bucket you put one spoon (10 ml) of Baikal EM-1 preparation concentrate and one spoon of molasses, or jam, honey. And for a solution of 1: 100, you need 10 tablespoons of concentrate and sweets. The liquid must be thoroughly mixed. The instruction indicates that it can be immediately applied after mixing, but it is better to wait a day to increase the concentration of beneficial bacteria (but not more than 3 days).

How to use Baikal EM-1 working solution

Presowing seed treatment

For more efficient and high-quality germination, it is recommended to soak the seeds in"Baikal EM-1".

Most of the seeds, except for those that have a nutrient film, and radish, must be soaked for 6-12 hours. After soaking, they should be thoroughly dried in the sun until completely scattered. And in this state they are planted in the soil. If the seeds are onions (vegetables, flowers), then they should be soaked for 12-14 hours, then dried.

Important! Planting bulbs must be dried in the shade!

But the tubers of potatoes, dahlias and others must be soaked twice. First for 1-2 hours, then air for about an hour, then soak again for 1-2 and land.

Growing seedlings

For seedlings, an EM solution of 1: 2000 is required. After the first shoots appear, prepare the solution and spray the young plants on the third day. At the initial stage of this kind of treatment should be carried out every 2-3 days. Then you can increase the interval to 5 days.

Use of the drug"Baikal EM-1"for plants it gives the opportunity to grow different types of seedlings even under low light conditions. This drug gives the development of plants an acceleration of up to 20%. Also, the seedlings do not overgrow, and you can safely plant it in a new soil, without fear of the death of the plant.

Important! Before planting seeds in seed boxes, it is necessary to treat its walls with a Baikal EM-1 (1: 100) solution.

For root irrigation

If you want to use the EM solution for root irrigation, then you need to do it as follows: Pour a tablespoon of the solution into a bucket of water to make 1: 1000 concentrate. After preparing this mixture, water the plants, usually once a week. But you can adjust the frequency of watering depending on the condition of the soil.

For the preparation of EM compost

First you need to prepare the basis for your future compost. DTo do this, you will need any kind of organic matter that you have on hand: weed, tops, straw, flour, peat, sawdust, grain waste. All these ingredients must be thoroughly crushed.

Important! The quality of the compost also depends on the number of components. The more - the more compost will be.

Mix an em-concentration solution in the tank - one cup per bucket of water. Carefully moisten the base prepared in advance (leaves, husks, sawdust) with this solution, mix well and cover all this mixture with film for 3 weeks.

After three weeks you can lay out the compost in perforated wells.

Important! Compost is not recommended to make in pristvolnuyu zone.

Tillage after harvest

There are different variations of soil treatment with EM preparations in the autumn.

The first way is to use an EM solution (this is diluted in water according to the recipes of “Baikal EM-1”) to irrigate the soil from a watering can, a watering hose, a sprayer.

The second way is to feed the soil with an EM preparation in the form of specially treated agricultural products with compost.

"Baikal EM-1" increases the growth of biologically active bacteria, substances that in the spring will yield a crop in the form of saturated soil for the positive growth of different crops.

Watch the video: Baikal MP 18 (January 2025).