Types of rubber moth and their description

Ficus - heat-loving tropical plants from South and Southeast Asia. The Europeans became acquainted with this plant during the Indian campaign of Macedon in 327 BC. The founder of the botany, Theophrastus, who participated in the campaign, described a huge tree that covered 300 meters with its shadow. It was a Bengal fiscal, or banyan tree.

Did you know? In ancient Rome, the Latins called fig trees ficus. Today, ficus called the whole genus of mulberry plants, which has more than a thousand species.

In Europe, ficuses appeared in the 19th century, when some species were adapted for growing in pots. In the middle of the 20th century. The epoch of popularity of ficuses has come.

Among them, special love enjoyed rubber plant (elastic, elastic) - Ficus elastica, whose varieties are widespread. In India, its name is “the snake tree”: during growth, it forms aerial roots that absorb water from humid air.

In nature, such plants reach 30–40 m. Under room conditions, if space permits, can grow up to 2–3 m and live up to 50 years.

All varieties of rubber rubber plants have the following common features:

  • well developed root and air-root system;
  • leaves are large and elastic with a glossy shine (length - up to 25-30 cm, width - up to 10-15);
  • leaf shape - oval with a pointed end;
  • the color of the upper side of the leaves is green (variations of shades and patterns are possible in different varieties);
  • the color of the underside of the leaf is a light green, opaque color, with a well-visible central vein;
  • white lacteal juice containing isoprene;
  • do not require complex special care (especially green leafy);
  • easily recovered after pruning;
  • Ficus blooming in indoor pots is extremely rare;
  • have strong immunity to disease.
Did you know? Attempts to obtain rubber from the rubber plant ficus (it was called the Indian rubber tree or the tree of Assam) on an industrial scale did not justify themselves. The content of isoprene is up to 18%, whereas in Brazilian Geveans it is over 40%.

Potted ficus rubbery cultivars feel best in bright ambient light. With a lack of light, the ficus will begin to stretch more strongly upwards, and the lower leaves will fall away. If there is an excess of sunlight on the leaves, light spots (burns) may form, they will begin to curl.

Ficus should be fertilized with nitrogen-containing liquid fertilizer (every two weeks).

Ficus elastic varieties are propagated by incision or layering. In the first case, you need:

  • cut the stalk to 9 - 15 cm (one or two healthy leaves should remain on it - it is better to roll them into a tube and secure with a rubber band);
  • rinse (remove the milky juice) and powder with "Kornevin", "Heteroauxin", "Humisol" or other stimulant of rooting;
  • for rooting, use vermiculite, a mixture of peat and perlite (top closed with polyethylene) or place in water at a temperature of + 22 ... 25.

Another option is reproduction by cuttings (if there are no leaves on the stem). An incision is made in the bark, the damaged area is wrapped with a wet sphagnum and covered with a film. With the advent of roots, the shoot is pruned and planted in a pot.

Important! Ficus elastic is absolutely impossible to overwet (in the autumn-winter period - especially!).

Constant pruning is necessary for ficuses. The first is carried out after reaching a height of 0.5 - 1 m. It is advisable to do this in spring (the side branches will receive more growth hormone and will begin to develop intensively). Lateral branches are also pruned.

Ficus rubbery cultivars can be affected by such pests. as:

  • spider mite (afraid of soap solution or "Aktellika");
  • shield (remove insects with a cotton swab with insecticide, wash with soap and tobacco solutions);
  • thrips (it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, wash the plant and treat it with insecticide - "Fitoderm", "Vertimek").

Symptoms of the disease: fall of the lower leaves and the exposure of the trunk, lethargy, pallor of leaves, brown spots on top, on the reverse side - white spots, the smell of rot, the presence of insect pests.

These signs may also be due to low temperatures, excess moisture, dry air, poor lighting, drafts, sunburn, etc.

Important! A regular checkup will help identify the signs of the disease at an early stage, when the disease can be quickly resolved.

In the case of your absence up to one month, the ficus must be removed from the sun, placed in a pan with soil (pre-filled with expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom), pour them and put containers with water next to it (this will help maintain humidity).

The rubber plant, as a result of natural mutation, makes it possible to display new varieties in greenhouses. Consider the most popular ones:


The name of this variety comes from the name of the city in Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa). Loves bright light. Foliage green. Oval and pointed at the end of the leaves (length - 25 cm, width - 17 cm), a noticeable light green vein (bottom burgundy).

Features of plant care:

  • it is necessary to replant to a permanent pot after it is “used” to a new place (during this period the ficus may even shed its leaves) - in 2-3 weeks;
  • in the summer to water once a week, in the winter - once in two weeks. Water for watering to defend;
  • spray and wipe the leaves;
  • the main stem to pinch at a height of 20 cm.
  • soil - turf, peat and sand;
  • once in 2-3 years transplanted into a larger pot;
  • comfortable temperature - 18-25 ° С (in summer) and 16-18 ° С (in winter);
  • very afraid of drafts.


Rubber Ficus Belize was bred in Holland. Its feature is that there are white and pink stains on the edges of the leaves.

The leaves have an elongated-pointed shape (23 cm in length, 13 cm in width). Central vein visible on both sides of leaf, purple-pink color.

Features of plant care:

  • need bright light and air "bath" on the balcony;
  • comfortable temperature - 20-25 ° C, not lower than 15 ° C - in winter;
  • when planting, the root collar should be flush with the ground;
  • when buying a ficus, the acclimatization period is 3 weeks;
  • Replant a young plant once a year, mature - after the roots are woven over a clod of earth (the diameter of the new pot must exceed the old by 2 cm (for young) and 6 cm (for mature plants);
  • watering in the summer every two days, in the winter - 2-4 times a month;
  • maintain air humidity by spraying;
  • pruning carried out in early spring.


Variety Melanie Bred in Holland.

This is a short ficus with thicker foliage.

Sheet length - 13-15 cm.

Comfortable temperature regime - 13-30 ° C.

The handling of the plant is the same as with other ficus.

Did you know? In India, bridges are built with the help of ficuses: they throw a log hollowed out from inside through the riverbed, and they feed root processes of ficuses into the hole on both sides. Plants sprout and entangle the trunk so much that even an elephant can cross the bridge in a few years.


Robusta Ficus - one of the most unpretentious species. A large sheet (30 cm long) has the shape of an ellipse. Color - saturated green (sometimes with yellow and white patterns). Features:

  • the tallest member of this family and needs periodic pruning;
  • moderate watering (1-2 times a week);
  • not too picky about the light;
  • without pruning, loses leaves and stops branching;
  • best grown in floor tanks.

Black Prince

Black Prince - rubber plant ficus with a darker leaf color. Hue changes with light. Features:

  • leaves are more rounded than other ficus;
  • tolerates temperature drops;
  • can be transplanted regardless of the season;
  • to stimulate new shoots, you can pierce the stem one third of its thickness with a clean needle.


The variegated ficus was bred in Belgium (1959). Decorative ficus, which is quite rare.

Ellipsoidal leaves (length - 25 cm, width - 18 cm) of marble color (pale green with strokes of yellow, cream, gray shades. Light green central vein becomes reddish when grown in bright sun).

It needs heat and a small amount of moisture (when moisture is excessive, the leaves curl and fall off). With a lack of light pattern on the leaves disappears.


Decorative ficus Tineke refers to variegated varieties. The leaves are oval (length - 25 cm, width - 15 cm). Along the edges of the leaves - gray-green and cream edge. Features of care:

  • watering three times a week (in the winter - 1 time);
  • spray soft water at room temperature, once a month - a warm shower;
  • Replace every 1-3 years;
  • comfortable temperature - in the summer of 18 - 25 ° C, in the winter - 15-16 ° C.


Tricolor - also a representative of variegated ficus.

The leaves are simple, oval (length - 20 cm, width - 15) have a complex marble pattern: green and white and cream shades. Heat and light-loving plant (with a lack of light, the pattern turns pale). Features:

  • no need for constant watering (only after drying the top layer of the earth);


Decor is different wide, dark green leaves with burgundy tint (length up to 25 cm, width up to 18 cm).

Important! Milky juice of ficus can irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions. When working on leaf damage (pruning, removal of wilted, etc.), care must be taken to ensure that the juice does not get on the skin, and in case of contact - wash it off with soap and water.

The use of rubber-coated rubber figs is not only in the aesthetic and decorative aspect, but also has:

  • medicinal properties (not inferior to Kalanchoe) - help fight colds, malignant tumors, skin diseases, toothache, boils, calluses and many other diseases;
  • cleansing properties (ficus absorbs harmful impurities from the air - formaldehyde, ammonia, toluene, xylene);
  • Ayurveda believes that this plant heals the energy, has a beneficial effect on the psyche and brings happiness to the house.

Watch the video: Miraculous Ladybug. Meet the Kwamis! . Disney Channel UK (January 2025).