We get acquainted with carrot varieties for the Moscow region

Carrots are one of the oldest crops that are grown in many modern areas.

She can rightly compete with other "old-timers" of our gardens - with potatoes, cabbage and onions.

It has long been clear that the carrot is an inexhaustible source of vitamins and beneficial compounds that are very necessary for the human body.

Therefore, this root vegetable is so popular and used for dietary purposes.

Growing carrots in a region such as the Moscow region will not be a problem, as there is a list of varieties that will surely take root in conditions of poor soil, as well as unstable weather conditions.

Grade "Vitamin 6"

The medium early variety of carrots, which was bred back in 1969. In order for the fruit to be consumed, at least 90 days must pass from the time of sowing the seeds.

Fruits are cylindrical, with blunt tips, large in size (15 cm in length, 65-165 g in weight).

The whole root vegetable is orange. Due to the fact that it is completely immersed in the ground, the top does not turn green under the sunlight.

The surface of this carrot is smooth, covered with small eyes. Taste Vitamin carrot very goodsweetie

Inside the fruit is juicy, and also very useful, because this variety is characterized by a high concentration of carotene.

Productivity is very high and depends on the quality of agricultural technology, on average per sq.m. You can get 4 - 10 kg of ripe fruit.

Also, these roots are not cracked, as well as resistant to tsvetushnosti. Due to its nutritional and taste qualities, this particular carrot is often used in baby and dietary foods. It is also canned and simply stored in winter, which is possible due to the good keeping quality of this carrot.

Before planting, seeds should be soaked or purchased granulated planting material.

Sowing seeds can be done at the end of April - beginning of May according to the 5x20 cm scheme. In addition to planting in the spring, this variety can be planted in the fall, as this carrot will not bloom after the end of the frost period.

In the case of spring planting, the depth of the seeds should be in the range of 2 to 4 cm. And if sowing is done for the winter, then seeds can be added instilled by no more than 1-2 cm.

From the autumn you need to conduct a comprehensive preparation of the soil for the future agrarian season, that is, it is good to dig up the entire plot and introduce all types of fertilizers.

Caring for the plants themselves consists in regular watering every 5 to 6 days, thinning the beds (removing weak plants), as well as applying fertilizers 2 to 3 times over the entire period of root crop development.

Variety "Moscow Winter"

Mid-season, unpretentious variety of carrots. On average, from the time of sowing to the onset of technical suitability of root crops, 67 - 95 days pass. The shape of the fruit is normal, typical of carrots, that is, these root crops are cylindrical, blunt-pointed.

Color throughout the fruit is orange. This carrot is quite large, that is, it grows to a length of 16 cm, the mass of each root crop reaches 100-175 g.

With one square. meters can be collected 4.7 - 6.6 kg of fruit. The taste is assessed as excellent, the presentation of the fruit is also at the height.

This carrot resistant to tsvetushnostiand also sufficiently resistant to frost. The variety is able to withstand long storage, and is also good in fresh, canned or processed form.

The Moscow Winter carrot is suitable both for spring cultivation and for winter sowing. Pre-activities carried out with seeds, normal, planting scheme is also standard (20x4-5 cm).

It is best to drop the seeds of this carrot in the place where cabbage, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers or early potatoes used to grow. The depth of the seed should be no more than 2 - 2.5 cm. This carrot can be sown from late April to early May.

The rules for caring for these carrots are normal, that is, they should frequent watering without interruption in the mode, it is necessary to thin out the beds from time to time, as well as to feed.

In case of planting for the winter, it will be necessary to cover the ground, for example, with peat, so that water and heat leave the soil slowly. It is also advisable to cover the bed with foil until the seeds germinate.

Sort "Callisto"

A hybrid with an average ripening period, which average 92 - 110 days. The leaves on the carrot plants of this variety are dark green.

Root crops are cylinder-conical in shape, bright orange in color, with a smooth surface.

The head of the fruit is flat, light green color. The flesh is red, the core is not particularly large.

The carrots of this variety are largeIt grows up to 20 - 22 cm in length, weighing up to 135 g. The fruits are completely immersed in the soil, therefore they are not too green from above.

The taste of this carrot is excellent, the pulp contains a large amount of beta-carotene, so that these fruits are widely used for cooking baby food.

This carrot can withstand storage as well as transport. As for the scope of application, these roots can be used for cooking, preservation and fresh.

Productivity is very high, from a unit area of ​​the beds you can collect 5 - 6 kg of carrots.

It is advisable to choose a place for the beds of this carrot, where tomatoes, onions, and cabbage grew. Also, the bed should be well lit, and the soil on it should be light and fertile.

When preparing the site in the fall, the ground should be very well dug up so that it is loose. This carrot is suitable for growing in open ground, so it can be planted in the fall. Planting pattern is normal, the depth of the seeds as well.

Be sure to thin out this carrot, so that the fruit was not cramped in the ground. Despite the fact that this culture is sufficiently resistant to drought, the water balance in the ground needs to be maintained, and regularly. therefore watering regime must be strictly established.

It is also desirable to loosen the ground, especially until such time as the seeds germinate in the ground. You can not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers, as their concentration in fruits can greatly exceed the norm.

Sort "Shantane 2461"

Mid-season carrots, the ripening time of which ranges from 69 to 120 days. Root crops of conical shape, with a blunt tip, bright orange color.

The length of the ripe fruit is not less than 15 cm, and in diameter they gain 5–8 cm, weight reaches 75–250 g.

Root crops are immersed in the ground completely, so do not turn green.

The yield is approximately 5 - 9 kg per square meter.

Taste qualities of this carrot are excellent, the fruits themselves do not crack, and also do not deteriorate during storage or transportation.

There is a lot of juice in the pulp, and the very heart of the fruit is very useful due to the increased concentration of carotene and multivitamins. Appointment of carrots in this class is universal.

Planting scheme, preplant seed preparation and the depth of the seed seeds are normal. It is possible to sow this carrot in the last days of April, when it is already warm enough.

If you are going to grow this crop in order to provide yourself with root crops for the winter, then it is better to transfer the planting to the end of May - the beginning of June. This grade can be grown exclusively in open ground, even if sowing was done in autumn.

Be sure to regularly water the bed, so that the seeds, and later - and the plant, have enough moisture to germinate.

When a second leaf appears on each bush, then it is time to thin the bed to remove weak plants.

You also need to remove weeds that can develop at the place of growth of carrots, in order to provide each root crop with a sufficient amount of earthy space.

It is also interesting to read about artichoke cultivation.

Sort "Losinoostrovskaya 13"

Mid-season carrot, the onset of technical maturity falls on about 85 - 90 days after sowing seeds.

Fruits are cylindrical, long (up to 17 cm), in weight gain from 150 to 170 g. To touch the carrot of this variety is smooth, with a small number of small eyes. The whole fruit is generally rich orange in color, very beautiful in appearance. The pulp contains a lot of nutritious juice, as well as has outstanding tastewhich makes this carrot very popular among gardeners.

The results of growing this variety are very good, that is, per 1 sq.m. accounts for 7 - 8 kg of root crops.

Such yield indicators make it possible to commercially grow this carrot. The variety is frost resistant and does not bloom, which makes it possible to drift it in the winter.

This carrot perfectly complements the diet of any child, will increase hemoglobin in the blood, and also suits those people who stick to a diet.

In principle, the landing procedure with all the components, that is, the timing, pattern and depth, does not have any features.

Before planting, it will be enough just to prepare the seeds, pre-soaking them and hardening them, or you can buy pellets in which the seeds are already placed.

To grow a high-quality crop of this carrot, you need constantly water carrot beds, loosen the soil near them, and also remove weeds and thin out the strips.

If you have prepared your garden since autumn, that is, you have dug up fertilizers and made them, then you will not be able to fertilize carrots throughout the growing season. Otherwise, it will be necessary to add fertilizer 2-3 times to get a decent crop.

Variety "Queen of Autumn"

It is considered a medium-late variety, since the technical maturity of the fruits occurs 117 - 130 days after sowing the seeds.

The shape of the fruit is similar to a cone, not more than 20 cm in length, gaining a mass of not more than 200 g. The color of these root crops is red-orange, and it is the same both on the surface and inside.

The taste of the fruit is sweet, very juicy. The top of each carrot does not turn green, because the fruit is completely immersed in the ground.

This grade frost enoughwithstands cold snaps to -4 ° C. Also the harvest, which is from one sq.m. You can collect 4 - 9 kg, has an excellent appearance and can be stored for a long time.

Plants are not prone to tsvetushnosti, the fruits do not burst, but ripen together.

Planting this type of carrot is usually done, and there is absolutely no change in all processes.

Both the planting pattern and the required depth of seed have been preserved. This carrot can be sown in the fall, but then the garden will need to be covered with mulch in order to maximally protect the seeds from the cold before the snow falls.

Care for this carrot is also normal. That is, it will be necessary to water the beds often and abundantly, thin them out, loosen the ground and fertilize.

The latter procedure should be performed only in case of low soil fertility or lack of preparatory procedures in the autumn.

Variety "Incomparable"

Mid-season carrot variety. On average, after 90 - 115 days after sowing, the fruits can already be consumed.

Fruits are cylindro-conical in shape, with a blunt end, red-orange in color, rather long (up to 17 cm) and weighty (on average, 100 - 180 g).

The flesh is orange, very juicy and sweet. Fruits are stored after cleaning pretty long, and ripen very amicably.

The main value of the fruits of this variety is a high concentration of sugars and carotene, which makes this particular carrot indispensable for cooking. Also, these roots can be eaten raw, canned or processed.

This variety of carrots needs light and fertile soil. Scheme of planting and seed preparation should be carried out normally.

This variety is particularly in need of thinning, since the fruits are formed very actively and can interfere with each other. For the rest - there is no change.

Now it is clear that it is not as difficult to grow carrots on a plot in the Moscow region as it seems at first glance. It is enough to find suitable varieties, and this will be half the success.

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