Grade of grapes "Delight"

It is difficult to grow grapes at home, as this plant is not always resistant to various diseases, pests and frosts.

For this reason, most winegrowers seek to pick up a grape variety not only with high taste and abundant crops, but also with good stability.

If you, too, have been looking for such grapes for a long time, then your attention will surely be attracted by the variety “Delight”.

This grape has many advantages, which is why it is so popular. But we will acquaint not only with the advantages of this grape, but also with a detailed description of the process of its planting and further care of it.

What impresses grapes "Delight": a description of its varietal characteristics

This variety is one of the best results of breeding Russian scientists. To obtain it, a rather complicated combination of grape forms was used: a mixture of pollen varieties "Dawn of the North" (as a donor of good frost resistance) and "Dolores" was mixed with another grape variety - Russian Early (thanks to him, the variety also received early terms of ripening harvest).

Thus, "Delight" has become a real find for the Central, Ural, Siberian and even Far-Eastern climatic regions, as not covering a grape crop. Moreover, they grow this variety throughout the territory of Belarus and the Baltic countries.

Description grapes "Delight": what surprises grade

Bunches on the bushes of grapes "Delight" can occur very different in both shape and size. So, the form of clusters can be both beautiful conical, and absolutely shapeless. By weight, they can also be both large and very large: from 0.5 to 2 kilograms. The structure of the cluster is moderately dense, the berries are not deformed under the pressure of each other.

An important role in creating a positive impression about this variety is played by the features of the berry. In size, they are also found large and very large, but on average, their dimensions are approximately 2.7 x2.4 centimeters. The average weight of a single grape "Delight" is 6-7 grams. They have a habitually oval shape, they are distinguished by a white skin with a characteristic tan on the sunny side.

The taste of these berries is very harmonious and pleasant, an important factor in which is their crispy flesh and a large amount of sugars contained in it. If to speak in numbers, the sugar storage capacity of this variety is 19-26%, which is a very high indicator for grapes. At the same time, the acidity is only 5-9 g / l.

In relation to the skin of the berries, you should pay attention to its moderate density, which also does not affect the taste, but has a positive effect on the suitability of the fruit for transportation.

Characteristics of the yield of grapes "Delight": what results can be achieved with this variety

The yield issue is also important when choosing a grape variety, however, you will not have to worry about it with “Delight”. Indeed, this variety bears fruit not only abundantly, but also regularly. In particular, the average yield per hectare of plantings of grapes "Delight" is equal to 120 centners. The potential fruitfulness of one bush is 65-85%, which is equal to the number of fruitful shoots.

At the same time, on average, 1.4-1.7 bunches can form on one shoot. Grape bushes of the described varieties can be found both in medium and strong growth, therefore the optimal load on one bush should be from 35 to 45 eyes.

The best results of fruiting this variety is able to give when growing it on the stock of perennial wood, that is, when grafting cuttings to the rootstocks of old bushes.

Also, an effective method to increase the quantity and quality of the crop is to rationalize the load of the bushes when they are pruned. So, if you leave only 20-30 eyes on a bush, you can achieve the formation of very large clusters - from 1.5 to 2 kilograms.

In general, this grape variety belongs to the earliest. The vegetation of the bush described varieties lasts only 110-120 days, allowing to start harvesting around mid-August. But, thanks to the ability of the harvest for a long time to maintain a great fresh look at the bushes, you can arrive at the dacha even at the end of September - your harvest will remain as it was and will have the same excellent taste as in mid-August.

What are the benefits of the vine "Delight"?

• Refers to varieties with abundant fruiting and large clusters.

• Has a good taste of fruit with a pleasant aroma of nutmeg.

• Crop can be stored on the bush for about 1-1.5 months, while not losing any appearance or taste.

• Harvests are well suited for transport over long distances, which also contributes to their long storage period.

• The variety can be easily propagated by cuttings, the rooting rate of which is at a satisfactory level.

• Thanks to irrigation and fertilizing with the help of both organic and mineral fertilizers, the level of yield can increase qualitatively and quantitatively.

The grapevine of this variety has a high resistance to low temperatures - up to -25ºС. For this reason, it is practically possible not to cover it for the winter, because the bush tolerates frosts with the least damage to the wood.

• There is also excellent drought tolerance of the grape bush, and the crop does not suffer.

• There is a high resistance of the variety to fungal diseases such as mildew and gray rot (although the bush can get sick very quickly without preventive spraying).

The disadvantages of grapes "Delight", which are hidden behind the numerous words of praise

To say that the disadvantages of this grape variety can not be many. He really deserves the right to be called superstable. But still there is a drawback, and you need to know about it before you start growing the described grape variety.

This variety is often affected by phylloxera. To protect your kut from this parasite is possible only in one way - by grafting cuttings of "Delight" onto stable and, most importantly, healthy stocks. "Berlandieri" X "Riparia Kober 5BB" are considered the best stocks. After all, it is almost impossible to effectively combat the parasite phylloxera that has already manifested itself, since this will have to uproot the entire shrub.

Planting grapes on the plot with their own hands: what does an inexperienced vineyard need to know?

This grape variety is highly adaptable. For this reason, if you follow all the necessary rules for planting this crop in the backyard or suburban area, it does not cost much to grow it.

Methods of propagation of grapes "Delight"

Above, speaking of the disadvantages and merits of this grape variety, we have already mentioned, best of all, it multiplies by grafting cuttings on a stock with a large supply of wood. Due to this, one can avoid the main disadvantage of the variety - low resistance to phylloxera. But without it, this method of breeding grapes is considered one of the most effective and simple. The reasons are as follows:

• Thanks to the graft stock with a large amount of wood and a well-developed root system, the young cutting does not need time to independently accumulate the indicated resources. It is enough for him to take root on the stock, and the cutting will grow very quickly, creating a whole bush.

• Grafting cuttings can be done for almost a year. After all, there are such types of this method of reproduction of grapes, as grafting "black to black", that is, sleeping by cutting to the sleeping stock; "black to green" and "green to green". Thus, absolutely any option and any landing time can be effective.

It is also interesting to read about the cultivation of grapes from the stone

• Experienced winegrowers note that a young grape bush grown by means of grafting enters fruiting much faster than grown from a seedling on its own roots.

The simplest planting of grapes with the help of seedlings is no less effective. After all, with its help, exactly the grape that you wanted to grow will surely grow on your site. After all when grafting on another stock, a new bush will often inherit its properties. For example, srednerosly bush can be made vigorous, if grafted to the appropriate stock.

The method of propagation of grapes "to own roots" is also the use of branches from the adult and fruiting bush. To do this, just choose a healthy and long shoot and prikopat it near the trunk of the main bush. After some time, the shoot will take root and begin to develop as a separate bush. After that, you can simply cut his connection with the main bush and transplant as a separate and independent plant.

Terms in which it is best to carry out the grapes "Vostorg"

Grapes can be planted in spring and autumn. In the first case, you give a young bush the opportunity to adapt well to a new place of growth and gain strength in order to survive the first winter with its, possibly fierce, frosts. But, in this case, you will have to watch over him a lot and water very often, because spring soil is not as saturated with moisture as autumn soil.

Thus, planting or planting grapes in the fall, it will only need to be carefully covered, but otherwise - you can forget about it until the very spring. In a well-hidden form, both the grafted cutting and the seedling on its own roots will be stored perfectly and without damage, and with the onset of the first heat, they will very quickly grow.

Consider the features of the site for planting grapes

Warm and sun-loving plants, which is the grape, and in particular the variety "Delight", must be planted in open areas that are not obscured by buildings or other plants or trees. Even with a strong thickening of the bush, it is recommended to tear off part of its leaves so that the berries get enough sunlight and turn red.

But besides this, it is very important that the bush has good protection from cold through winds and is not planted in places where cold air can often stagnate. Thus, a place that meets the following criteria would be ideal for landing:

• South or south-west side of your house, which will protect the bush from cold winds, and will not obscure the grapes.

• Small elevations, hills where air does not stagnate. Their opposites - Yars, valleys, pits are categorically inappropriate.

An important role in the planting of grapes is played by the peculiarities of the soil, in particular its fertility and humidity. If in the first case the situation can be remedied quite simply, feeding the soil with organic matter and mineral fertilizers for several years, then it will be much more difficult with moisture. With its shortage, it will be necessary to water the bush every week independently, spending a lot of energy and water on it.

And with an excess of moisture bush, and in particular its root system, can begin to rot, it can hit the phylloxera, the fruit can crack and also rot. For this reason, grapes are never grown on swampy soils. The ideal option is black soil or light loam. The depth of groundwater for planting the variety "Vostorg" is not higher than 2.5 meters.

It is also important to consider the distance between the bushes so that their vine does not intertwine with each other and so that they do not shade / thicken each other. For grape varieties with medium growth power, it is optimal to make a distance of 4 meters, but for strong-growing ones - about 6. Thus, the bush will be a lot of space for weaving.

Experienced winegrowers recommend planting this variety in an arched way.

Thanks to the arched method, it will have enough space for weaving, and it will be possible to create a beautifully decorated arch in your garden or just the yard. But in the event that you want to plant grapes near the house, it is worth considering that the roots of this plant can interfere with its foundation. Therefore, it will be necessary to retreat from it at least 0.7 meters.

How to plant grapes "Delight" to the stock: features and rules

For vaccination, you need to choose good cuttings with 2-3 eyes. The cuttings should not be dry, they should have a green cut. So that during the adaptation and rooting, the cutting does not dry out and was able to retain the right amount of moisture, it is recommended to wax it down by dropping paraffin into melted paraffin for a few seconds.

In order for the stalk better to stick to the rootstock, its lower part, which will fall into the split of the stock, is cut from both sides, with which it will be pressed against the wood of the trunk. Also, before grafting this lower part at least a day should be in the water. also. It is often recommended to lower it into a solution with “Humate”, an excellent root growth stimulant.

Preparation of the stock includes the following steps:

• Remove old grape bush.

• Stripping the surface of a 10-centimeter hemp that is left after removing a shrub.

• Stock splitting. The split should not be deep, so as not to harm the rootstock, it should fit only the cutting (or more, if the width of the string allows it).

After that, the cutting simply fits into the split and is very firmly clamped in it, which will allow it to settle down more effectively. The vaccination site is carefully coated with wet clay. Near the rootstock digging support for the future of the bush. Also, the shtamb must be poured with plenty of water and mulch the soil around it.

How to care for a bush of grapes "Delight"?

• Grapes need a lot of moisture, which contributes to the growth of the root and the formation of fruits. Although the bush tolerates drought well, it needs to be watered before flowering and after.

• After each watering, the soil around the grapes is covered with a 3 cm layer of mulch from darkened sawdust or moss.

• In winter, young grapes and just planted must be covered. A large vessel without a bottom is installed above it and covered with sand. From above, you can still cover with fir branches or moss.

Pruning grapes "Delight" is carried out in the autumn, 8-10 eyes of each shoot are removed.

• To prevent the bush from getting sick and not being hit by various pests, regular spraying for prevention should be carried out. They are usually held before flowering, until the fruits have formed. Special preparations against mildew, gray rot and oidium are used.

Watch the video: Kundiman of Grade 10 - Grapes (December 2024).