Sweet cherry Iput

Speaking about the best varieties of cherries, it is necessary to call the Iput variety. Proper care is guaranteed to give us fragrant, tasty fruit. We offer interested readers to consider this variety in more detail.

The Iput sweet cherry variety refers to winter-hardy, skoroplodny varieties with an average yield and early fruit ripening. The cherry tree grows to an average height, has large fruits. It belongs to partially self-bearing varieties.

In addition to excellent taste, sweet cherry is characterized by a useful and diverse composition. Cherry fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals: glucose, iodine, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP. E, also contain ascorbic acid and substances containing pectins.

Cherries are recommended to use with anemia, elevated pressure.



Variety "Iput" pleases us with fruits of average size, about 5.3 grams of one sweet cherry weight, but they can reach by weight and 9.7 grams. The form heart-shaped with a narrow funnel, at the top they are rounded with a white dot.

It is also interesting to read about the most delicious varieties of sweet cherry.

Colour the cherry is dark red, but when fully matured, its color changes, it becomes almost black. Pulp of average density, cherry juice - dark red.

The sweet cherry has a short and thick stalk. The bone in shape resembles an egg, light brown in color, with a rounded base and a pointed tip, slightly adheres to the pulp. Juicy, tasty, very sweet and beautiful fruits of sweet cherry easily come off the stem.

If it rains frequently in summer, the peel of a cherry is partially cracked. They are used for making juice, compotes, fruit drinks, consumed fresh.


The Iput tree grows of medium size, with an inherent broad-pyramidal and very leafy crown. Sweet buds are large, vegetative cone-shaped, ovoid, generative.

Leaves long elongated, egg-shaped, large, dark green color. The top of the leaflet is pointed with a rounded base. The leafy plate is slightly concave, wavy, lacking omission.

A thick scape of medium length, sometimes short, has 2 huge colored glands. White inflorescences are large, consist of 3 or 4 flowers, the rim resembles a saucer, the petals touch each other. The stigma of the pistil is on the same level as the stamens. The sepals have no serrations, the pistil and stamens are long.

AT fruiting sweet cherry comes from 4-5 years after planting. Mature trees with proper care and creating comfortable conditions give excellent yields, and these are 50 kg of fruits from one tree. The variety "Iput" has a small feature: its sweet cherries grow in small bouquets, and therefore it is very convenient to pick them.


Cherry sprouts grow very quickly, so they have to be cut every year, thereby forming the crown of the tree. Shoots are removed in early spring, before bud break.

With intensive growth and before the appearance of the first harvests, annual shoots are shortened by one and a half times the initial length. A tree older than 5 years is thinned less often, only those branches that go inside the crown are removed.


- Stable and high yields of berries.

-The pulp of the sweet cherry is dense.

- Begin to ripen early.

-Sort "Iput" resistant to fungal diseases.

-It tolerates the winter period.


-The average precociousness (begins to delight us with berries only 5 years).

- It's not always good bone is separated from the pulp.

- From excess moisture cherries can crack.


Planting cherries varieties "Iput" - this is a very responsible and time-consuming process, because it is important to take into account the rules and know all the nuances, including small ones, when planting. Because how carefully the planting pit was prepared, it depends on how the tree will grow and develop.

In the garden, it is recommended to plant, in addition to the Iput cherries, several more of its species, which simultaneously bloom with this variety. Cherry pollen is considered an excellent pollinator for them.

Cherries are best planted in sunny places, on very fertile soil. But it does not suit clay soils, deep sandstones, it is desirable to plant trees in windless places.


Spring or autumn? When is it better to plant the Iput cherries? Sure to you need to plant trees during their sleep, to save from stress. Terms of planting cherries still depend on the region in which it will grow, for example, south or north.

In areas where the average temperate climate, seedlings can land twice a year. Autumn and spring trees take root very well. In the southern regions, autumn is the best time for planting cherries. Trees are easily accepted and survive the winter, and with the arrival of spring they begin to grow rapidly.

Planting in the spring is not recommended, because due to strong heat, the roots do not have time to "take root", and they can suffer from a lack of water, sunburn. And in the northern regions, Iutut cherries are planted in the spring, since in the fall the trees will not have time to start quickly and they can freeze to death.

The soil

For the planting of Iput cherries, it is necessary to choose a plot with fertile, loose soil, as well as with soil that easily passes air and moisture. Perfectly loamy and sandy loamy soils.

Experienced gardeners strongly recommend not planting trees on heavy helminthic, peaty or sandy soils. Cherry trees are not planted where groundwater is at a high level, because it will not grow on the ground, with stagnant water.



Here, it would seem, the sweet cherry is considered a moisture-loving plant, but at the same time it does not tolerate stagnant water in the soil. To avoid problems, you need good soil drainage. In large gardens apply drip irrigation, it is considered the most effective.

Most of all cherries need watering in the period of active growth of shoots and ripening cherries. Her water three times. The first time she needs watering in late May, as soon as the cherry blossoms. The second watering occurs in mid-June, and the third, the last, in July, but on condition that it is a hot summer. Excess moisture adversely affects the fruits, they can begin to crack.

For winter Cherry must be watered in early October so that the soil can retain all the life-giving moisture. After watering, be sure to mulch the land in pristvolnyh circles. So the water evaporates less.


The Iput cherry variety is considered to be a strong-growing and fast-growing tree that needs root dressing. Feeding the root system carried out in three stages. For the first use of urea and potassium sulfate in the complex, it is carried out before the start of blooming of flower buds.

The second time they feed the trees, as soon as the cherry is fading, special fertilizers are used for the berry crops and organic is added to it. The next, third, root top dressing is carried out after harvesting. Superphosphate, potassium sulfate is scattered around the plant, then the ground is watered.

The hole around the cherry is always weeded and loosened after rain or watering, weeds are removed.

It is impossible to fertilize the sweet cherry with manure, since there is a possibility of freezing of the tree during the winter period and the number of fruit buds decreases.

It should be remembered that every 3-4 years when digging, organic fertilizers are applied, nitrogen fertilizers are applied three times a year, potash and phosphate fertilizers - every autumn when the site is digging. Every 5-6 years it is necessary to liming the soil. But liming and nitrogen fertilizer can not be combined, it leads to a loss of nitrogen.


The Iput cherries variety belongs to winter-hardy varieties, but you should still take care of its protection from frost. In order for the trees to please us with fruits next year, the following measures are being taken:

It is necessary to apply top dressing in a timely manner, make sure that there is no excess fertilizer in the soil, and when more fertilizer is applied, the plants may die. During the dry season, trees are often watered, and with constant rainfall, provide the tree with potash and phosphate fertilizer.

At night frostsIn spring, the cherry is protected with smoke. Heaps of garbage are laid out all over the garden, which are then lit when the temperature drops to 0 C.

Pests, diseases

Cherry is most often affected by such diseases, as:

Monilioz - fruit rot, the most harmful disease. Flowers and branches on the infected tree dry out, the leaves begin to fall early, rot and shrivel, the fruits dry out.

Coccomycosis is caused by the coccomyces hiemalis marshmallow. Leaves are affected primarily, small red spots appear on them, which gradually increase. Over time, the leaves can be affected, they become brown in color and dry up, holes can form. A humid climate, constant fogs, and rains affect the appearance of the disease.

With the appearance of the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to start treatment immediately, infected trees are sprayed with a preparation such as chorus. Be sure to add soap to the solution to form a strong foam (the foam is able to keep the drug from rinsing). It is necessary to spray very carefully, pay great attention to the inner surface of the leaves. After harvesting, diseased leaves and fruits are plucked and burned to prevent the spread of infection.

The most dangerous pest sweet cherry is aphid. As soon as you noticed her first signs of appearance on the tree, immediately you need to spray it with Iskra with soap.

In order for the cherry trees to be less likely to be affected by diseases and pests, you need to constantly monitor their condition, make root and extra-root dressings in a timely manner, moderately water the trees, and conduct regular pruning of the branches.

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