What is useful bee pollen, medicinal properties and contraindications of the product?

Many bee products are used by man from time immemorial. In particular, honey and wax are familiar to everyone and are widely used. However, not everyone knows that there are at least a dozen similar products, which also have found their application in various industries. Therefore, today we will talk about what bee pollen is, how it is useful, and how it can be used in everyday life.

The composition of bee pollen

Before you figure out how to take bee pollen, you need to know a little about its composition. Like other bee products, it is rich in various vitamins, acids and microelements.

Bee pollen contains at least 50 biologically active substances that ensure the normal course of chemical processes in the human body. So, regardless of the culture from which this material was collected, it will contain the main substances, such as:

  • trace elements (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper);
  • carotenoids;
  • B vitamins;
  • phytohormones;
  • vitamins E, C, P, PP;
  • antibacterial substances;
  • enzymes;
  • phenolic compounds.
In addition to useful elements and acids, pollen contains up to 30% of protein, up to 45% of carbohydrates and up to 10% of fats. Pollen collected from different cultures differs in composition and healing properties. For example, the substance from Hypericum, plum, meadow clover, willow and aster has the highest protein content.

The presence of a huge number of trace elements and vitamins in bee pollen and causes its benefits to humans.

Did you know? The protein of bee pollen, in its biological value (the content of essential amino acids), exceeds even the protein of milk.

What is useful bee pollen

Now let's find out how honey pollen is so useful.

Perhaps, it is worth starting with tonic and immunostimulating properties. The presence of potassium and rutin stimulates and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. In addition, pollen contains antibacterial substances that help to cope with the disease and strengthen the immune system. The iron contained in it increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so the use of pollen is mandatory after the loss of a large amount of blood or when the level of hemoglobin falls. Also, its use helps to reduce pressure, which is useful for people suffering from hypertension.

Bee pollen has the ability to accelerate cell regeneration, which makes it possible to recover faster from serious injuries and illnesses, and is perfectly combined with a low-calorie diet, as it provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. As you know, the calorie content of pollen is so small that it does not harm the diet.

For men

Often, the representatives of the stronger sex are faced with such problems, which are not spoken aloud. Somehow I don’t want to go to a doctor, but something needs to be addressed. And in this case bee pollen will come to the rescue, which is often used to solve various problems of men. With the help of her treat:

  • overweight;
  • impotence;
  • loss of sexual desire;
  • prostatitis.
Let's start with excess weight. Often this problem occurs in people who are malnourished due to work or various life problems. Pollen normalizes metabolism and provides the body with all the nutrients it needs. In addition, the trace elements contained in it, fill you with energy, boosting mood and lowering your appetite.

Impotence and the absence of sexual desire is a serious problem, but often it can be solved without going to the hospital. Bee pollen incorporates the necessary fatty acids and vitamins that help to restore its former strength.

Did you know? Bee pollen affects the number of viable spermatozoa and increases the chance of fertilization.
Prostatitis. The disease can occur both in extreme old age and in middle age. The pain and frequent visits to the toilet do not allow to live and work normally, and the nature of the problem does not allow the man to inform his relatives or consult a doctor.

The use of bee pollen for the treatment of prostatitis has been investigated by many scientists. The following have been proven: pollen helps to reduce the number of urinations at night, and also reduces discomfort in the prostate area. At the University of Wales, testing has proven that pollen extract prevents the prostate from narrowing.

It should be understood that pollen does not just delay the moment of surgical intervention, but actually treats prostatitis. In addition, you will be sure that cell mutations will not increase to prostatitis, which can later turn into cancer.

For women

Women, like men, face various problems, the presence of which is difficult to admit to others. But why is bee pollen useful for the female body? Firstly, it contains a large amount of folic acid, which is indispensable during pregnancy. By consuming a bee product, your fruit will grow and develop faster. You exclude not only vitamin starvation, but also give the child all the necessary trace elements.

Moreover, pollen can be used during menopause. Due to the presence of a wide range of vitamins, the process will be less painful, and since this product contains large amounts of zinc, it can also be used to rejuvenate hair and nails.

For kids

Children do not always like to eat healthy fruits and vegetables. However, bee pollen can be imperceptibly added to food, from which it will not lose its beneficial properties, but will help the children's body to form correctly.

Important! Pollen should not be given to children who have diabetes, are allergic to bee products or have a tendency to bleed. It is also forbidden to give pollen to children under one year old.
Bee pollen is useful for children's body for several reasons:
  • it strengthens the bones;
  • forms the cardiovascular system;
  • stimulates the immune system, protecting against viruses and pathogens;
  • improves mental and physical development;
  • improves appetite;
  • reduces anxiety and normalizes sleep.
Thus, even if the child refuses to eat fruits or vegetables, his body will always be provided with the right amount of vitamins, trace elements and proteins, which, like building material, form bones, muscles and organs.

How to take bee pollen: recommended dosage

You have already seen that bee pollen has a large number of useful properties, so now let's talk about how it should be taken and in what doses.

Did you know? Beekeepers get pollen using special "pollen traps". These are special grids that are located at the entrance to the hive. A bee, while passing through the trellis, leaves part of the pollen on it, and in one day such activity yields about 150 g of pure product.
Pollen can be taken in its pure form, but it does not always have a sweet taste, so it is best to use it, pre-mixed with honey. It is tasty and healthy to eat pollen with butter, but before using it is better to grind it in a coffee grinder.

Doctors recommend to use pollen in its pure form early in the morning, before eating: the lumps are placed under the tongue and kept there until complete dissolution. 30 minutes after the reception, you can sit down to breakfast.

In addition to the described options, bee pollen, as a food additive, can be taken dissolved in water or juice, but in this form it brings less benefit.

The daily dose of the substance is 15 g, however, for therapeutic purposes, the dosage can be increased to 25 g (the maximum daily dose for an adult is 32 g).

Did you know? 1 teaspoon without slides - 5 g, dessert - 10 g, dining - 15 g of the product. The course of treatment with bee pollen is generally 1 month, and it can be repeated no more than three times a year.
Knowing how to eat pollen and having the concept of the recommended dosages, you can proceed to the use of bee pollen for the treatment of specific diseases and ailments.

The use of medicinal properties of bee pollen (recipes)

Suppose you know exactly what pollen is useful for and how it should be consumed, but for the treatment of a certain disease, an exact dosage and auxiliary components are needed. That is why we consider several recipes based on bee pollen.

Important! Despite the fact that pollen is not a drug, overdose it can cause the most unpredictable consequences, so strictly follow the instructions.
Treatment of hypertension. Mix the pollen with honey in the ratio of 1 to 1. Take the mixture to 1 teaspoon 3 times a tribute 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment should not exceed 45 days. The drug is stored in a container with a lid and in a cool place.

Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. As in the previous case, you need honey and pollen, which are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and taken 3-4 times a day 2 hours before meals. If the ulcer was caused by increased acidity, then the product is diluted with 50 g of boiled water (but not boiled water!), Insist for 2-3 hours and drink warm. The course of treatment is 1 month. The same mixture can be taken to treat problems caused by increased acidity of the stomach.

Important! Honey and pollen can not be added to boiling water or cook, as all the healing properties at a temperature of 80-100 ˚C just disappear.
Obesity treatment. In a glass of warm boiled water dilute 1 teaspoon of pollen and stir well, so that it dissolves completely. Then, you need to take such a "drink" 3 times a day.

Treatment of anemia. It is necessary to dilute 1 teaspooner in water and take 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Together with the intake of pollen, you need to eat 2-3 baked green apples daily.

There are many more recipes that help to cope with other, no less problematic diseases that you do not want to treat with medicines. However, it is worth noting that in almost all cases, dosages are indicated for an adult. Therefore, in the treatment of diseases in children, the dose of the drug should be reduced.

How to store bee pollen

Bee pollen, in its pure form, is stored in the refrigerator. But before placing the product in a cold place, it must be dried in a drying cabinet at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C, and then placed in a glass jar with a thick silicone lid.

In this form, pollen can be stored for about two years. To increase its shelf life, you can add honey to it, in a 1: 2 ratio. This mixture is quietly stored for about 5 years without losing its qualities and vitamin composition.

Important! In case of moisture ingress, bee pollen becomes hazardous to health, therefore, it should be stored only in tightly closed vessels, while at the same time trying to avoid condensation of moisture inside the can.

Contraindications and harm to bee pollen

Bee pollen has both beneficial properties and contraindications that should be considered before taking the product. So, it cannot be used by people suffering from pollinosis (seasonal allergy to pollen), so as not to aggravate the situation. In very rare cases, it is allergy to bees saliva, and having such a problem, after taking bee pollen, you will have red eyes, a runny nose, or itching. In addition, bee pollen can not be taken with poor blood clotting, as the product contains a large amount of vitamin A.

Fortunately, there are no other contraindications, therefore this substance has become so widespread. Now you know what bee pollen is and what it is for. Use it as a dietary supplement, during and after illness, or simply to strengthen the immune system. However, you should always remember about the dosage, exceeding which you can easily make poison from the medicine.

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