Why does candidiasis occur in birds and is it possible to cure this disease?

Candidiasis of birds is a common disease, which is expressed in the defeat of the mucous membranes of the digestive tracts.

With the development of the disease, goiter and mucous membranes are affected. This disease is common in almost all countries.

This disease is very dangerous for poultry. Over the entire period of the study of the disease, it was noted that death in birds after this disease occurs in about 100% of cases.

The defeat of Candida microbes is very popular in nature. To identify the used research mucous membranes.

Causative agents of candidiasis in birds

This asporogenic tremor, marsupial mushrooms. These microbes multiply by budding. Pseudomyceliums, chlamylospores, blastospores appear.

Infection occurs through dairy products, soil, vegetables, fruits, bedding for the floor. These pathogens exhibit increased resistance to chemical and physical influences.

Most microorganisms reproduce in the environment without the participation of birds. Candida are in different places in wildlife.

With unwashed hands and using food from the floor, serious diseases occur. These microbes lead to the formation of toxins.

Pathogenic "fungi" exhibit different resistance to external manifestations. It depends on habitat conditions. For example, microbes are able to live in the soil for a period of from three to seven months.

It is possible to kill them by boiling only after 10-15 minutes. A good effect is influenced by ultraviolet rays, which are combined together with various chemical means. For example, drugs that contain iodine, glycerin, and chloramine are highly effective.

Main reasons:

  1. Environmental factors.
  2. Mushrooms are pathogens.
  3. Endogenous causes that weaken the body. For example, after prolonged illness.
  4. Dysbacteriosis.
When dysbacteriosis most of all conditions for the development of a pathogenic state. For example, after improper antibiotic therapy and with prolonged use of cytostatic substances, immunosuppressants, and the use of hormones.

If antibiotics are used for a long time, the work of beneficial microbes worsens. This leads to a deterioration of the enzyme systems, vitamin deficiency, reduced adaptation and immune forces of the body. As a result, an infection develops.

Course and symptoms

This disease is easily infected by contact with patients and even things that have been in contact with them.

The appearance of the disease is possible in the case of reduced body resistance. For example, when defective feeding, staying in unsanitary conditions. In some cases, the disease can be expressed as a secondary disease.

It is especially susceptible to individuals who have long used antibiotics.. The burden of disease is possible.

Pathogenic microflora "Candida" on the mucous membrane leads to a weakening of the body. This leads to the appearance of parasites. After that, the blood and lymph spread the disease throughout the body. This leads to manifestations of intoxication.

After this disease, birds do not have strong immunity, but various antibodies appear in the body. For example, precipitin, agglutinins. There is a low level for specific serological reactions.

The onset of the disease starts from three to fifteen days. Young birds experience loss of appetite, depression, diarrhea, feathers rise. Such birds do not walk, but gather in heaps. If palpation of goiter, then you can notice its painful thickening. Birds hardly drink water and swallow food.

Gastroenteritis chickens more and more often. If you do not identify this disease, it can destroy your birds!

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They are weak, lethargic, quickly depleted. They can notice the appearance of convulsions. Adult birds can tolerate the disease without strong manifestations, but at the same time tolerate microbes.

Patients have fever. They may limp. Poultry lose feathers and look unhealthy.

Patients eat poorly, stunted. They often have bloating. In general, chickens and other birds lie a lot and reluctant to move, lose weight chronically. If they are not treated, they die.

Infection can occur after healthy birds come in contact with the sick. For example, to put a healthy bird in a cage where it was previously sick, then it can take over the infection.

In the center of ornithological research were engaged in birds, which multiplied in captivity. For this, samples were taken with their faeces (from sick and healthy individuals). As a result of these analyzes, it was revealed that there are many bacteria in the body. In addition, fungal cultures could be seen.

Such birds died more often than others with other diseases. The birds who consumed water and food with pesticides and heavy metals carried the disease particularly hard. Similar symptoms were seen not only in poultry, but also in sparrows.

In 2008, scientists have more information about this disease. Special microbiological analyzes were carried out for birds with pronounced symptoms.

For example, they had inflamed goiter, as well as signs of lethargy, diarrhea, and pigmentation disorders. An interesting observation is that in wild birds that lived in the wild, these diseases were much less common.

For example, this disease was not found among birds that lived near the nature reserve in good conditions. Despite the fact that they were infected with other microorganisms, their state of health was not close to death.


To establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to do an inspection. In addition to the obvious signs, laboratory tests should be studied.

As a result, candidiasis can be distinguished from various infections and manifestations of insufficient vitamin nutrition. After diagnosis, veterinarians can separate this disease from possible intestinal poisoning.

For accurate diagnosis, you need to examine the clinical data.obtained after research. To highlight the pure culture of the fungus, perform special types of sowing. Identification occurs through the study of various morphological features.

When making a diagnosis, difficulties are possible, because the disease is similar to beriberi and other manifestations of ill health. The appearance of this disease is often due to the fact that there are other foci of infections in the body.

Yeast fungi, which are parasites in the body, have a harmful effect. These mushrooms get along with feeding to poultry.

Nestlings especially hard to bear such diseases. As a result, their goiter increases. And harmful mucus enters the stomach. There is a thickening of the goiter. After that, a more progressive effect of the symptoms is noted.


Treatment brings good results only when the situation is easy. Patients with severe form does not make sense to treat. These birds are usually given for meat.

To cure candidiasis goiter in poultry, you need twice a day to release her goiter from excess accumulations of fluid with germs.

To do this, vets raise the chicken and fix it in a convenient position for inspection. After that, try to touch the goiter, and then do a light massage. During the massage gurgling appears. After that, the goiter is emptied of excess fluid. This procedure takes about two minutes.

Drugs are injected into the throat, opening in front of this beak. To cure candidiasis, recommend using "Baytril". It is injected into the throat and make sure that the drugs do not spill. It is unacceptable that they fall into the respiratory system.

Two hours later, natural probiotics with beneficial bacteria are injected into the throat of the poultry. This is important for full microflora.

If the stage of candidiasis in a bird is neglected, then it refuses to eat and reluctantly swallows the medicines that are delivered to the goiter. It is unacceptable to give sick birds a habitual diet with compound feed and heavy for digesting grain.

For this poultry cook mashed potatoes, mashed porridge, boiled eggs, crushed to a paste. A bland diet is observed for the entire recovery period.

It is important to give the chickens clean water.. Create them a calm atmosphere in insulating conditions. For additional treatment, you can use folk remedies.

On modern poultry farms for the treatment of doing a special aerosol treatment of birds. For this, fungiostatic antibiotics are used. For example, nystatin, amphotericin B, sodium salts work well. In addition to this treatment, aqueous solutions of iodine are made.

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying causes.

Additional security measures

In large farms, the main reason for the infection of birds is more mature individuals. They can also be carriers of various diseases. It is for this reason that diligent cleaning and disinfection of the premises should be carried out.

It is important to pay attention to inventory handling.because a large number of infectious microbes accumulate on it. Special fungiostatic agents can be considered the main element in the implementation of preventive measures.

The main actions to protect young animals from disease:

  • Cancel the massive use of antibiotics.
  • Add in food a feed that does not contain harmful substances, but is rich in vitamins, trace elements and mineral components.
  • Use for cleansing premises 1.5% formalin solution.
  • Regularly treat young birds using drugs that have fungiostatic and fungicidal effects.


To protect pets from this disease, you need to provide them with full-fledged living conditions. Vitamin feeds and other healthy supplements should be given.. Hygiene and special treatment of premises against infections is mandatory on an ongoing basis.

If among the total number of sick one or more chickens, they should be urgently isolated. After that, thoroughly clean the room and inventory using formaldehyde solution.

Sick animals can excrete infectious substances with feces. It is possible to transmit infection from one animal to another through feed and soil. That is why for sick and healthy people should use different feeders and equipment for care.

Very often the disease begins in the spring and can immediately hit a large number of young. Poor ventilation of the rooms exacerbates the disease. This disease is in addition to dysbiosis, depletion of the body after improper care.

It is important to pay attention to improving the health and immune system. To do this, use drugs and biological supplements. Different stress effects should be excluded.

Together with standard veterinary and sanitary actions, it is necessary to exclude the appearance of other foci of infections in the habitats of birds.

For this room is disinfected using special drugs. Experts monitor the quality of the feed and perform various studies to identify diseases in the early stages.

In these farms should use fungicidal agents that provide additional security. It is especially important to carry out preventive actions for birds treated with antibiotics.

Watch the video: Punjabi budgies. .Which birds are at risk for candidiasis?Treatment UrduHindi (December 2024).