Excellent decorative quality demonstrates apple variety Volzhanka

Today there are many different varieties of apples.

Many gardeners try to give preference to common and versatile varieties.

They are distinguished by not complicated care, are well adapted to the growth in our strip and have excellent taste and decorative qualities.

There are many apple trees, species of which are widely distributed and in demand on the territory of our country, one of them is Volzhanka variety. A description and photo of an apple variety of Volzhanka is in the article.

What kind refers

Volzhanka belongs to autumn sort of apples.

Is different long storage, which can last until the middle of winter, and even longer.

Fruits of Volzhanka ripen in the second half of September. It is better to remove them from the tree by yourself, without waiting for the fall.

After harvesting, apples must lie still. 2-3 weeks before use to ripen.

In southern cities, fruit ripening periods may differ slightly due to the milder warm climate and high soil fertility.

Autumn varieties include Lyubava, Kitayka Belfleur, Uralets, Yantar, Aelita, Gala, Cinnamon Striped, Freshness, Scala, Ural Bulk, Flashlight, Imrus, Uspenskoe, Prima, Gift to Gardeners, Cinnamon New.


Volzhanka is self-infesting and needs pollination. The first fruits appear 3-4 years later after landing on a country site.

The best pollinators for it are: Bashkir handsome, Volga, Anis new, Tatarstan.

Description of the variety Volzhanka

Consider separately the appearance of the apple and fruit.

Fruit tree of medium height, has a dense green crown of wide-pyramidal shape.

Shoots of medium thickness, straight. The leaves are rather large, egg-shaped, saturated green color. Petioles of medium thickness, slightly pubescent.

Fruit medium size, one-dimensional, rounded-conical shape. The skin is opaque, dense, medium thickness, with a waxy coating. Peduncle thickened, short.

Apples have a pleasant greenish-yellow color with a light pink blush.

The flesh is cream-colored, juicy, has a pleasant sweet-sour taste and rich aroma.

Apples are versatile, suitable for cooking home-made dishes, jams, compotes, as well as being sold for production.

A photo

Breeding history

The variety of Volzhanka apples was obtained in Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture thanks to russian breeder Rozonova G.I.

The work has been carried out for ten years - from 1939 to 1949.

Volzhanka obtained by crossing the variety Borovinka with Reneta Krudner (Renet Volga region).

Distribution region

Middle Volga and Lower Volga regions considered the most favorable and suitable for growing this variety.

It is here that marked the highest yield of trees.

In the central part of Russia and other regions the variety is also grown.


Variety has good yield. You can get an average of one fruit tree up to 50-60 kg of fruits.

In the southern regions with good fertile soil, the yield will be higher.

Also high yields are different varieties: Amazing, Quinti, Korah, Carpet, Uslada, Prima, Persianka, Memory Ulyanischeva, Rossoshanskoe, Sunny, Sokolovskoe, Stroyevskoe, Welsey, Chudnoe, July Chernenko.

Planting and care

If you want to plant Volzanka in your area, you need to follow the recommendations for growing and caring for autumnal apple varieties.

Volzhanka recommended to land in a warm springwhen the snow melts, the night frosts will end, and the air during the day begins to warm the earth.

Can make landing early autumn. In this case, do not delay before the onset of cold weather. This variety does not have good winter hardiness.

For good growth and development of the apple need light, sun and heat. It is better to give preference for the south side of the plot. In a darkened area, the yield will be less and the fruits will not receive such a blush as in the sun.

Planted apple tree need two. For planting dug big deep hole, so that it is spaciously located roots (30-50 cm.).

At the bottom of the pit in the middle is an earthen mound, ready-made fertilizers or ash are applied.

The tree should be placed vertically in the center, straighten the roots, sprinkle with earth and lightly ram.

When you dig a hole, it’s better to make two mounds out of the ground.

In one side put the top layer, and in the other bottom. First, the lower layer is filled up, and then the upper one (without mixing the ground).

Pay attention to groundwater. If the water is close to the ground, an extra mound should be made for planting (cm 50-70).

Apple tree does not like heavy soil. If it is clay, add a layer of sand. Before planting, you need to dig the site well and loosen the ground.

Autumn Apple Trees need regular pruning. Young seedlings recommended to shorten 30-40 cm You should cut off extra branches that interfere with or compete with the conductor. Branches growing inward are removed to form the correct dense crown.

Tree needs in moderate watering. In the dry summer is recommended to water more often. To retain moisture can be done mound of peat and humus.

But, remember that apple tree likes soil with good drainage. She doesn’t need any excess moisture; therefore, it is advisable to dig out special grooves near the tree. It is especially important to do this in a rainy summer.

Volzhanka does not tolerate severe frosts. Before the onset of cold weather make mulching soil.
Hay, dry leaves, tree bark, sawdust, humus, peat are suitable as mulch. Mound should be heavy.

It is better to tie a young tree to a hammered wooden peg to protect it from strong wind. Some gardeners make additional protection of the lower part of the tree trunk from the planks.

If you want to save the bark of the apple tree from rodents in winter, You can tie it with spruce.

Do not forget fertilize an apple tree at least in the first years of life. This will be able to protect the tree from diseases, attack of pests and help to gain strength in order to quickly give the first harvest.

You can fertilize nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 50 kg per hectare.
Half the dose is given before flowering in spring. The second dose in 2-3 weeks after flowering.

Diseases and pests

Apple varieties of autumn varieties do not rarely become a tasty target for pests, they can be subject to diseases. Be attentive to the tree, try to properly care for it to prevent the appearance of pests.

Mealy dew affects the bark, leaves, buds, on which there is a dirty-white bloom. The leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out, and new shoots cease to form.

Apple trees are treated since spring. Wood is treated with drugs Topaz or Scor, and after flowering sprayed with a solution of copper sulphate.

Brown scurf on leaves may appear due to defeat. scab

To get rid of her leaves are processed Topazand after flowering sprayed with colloidal sulfur.

It is important for the scab to notice in time, otherwise it can affect not only the leaves, but also the flowers, the fruits of the apple tree.

Of the common pests can be identified aphids, ticks, leafs, lungwort, apple moth.

From pests well helps fumigation with tobacco smoke, treatment with karbofos solution.

Volzhanka has long been a common, universal apple variety, preferred by many gardeners. Apples are grown for sale, home canning and for industrial purposes.

Volzhanka has good taste and decorative qualities. But, she needs care and constant attention. Immunity is not strong. It is necessary to protect it from pests, to help it grow and develop, to survive the winter frosts and wind.

Watch a video with tips: pruning, preparing for winter and caring for an apple tree.

Watch the video: 11 Best Home And Kitchen Organization Ideas. Room Organization Ideas (December 2024).