Belarusian unpretentious beauty - cherry Zhivitsa

Received by Belarusian breeders Interspecific hybrid quickly became popular in the post-Soviet space. Getting into the new regions, the hybrid variety acquires new names.

Sometimes a tree is called simply “a hybrid of cherries and cherries,” in Belarus for it is often used affectionate name Cherish

Everywhere, this variety, like many other cherry-cherry hybrids, is called Duke or Duke.

This name comes from the name of the very first such hybrid that appeared in Western Europe at the end of the 7th century: May Duke. Russian gardeners sometimes call this cherry Gamma.

Breeding history and breeding region

The authors of this interspecific hybrid are E.P. Syubarova, P.M. Sulimov and M.I. Vyshinskaya from the Institute of Horticulture of Belarus.

Two old European varieties were taken as the parent pair: early Spanish cherry Griot Ostgeim and German sweet cherry Denisena Yellow.

From Griot Ostgeim Zhivitsa borrowed early ripeness and large size of fruits, she got from Denisena frost resistance, sweetness and regular fruiting.

Zhivitsa has been in the state register of varieties since 2002 for Central region of Belarus, since 2005 - for the whole country. Now this hybrid is successfully grown on Ukraine and central Russia.

Such varieties as Lyubskaya, Mayak and Morozovka are cultivated in these regions with success.

Appearance of cherry Resin

Consider separately the appearance of the tree and fruit.


Resin is a tree medium height adult tree does not exceed 3 meters. The crown is round, its density is small, the branches of the variety are raised and drooping.


  • the variety has berries medium sized or slightly larger than average, cherry color, rounded shape;
  • average fruit weight is 3.7 grams;
  • the pulp is dark red, very juicy, with an average density;
  • the berries have a very pleasant harmonious taste with a slight sourness. Tasters rate taste 4.8 points;
  • small bone, round shape, well separated from the pulp of the fruit.

Magnificent taste is also demonstrated by Chernokorka, Fairy and Vyanok.

The chemical composition of cherries varieties Resin:

Titrated acidsno more than 0.81%
Vitamin C0,42%

A photo

Characteristic variety

Turpentine refers to the cherries early ripening. Consumer maturity comes in late June or early July.

The variety starts fructification early: the first fruits can be obtained already in the year of planting.

Stable fruition begins since 3-4 years. In the future, the hybrid fruits regularly, giving a rich harvest annually.

When landing scheme: 5x3 meters, yield is 10-14 t / ha.

Resin blooms in early spring. Hybrid is self-infertile. Zhukovskaya, Malinovka and Podbelskaya also need pollinators.

As the best pollinators for him recommend different varieties of cherries or cherries. Novodvorskaya, Vyanok, Seedling number 1.

Fruiting variety on last year's growth and on the bouquet sprigs.

Winter hardiness is very good. In Belarus, frost freezing was not observed even in the coldest winters.

Volochaevka, Shokoladnitsa and Lebedyanskaya can also boast excellent winter hardiness.

Planting and care

Hybrid Resin is well acclimatized as with autumn, so with spring landing. It is only important to observe the optimal time for planting the seedling.

In both cases, it is better to plant a young plant a little earlier than to be late with planting.

Before landing it is necessary prune damaged branches and roots.

Landing hole is prepared in advance. Its depth must be 40-45 cm, diameter - half a meter or more. Fertile ground should be prepared for the powdered roots.

Filling the roots with soil, it is well compacted.

On the edge of the landing pit, you need to make a small roller to hold irrigation water.

Sapling watered plentifully immediately after planting in several receptions sun water. Overall water consumption 2-3 buckets.

If after the last watering the soil settles, exposing the root collar, it is necessary to pour more earth. Then the radical circle mulch.

Important! Mineral fertilizers and manure during planting can not be applied, as they can damage the young roots, which will worsen its survival rate.

Fertilize the cherry begin with 3-4 years of age, i.e. with the onset of fruiting. Organic fertilizers (rotted manure, compost, sapropel) contribute once every 2-3 years.

Phosphate and potash salts should be added at the end of the growing season, and nitrogenous at the beginning.

Shortly after flowering, the plant is well soluble soluble. complex fertilizer with micronutrients.

Watering should be regularespecially in dry summer. Most Cherry need water during the pouring of the fruit.

When watering pay attention to moisture penetrated to the depth not less than 40-50 cm

The pruning gum practically does not need pruning: crown grows slowly, thickening of the branches is usually not observed. It is necessary to cut only aged, over wilted branches and those that are largely bare.

Root growth in hybrid Zhivitsa almost not formed. This is both a positive and negative quality. On the one hand, it is easier to take care of the garden, on the other hand, it is not possible to propagate the variety in this way.

For breeding, seed pits can be used, but their germination is very small, and the seedlings do not always exactly correspond to the varietal characteristics.

Tip: To increase germination, seeds are sown immediately after harvest.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests Zhivitsa prone to little, like most hybrid varieties.

She is not affected neither coccomycosis nor monilial burn, from which in recent years cherry plantings have suffered greatly.

Also resistant to coccomycosis are Tsarevna, Minx, Ashinskaya and Fairy.

Very rarely aphids settle on a plant.. Even birds (starlings, rooks) damage this hybrid to a lesser extent than other varieties of cherries.

High agronomic performance, excellent taste and undemanding to care of the hybrid variety Zhivitsa offer him a wide road to the farm and amateur gardens.

The ability to withstand cold weather makes it possible to grow this hybrid of cherry and sweet cherry in more northern regions. If you are interested in unpretentious varieties of cherries, pay attention to the Moscow Griot, Toys and Lyubskaya.

Watch the video of an experienced gardener about different varieties of cherries including the variety Zhivitsa.