What is incubation of egg eggs and how to conduct it correctly?

Muscovy ducks are popular among farmers for their high quality meat.

These birds are also bred for the sake of the liver - a product that belongs to delicacies.

How to choose eggs for incubation at home? What are the features of incubation in an incubator? Read about this in detail in our article.

What it is?

This is an important biological process whose goal is to produce healthy offspring.. Among farmers, it is also used to increase the volume of meat and eggs. Incubation is a component of breeding work, which consists of the selection and laying of eggs with the subsequent breeding of chicks.


These feathery eggs have an average size and oval shape. The weight of one is -70-75 g. The maximum indicator is 90 g. The shape of the egg resembles a chicken, but more elongated and pointed on one side. The shell is thick, the structure is durable.

The color is white with a slight green or blue tint. Indoot eggs have a transparent but thick protective film. It is this that complicates the correct incubation and development of the embryo.

Specificity of selection and storage

IMPORTANT: Before laying the eggs must be carefully selected.

It is carried out according to such principles.:

  • weight - 70-80 g;
  • standard form;
  • the surface is clean and smooth;
  • the absence of cracks or chips on the shell.

Store selected eggs should be no more than 10-14 days. They should be placed in dark cool rooms with good air circulation. The optimum temperature is 15 degrees. Humidity level should not be lower than 70%. Prohibited storage in the refrigerator. The solution to the situation is storage on a plywood sheet in 1 row.

How is the preparation?

Eggs must be laid on the tray with the blunt end down.. You can not lay one egg on another - this will affect the viability of the chicks. Until laying eggs you need to turn 3-5 times a day.

Do I need disinfection?

To clean the shell of hazardous microorganisms, a disinfection procedure is carried out. At home and industrial scale, you can use a solution of formaldehyde. Formalin and water should be poured into the container, put it in a chamber with eggs.

The consequence of a chemical reaction is steam, which kills harmful bacteria. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Steam is removed from the chamber using an exhaust ventilation system. Alternative - quartz mercury lamp. It should be placed at a distance of 70 cm from the eggs. Warm up to 10 minutes.

Do I need to wash?

It is necessary to wash eggs only in extreme cases, with a large area of ​​pollution. Carry out the procedure should be carefully. Eggs must be placed in a grid container, immersed in a solution, rotated before contamination is washed off. Wipe clean with a cloth is not recommended - it will damage the protective shell.

Stages of embryo development

The first stage is the 6th day of incubation. The embryo is presented in the form of a bright spot, which is tightened by a network of blood vessels. Large vessels are seen on the yolk. The next stage is 10-12 days. At this time, allantois already completely lines the inner surface of the shell, encompassing white.

Germ - a large dark spot. The final stage is 20 days and more. The embryo fills the entire inner space of the egg, its sharp end is not visible when translucent. Visible neck (moving shadow).

You can read more about the process of incubating musk duck eggs here.

Incubator Information

In incubation cabinets it is important to properly place the heating structure.. The best location is above the trays. High heating rates have ordinary incandescent bulbs. Spirals or tenes have a large hysteresis and do not guarantee accurate temperature maintenance (and drops of even 2 degrees lead to the death of embryos). To ensure the exchange of air in the incubator there are special holes that are located on the bottom and on the lid.

ATTENTION: For an incubator with a capacity of 100 eggs, 16 holes for natural ventilation are sufficient.

To incubate eggs, you can make an incubator with your own hands. You can read more about this here.


How many days must eggs be kept in an incubator? The incubation period for indoutok lasts more than 30 days. It is the total time of incubation that is a lack of musk ducks. After the appearance of chicks, care and compliance with the conditions of detention are important.


The mode of incubation of eggs of Indoori includes a set of actions that are aimed at maintaining the normal development of the embryo.

In the list of main components:

  • temperature;
  • relative humidity;
  • the correct arrangement of eggs inside the incubator;
  • lighting level.

The optimum temperature for the development of the nucleus of the indoot is 38.5 degrees. When lowering the mark, the growth slows down and the incubation period is prolonged, and overheating leads to a deformed development (various deformities of the embryo appear).

Process table

Table incubation of indoutin eggs at home:

PeriodtAir humidityTurning periodsNeed cooling
1 - 12 days+ 38 ° C70 %every 4 hourson the 7th day
13 - 24 day+ 37.5 ° C60 %every 4 hours2 times a day for 15 minutes
25 - 28 days+ 37 ° C85 %Terminate from day 26ends on day 27

detailed instructions

Incubation of the indouca requires necessarily providing conditions for the full development of the embryo. It is important to bookmark a clean and disinfected device. Farmers recommend settling eggs horizontally, since in such a situation the development process is more qualitative.

What to pay attention to?

  1. Throughout the first week is important maintain temperature in the incubator for eggs indoutok, not higher than 38.2 degrees.
  2. The first week follows turn eggs up to 6 times a day. Then the number gradually decreases. From 21 days, turning over is no longer required.
  3. From day 14, a skeleton is formed. This period is important carry out cooling - airinge (minimizes possible overheating of the egg).
  4. To facilitate the emergence of chicks to light increase air humidity up to 75%.


It is unacceptable to lay fertilized eggs of indoutok in a cold incubator. It is necessary to warm up the device for at least 4 hours (close the ventilation holes). First you need to lay large eggs, then medium and small. The interval between the laying of different batches - 30 minutes.


The procedure allows you to consider the embryo after 12 hours in the incubator. Viability is determined by the size of the embryo, its position and the development of the yolk sac. The last translucency occurs at the very end of the incubation. Dead embryos are visible as a dark and motionless mass.

Frequent mistakes

The list of the most common mistakes is incorrect and uneven heating (the eggs on the sides do not receive enough heat). Another problem is overheating. Heat stroke can be fatal for embryos. Also, beginners often forget to turn eggs regularly.

First steps after elimination

TIP: In the first hours you need to teach the chickens to eat and eat. Finely chopped eggs, porridge made from milk, chopped greens are suitable for food.

Healthy chicks are mobile, they have a brilliant down and bulging eyes. Slow animals with a big belly are subject to rejection.

Temperature range for keeping young stock is 30-33 degrees. In the first days of life, the chicks need constant light. Then it is reduced to 18 hours, and the total time is 8 hours (for two-month individuals).

Breeding indoutok in the incubator - a painstaking and responsible process. But at observance of all stages and recommendations of difficulties should not arise. With gaining experience, the poultry farmer will have his own secrets and rules of incubation.

We also suggest reading how to carry out the process of incubating eggs of different birds:

  • Incubation of turkey eggs.
  • Features incubation of peacock eggs.
  • The subtleties of incubation of chicken eggs.
  • Rules for incubating pheasant eggs.
  • Incubation of goose eggs.
  • Features incubation of duck eggs.
  • Instructions for the incubation of ostrich eggs.
  • Rules for the incubation of quail eggs.

Watch the video: HOW TO INCUBATE CHICKEN EGGS STEP BY STEP!!!! (December 2024).