The best winter varieties of apple trees for central Russia and care for them

Since ancient times, the apple tree is one of the most popular fruit trees in almost every garden and vegetable garden. However, choosing an apple variety, it is very important to focus on the climatic conditions of the region in which the tree is to be planted, on frost resistance, yield, etc.

So, we will consider the features, basic characteristics and varieties of the best winter varieties of apples, intended for cultivation in central Russia. Watch useful and interesting video on the topic.


You should be aware that, by frost resistance, apple trees are divided into winter and summer. Thus, many experienced gardeners often grow winter and summer types of apple trees in their gardens. This is a very expedient decision, due to the fact that not all varieties of summer apple trees will be able to survive severe frosts.

As a rule, apple trees ripening in the summer period of time, produce fruits that are not subject to long-term storage. In addition, if the winter will be harsh, then such trees are likely to die.

Speaking about the best winter varieties of apples for central Russia, a number of features can be noted that give them an advantage over summer trees.:

  1. This species has a high degree of frost resistance.
  2. Such apples can be stored for a long time without losing an attractive appearance and taste.
  3. They have a very high winter hardiness, which means resistance to particularly strong frosts.
  4. It is easy to tolerate strong temperature drops that occur after a thaw.
  5. Late harvest time (in September, October, and sometimes even in November).
ATTENTION: Usually, during the harvest of winter apples, they are not fully ripe, so their ripening occurs during storage.

How to choose?

Russia occupies a very vast territory of the globe, which is why the climatic conditions of its various regions differ significantly. For example, the fact that it grows well and bears fruit in Voronezh is hardly suitable for growing in Smolensk.

According to the same principle, one should approach the choice of apple trees for planting. Usually, Apple varieties most suitable for cultivation in a particular region are sold in local nurseries..

Growing apples in the middle zone of the Russian Federation is accompanied by the emergence of some difficulties. In particular, it has a moderately continental climate, which is characterized by a snowy, rather frosty winter and a warm, humid summer.

Thus, having decided to start growing apples in the middle zone of the Russian Federation, one should take into account the winter resistance of one or another variety. At the same time, it should be noted that apple trees are a very common fruit tree for this region.

Specific types: description and characteristics for each

Currently, there is a fairly decent number of varieties of winter apple trees grown in the middle zone of the Russian Federation. Moreover, these trees are divided into domestic and foreign. Consider the most popular ones:

  • Antonovka - This variety has a very rich history and has long been grown in Russia. Especially well ripen and form apples of this species in the middle lane.

    They have a bright yellow color and a very pleasant aroma. The flesh has a crunchy texture and white color. The taste of Antonovka is sweet and sour.

    As a rule, fruit begins after 7 years of growth. It is important to note that this variety of apple trees is very resistant to various diseases, unpretentious and tolerates even extreme cold.

  • Kuban-spur - apples of this variety reach a mass of about 170 g. have a very attractive appearance, which is characterized by a rounded, slightly conical shape with no ribbing.

    During the harvest period, apples of this variety have a greenish color, but in the process of ripening they acquire a bright red blush, which makes them even more attractive.

    The flesh is dense, light gray. It has a sweet-sour taste.

    Among the most important characteristics of the winter variety of apple trees "Kuban-Spur" one can note a high yield index, a small crown, as well as adaptation to growth in the territory of the central zone of the Russian Federation.

  • "Jonathan"- Apple trees of this species have a very large number of advantages. The crop usually comes on the 5th year of growth.

    This type is characterized by an average percentage of susceptibility to diseases, as well as winter hardiness. Perfectly gets on and plentifully fructifies in a midland of the Russian Federation.

    In size, the fruits grow large and medium. They have a yellowish-green color with a bright red blush. When harvesting, apples of this type may have an “rusty” net.

    The flesh is juicy, has a delicate creamy taste and a crunchy texture.

  • Welsey - Apple trees of this variety grow well in the middle lane. The apples are round, grow medium size. They have a characteristic flatness.

    Fruits have a yellowish color with a bright red tinge. At the same time, the flesh itself is crunchy, with a slight sourness and unforgettable aroma.

    Usually, this sort of apple begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting. It has good winter hardiness and resistance to diseases.

  • Lobo - a very popular variety of winter apple trees. It has a yellow-green fruit round shape. Also on the apples there is a pleasant reddish blush.

    The flesh has a delicate structure in white. It has a very pleasant aroma.

    However, this variety of apples is highly susceptible to various diseases. At the same time, it has a peculiarity to bear fruit quickly.

    Currently, it is very popular in many countries, and also successfully grown on the territory of the central part of the Russian Federation.

General rules of care

It is important to understand that the cultivation of an apple variety requires proper care. So, conditionally, the main procedures for caring for an apple tree can be represented as the following list:

  1. Whitewashing the trunk - This procedure is carried out at the end of February in order to protect against direct sunlight and in the spring, in order to protect the tree from pests.

    White color perfectly reflects the sun's rays, which helps protect the tree from overheating.

    It is necessary to whiten both old and young apple trees. As a tool for whitewashing, you can use a solution prepared at home, or ready-made purchase paint designed for this purpose.

    IMPORTANT: Coloring composition should not be thick.
  2. Treatment of damage caused in the winter - This procedure is performed by mid-March. It is necessary to carefully examine the base of the trunk for the presence of traces of rodents. If the trunk is damaged superficially, the holes on the bark can be covered with garden pitch. In the event that the damage is deep, then a graft bridging is done.

    Also, as a result of frost, the bark of the apple tree can be partially destroyed. This circumstance manifests itself in the form of brown spots on the trunk, and at the same time the bark begins to slice off the wood. In this situation, also used garden pitch or graft bridging.

  3. Pruning apple trees - annually in the spring period of time it is necessary to prune apple trees in order to ensure good ventilation and illumination of the tree crown, as well as convenient harvesting in the future.
  4. Timely pest control - this procedure is performed in spring in several stages:
    • 1st in March (before the advent of buds) - the tree is sprayed with chemicals.
    • 2nd in April - you can install special glue belts on the tree, which are an effective tool in the fight against crawling insects.
      TIP: If buds have already appeared, it is better to remove pests manually, as spraying can harm insect pollinators.
    • 3rd at the end of May - again you can spray the trees.
  5. Top dressing apple trees - carried out in April. To do this, a twenty-centimeter fossa is made around the crown, where a handful of complex granular fertilizer is poured. Top need to fall asleep ground. This feeding is usually enough for 2-3 years.

Watch the video about apple care:


It can be noted that today winter varieties of apples grown in the middle zone of the Russian Federation are very popular because of the high percentage of yields, as well as special taste qualities. The most important thing is to provide proper care for the apple tree and then it will delight you with its wonderful fruits all year round.

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