Anemone: use, medicinal properties and contraindications

The plant gained its popularity many centuries ago due to its beauty and agrotechnical unpretentiousness. Now we know about one and a half hundred species. anemones (anemone). Their sizes vary from 10 cm to 1 m, and the color is also diverse: blue, yellow, blue, white, pink.

Anemone has long been known for its healing properties, thanks to which it has been used in traditional medicine.

Chemical composition of anemone

The chemical composition of this plant has not yet been widely studied. In an anemone, the main element is a double-stricken ephemeroid. Toxic substances are also contained in this flower: tannin, tar, saponins and protoanemonin. Camphor and the glycoside ranculin are present in the leaves of the fresh plant, which, after drying, are converted to glucose and poisonous protoanemonin. The latter is an oily substance with a sharp taste and a pronounced smell.

Did you know? The first information about the cultivation of anemones came to us from ancient Rome.

Medicinal properties of anemone

In modern medicine, it is rare to find a description of drugs that contain ingredients from anemone, since their positive effect on the human body has not yet been scientifically proven. But some recipes still suggest the use of this plant. Only everywhere there is a warning about the toxicity of anemones.

You can find a lot of original recipes in traditional medicine, aimed at curing serious illnesses that sometimes even modern remedies cannot cope with the highest pharmacological indicators. The beneficial properties of anemone in homeopathy are highly valued.

Important! In the plant all its parts are poisonous. The lactones contained in the anemone cause irritation.

Immaculately follow all the tips and recipes found is very unwise and quite dangerous. You can not only recover from your illness, but also make it worse or get a new problem. Before you use or create your own anemone recipes, you should always consult with a qualified herbalist or experienced herbalist.

In a regular pharmacy, you will not find medicines from an anemone, since its high efficiency has not yet been scientifically confirmed, and toxicity is too high. In any case, an anemone can find its application not only as a medicinal raw material, but also as a wonderful decoration of a garden or garden plot. After all, these flowers are unpretentious and very attractive.

Use in folk medicine: treatment with anemone

A decoction made from the grass of anemone, has a number of useful properties. It helps sputum removal, has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic effects. Good to take it as a diaphoretic. Anemone is used in the treatment of fungal diseases and even tumors. In the form of anemone tincture is taken orally for the treatment of pneumonia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, migraines, gastrointestinal diseases and even oncology. External treatment with an alcohol infusion of anemone is carried out locally in the treatment of rheumatism, gout and dermatosis.

For insomnia and tinnitus

To overcome insomnia and get rid of tinnitus, the following remedy can be prepared from an anemone. Take one tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for two hours and strain. Take one tablespoon four times a day.

With flu and cold

Anemone is also effective at high temperatures caused by various viral diseases of the respiratory tract and the common cold. Antipyretic and antiviral effects will give the application of the following prescription. Take one tablespoon of dried and crushed anemone rhizomes and pour 250 ml of hot water. Boil the broth for 10 minutes on low heat, then cool naturally and strain. Take need to two tablespoons three times a day.

With rheumatic and joint pain

To prepare the tincture for grinding, you need to take 1 liter of medical alcohol or high-quality vodka and pour dry crushed leaves of anemone in the amount of 100 g Infusion should be put in a dark place for ten days and periodically shake it. After the expiration of the term, the drug should be filtered through gauze, folded in two layers, or a fine sieve. Now an anemone, infused with alcohol, can be applied locally to relieve rheumatic and joint pain. It is necessary to carry out rubbing of sick places once or twice a day.

For diseases of the bladder and kidneys

The following recipe is suitable for removing stones from the gallbladder, for inflammation of the kidneys and urea: a teaspoon of dry crushed or a tablespoon of fresh leaves of anemone pour a glass of cold water, leave for 8-10 hours, and then strain. Take the tool you need one tablespoon three times a day.

With a decrease in potency

A decoction of anemone roots helps to stimulate "male power." One tablespoon of chopped fresh leaves pour a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat in an enamel bowl with a lid on for 10 minutes. After letting it brew for another 20 minutes and drinking a tablespoon three times a day after meals. The course should last two months.

Did you know? According to the biblical writings, the anemone was created by the Lord when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. The wrath of God fell upon them with fierce cold and snow. But the Almighty had mercy on the first people and turned the snowflakes into white flowers. Since then, an anemone symbolizes the upcoming spring, hope and relief of a heavy fate.

When to collect and how to store the anemone

Preparation of medical raw materials of anemone by experienced herbalists is carried out during the flowering period. It is then that the plant is filled with its beneficial properties. Collect the anemone yourself, so you will surely be sure that it was done at the very beginning of flowering. It is better to do this when the weather is clear and dry, and there should not be morning dew on the plant stems. Stems better cut completely with all the leaves and flowers.

Important! Be careful, because foliar juice causes burns to the mucous membranes and skin. With the defeat, there may be a burning sensation around the eyes, mouth and abdomen. Saliva is abundant and vomiting may occur. Eye contact causes severe pain. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and goggles when collecting anemone.

To dry the grass should be in the fresh air in the shade, for this it needs to be spread on trays in one layer. You can use the dryer at a temperature of 40 ° C. Ready grass in color is almost the same as fresh. The anemone is poured into glass jars under a plastic cover, and the shelf life of such medical raw materials is one year.

Contraindications for use

An anemone with improper harvesting of stems, flowers and leaves can have side effects on the human body:

  • Shaking hands and cramps.
  • Shallow breathing and shortness of breath.
  • Spasm of the eye muscles, flickering of black spots and temporary blindness in case of poisoning with a large dose.
  • Tinnitus and temporary deafness.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea and possible bleeding due to aggravated gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Blood when urinating if the kidneys are diseased.
  • Lethal outcomes are not documented.
  • If anemone juice gets on the skin, redness, itching, swelling and rash may occur.
  • If a person suffers from a cardiovascular disease, alkaloids can trigger an attack or respiratory failure.
  • In the treatment of purulent open wounds, it is better to avoid using anemones. Traditional medicine has many alternatives that are more useful and safe.

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