Hippeastrum species

Hippeastrum - a charming beauty flower that came to us from Central America. In Greek, the name of the plant means “star of the knight”. Due to its extraordinary beauty, the flower is widely popular among florists. This article describes the most sophisticated, interesting types of hippeastrum and especially its varieties.

Hippeastrum Leopold (Nippeastrum leopoldii)

Hippeastrum varieties include about 80 varieties. Hippeastrum Léopold was isolated in a separate form in 1867. Under normal conditions found in Peru and Bolivia.

The bulb of this variety has a round shape, it reaches 8 cm in size. Several inflorescences grow from one bulb. The leaves are long, resemble the shape of a belt rounded off at the tip, reach 50 cm in length, and up to 3-4 cm in width.

Two flower heads are produced from one stem. The head of a flower is large, with a diameter of up to 20 cm, is represented by five or six petals. The shape they resemble the petals of lilies, but a little longer and narrower.

The middle of the flower is light green, the petals are brown in the center, and framed by white stripes along the edges and at the base. Flowers of this variety of rare beauty, due to the uncomplicated combination of brown color with white stripes, it seems that they are velvet.

Blossom in the fall. Reproduction occurs by dividing the onion. The main rules of care include:

  • good lighting;
  • frequent watering during flowering;
  • during the rest period watering is moderate;
  • water for irrigation - room temperature;
  • bulbs must be protected from contact with water;
  • once every two weeks it is necessary to fertilize (from the moment of bud formation and until the leaves dry);
  • transplantation is carried out during the rest period (August).
Important! Providing plant lighting, protect it from direct sunlight and overheating. Otherwise, the flower will quickly disappear.

Hippeastrum spotted (Nippeastrum pardinum)

This variety is also called leopard. Hippeastrum has a large shape and long leaves that reach up to 60 cm in length, and up to 4 cm in width. The plant can reach half a meter in height. Two flower heads emerge from the stem. Heads of flowers are large, up to 20 cm in diameter. Usually consist of six large, wide petals, pointed at the ends. Color petals varied:

  • red;
  • pink;
  • Orange;
  • lime;
  • crimson;
  • brown.
All petals are covered with small specks. From this variety and got this name. The inner and outer sides of the flowers have the same color. The middle is light green, interspersed in the center of the petals with long triangular lines.

Flowers are rarely monochrome, in most cases they combine pink and white, brown and light green, red and white, orange and light green. Among monochrome representatives most often there are red, orange and lime.

Did you know? Hippeastrum refers to plants whose flowers emit toxic substances. Therefore, transplanting, processing plants recommended to wear gloves. Otherwise, allergic irritation may occur on the skin.

Hippeastrum parrot-shaped (Nippeastrum psittacinum)

Exotic Brazil is considered the birthplace of this plant. Distinctive characteristics of this variety, in addition to the shape of flowers, are: the length of the plant, which reaches up to one meter, the grayish-green color of the leaves, the number of peduncles on the stem. The leaves have a belt-like shape typical for Hippeastrum up to 50 cm long. Unlike the previously described species, the parrot-shaped hippeastrum has abundant flowering. Up to four flower heads come out of one stem. Flowers may have five to six petals of oblong shape.

The main difference of the variety is the bright motley color of the petals. The middle can be red or light green. The edges of the petals are usually red or brown with white or yellowish, light green stripes in the center. It blooms in spring.

Hippeastrum royal (Nippeastrum reginae)

The home of this species is Central America and Mexico. The leaves are linear with a rounded tip. Their length is up to 60 cm, width is up to 4 cm. Up to four flower heads come out of one stalk. The flower head is in the shape of an asterisk with six broad petals pointed towards the end. Petals monochrome, have a charming rich color. The most common red, brown, orange colors. The middle can be white with a light green hue or dark red. It blooms in winter and autumn periods.

Important! After flowering, be sure to cut off the heads of flowers, so that they do not consume the nutrients that the root system needs during this period. The leaves do not need to touch, they fade themselves. The plant needs an annual transplant, since it will very quickly use up useful elements from the soil.

Hippeastrum reticulum (Nippeastrum reticulatum)

The variety comes from Brazil. The plant reaches 50 cm in height. Leaves take up to 30 cm in length, and up to 5 cm in width. Three to five flower heads emerge from the stem. Distinctive features of the variety are:

  • the presence in the center of the leaves of the white band, which is located almost the entire length of the leaf;
  • large flower heads of charming pink-red or white-pink shades;
  • nice smell.
The flowers of this variety are very beautiful. Petals are wide, rounded in the middle and pointed at the ends. The middle is light green. The main color of the petals is white or pink. On the main color petals along the entire length are densely pierced with thin lines, respectively, pink or white. Flowers look tender and graceful. It blooms in autumn until the beginning of winter.

Hippeastrum reddish (Nippeastrum striatum / striata / rutilum)

Under normal conditions it grows in wooded areas of Brazil. Hybrids are produced as indoor plants. This is one of the smallest representatives of the Hippeastrum. It reaches a height of only 30 cm.

Leaves about 50 cm long, about 5 cm wide, have a light green color. From one stem can depart from two to six flower heads.

The flower head is represented by six long, thin (about 2 cm wide) petals. The middle is light green, in the shape of an asterisk, and the petals have a rich red tint. It blooms in winter and springtime.

Did you know? Each variety of hippeastrum has its own period of flowering and rest. However, subject to the rules of transplantation, changing the time of planting bulbs, you can change the flowering time of the plant.
The variety has several varieties:

  • Hippeastrum striatum var. Acuminatum (yellow-red flowers);
  • Citrinum (different lemon-yellow color of flowers);
  • Fulgidum (different oval petals that have a bright red velvet color);
  • Hippeastrum striatum var. Rutilum (crimson flowers with a green center).

Hippeastrum reddish variety pointed (Hippeastrum striatum var. Acuminatum)

This gippeastrum is a type of reddish variety. It differs from Nippeastrum striatum in height, shape and color of petals. In height, the plant can reach from half a meter to a meter. Of the one stem, 4-6 flower heads most often depart, rarely two. The flowers are larger than the main species, pointed to the end. The leaves of this variety have a belt-like form, from 30 cm to 60 cm long, and from 4 cm to 5 cm wide. Petals have a yellow-red shade, the middle is represented by a light green "asterisk". Pleases bloom in winter and spring.

Hippeastrum elegant (Hippeastrum elegans / solandriflorum)

The plant reaches up to 70 cm in length. Outwardly very similar to lilies. Leaves of the strap-like shape, up to 45 cm long and 3 cm wide. Four flower heads depart from one stem. Petals are large, oval-shaped, with a point toward the end. The length of the petals can reach 25 cm. The flowers of this variety have white-yellow and yellow-green shades, can be covered with purple spots or red thin stripes. The middle is light green. It blooms in January and all spring.

Important! When transplanting hippeastrum, be sure to cut rotten and dry roots that extend from the bulb. This is done with sharp scissors. Place slices should be sprinkled with black charcoal.

Hippeastrum striped (Hippeastrum vittatum)

This variety has very beautiful flowers. It differs from other species by the arrangement of the petals. In total, there are six of them on the head, and they are placed as two mirrored triangles. In height the plant reaches from 50 cm to one meter. The leaves have a bright green color, oblong with rounded ends. In length reach 60 cm, and in width - up to 3 cm. From one stem departs from two to six flower heads.

Petals are oval, white with cherry or red stripes on the edges and center, pointed to the end. It blooms in the summer.

Did you know? The peculiarity of this variety is that its leaves appear after the buds flourish.

Hippeastrum reddish (Hippeastrum striatum var fulgidum)

This variety is a type of hippeastrum striatum. It differs from the main species by the width of the leaves, the color of the petals and the larger bulb, which in the process of plant development produces lateral onions (they plant and multiply).

Petals of this species, unlike Nippeastrum striatum, have an oval shape and reach about 10 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width. The flowers have a charming bright red color. The middle is green in the shape of an asterisk.

Hippeastrum is represented by many species. The article gives a general idea of ​​what happens gippeastrum, and discussed its most popular, beautiful varieties.

From the above information, we can conclude that the plant varieties differ in height, stem length, size and color of flowers, as well as the flowering period. Otherwise, they are similar.

Watch the video: Hippeastrum aulicum stenopetalum Species, Epiphytic (December 2024).