Payback for carelessness: where do dust mites come from and how to deal with them? Photo and description of creatures

For many, it may come as a surprise that tiny parasites, ticks, live in house dust.

These creatures, as a rule, do not cause troubles to industrious housewives, but if “moss” has grown in the corners, and upholstered furniture has become covered with dust, then there is no doubt that ticks will be happy with such hospitality.

By what other signs can a dust mite be found in your apartment and how to fight it, we will tell you later in the article.

The size

Spider mite is not an insect. This is a very small arthropod that can only be seen with optical instruments. The length of its body, depending on the period of development, ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 mm.

In one gram of dust a colony can live, numbering up to 10,000 ticks, each of which is capable of leaving behind a mass of feces during the day, causing an allergic reaction in humans.

What do they look like: description and photo


If you observe mites under a microscope, you can find ugly, fat-bellied creatures with eight claws and an oral apparatus resembling two crossed pairs of sharp beaks.

In addition, each claw has a suction cup, thanks to which the mite is not afraid of either a wet cloth or a vacuum cleaner and it is possible to move with a person from one room to another.

Then you can see the photo of arthropods under the microscope.

Body bites or allergies

Do dust bites bite? Contrary to common misconception, the arachnid is endowed with so powerful jaws not at all to bite through human skin. Being a synanthropus, the tick lives only near people., and if in a dusty room, moreover, it is still warm and humid, then the parasites will immediately breed in such fertile conditions.

When the number of ticks becomes critical, then people who are prone to allergies will start a reaction. It manifests itself in all different ways, but most often people complain of red itchy rashes or lumpy skin inflammations, which gave rise to the legend about bites.

You will find the photo of the allergic reaction below.

How to detect?

Signs of appearance in the apartment

To assert unequivocally that there is definitely no ticks in any room — it is impossible, because they are invariably present on any fuzzy surface collecting dust.

But, due to its microscopic size, it is impossible to detect the parasite personally, and only depending on the level of human cleanliness, their number can vary.

To make sure that nothing threatens health, a thorough study should be conducted:

  1. First of all, examine households for signs of allergies.
  2. Examine the dust sample for the presence of ticks using an indicator strip (this can be done independently by purchasing a test strip at a pharmacy, but it is better to contact a special laboratory).
  3. If the apartment has upholstered furniture, inherited from the grandmother and wet cleaning does not help any more, then you should resort to the help of sanitary services.

Skin symptoms

If the apartment has not been wet-cleaned and changed bed-linen for a long time, and a red itchy rash appeared on the skin, this is a sure sign of an allergy to dust mite feces.

Feelings become unbearable, if you sit, for example, on a dusty sofa. And relief comes if you leave an uncleaned room.

If you ignore the situation, instead of an allergic reaction, you can get:

  • dermatitis;
  • acne;
  • painful skin inflammation.

The most important thing is to treat the presence of ticks without paranoia. To destroy all to one is not capable of any disinfectant. You just need to maintain cleanliness and order in the house, to conduct regular airing and monitor the level of humidity. And if you have a serious allergy - say goodbye to old soft toys or a century-old sofa.

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