The reasons why spathiphyllum flowers are green. How to prevent this?

Spathiphyllum is a home plant, which every spring pleases with unusual subtle inflorescences, besides it does not require special care for this, and therefore many are very pleased to grow it.

But, nevertheless, if the recommendations are not followed, unpleasant situations can arise, one of which is the greening of the inflorescences.

Is this a normal phenomenon?

Experienced breeders are aware that the spathiphyllum flower has a veil, also called a bract, whose bright color “female happiness” attracts insects for pollination.

The color of the bedspread may be different: from a pale color it gradually turns greenish, sometimes this color may be too saturated. Many people are interested in why the spathiphyllum appears green flowers. This color change is alarming. There is nothing wrong with greening the inflorescences, since this is a normal process, but sometimes it can happen due to illness. It is important to understand the reasons in time.

When is greening caused by a disease, and when is it natural?

  • The natural reason is the age of the spathiphyllum: the older it is, the less chance there is of pollination, and then the bract begins to turn green, merging with the rest of the foliage, because it no longer needs to attract insects.

    If, for aesthetic reasons, you do not want the covers to be green, then you can carefully cut them with scissors. This is also done in order to rejuvenate the plant. New inflorescences will be easier to appear.

  • Sometimes greening spathiphyllum covers can be a sign of a lack or excess fertilizer. This phenomenon is called chlorosis. After the covers turn green, brown-yellow color begins to appear.
  • Also, a long stay in direct sunlight can cause not only burns on the leaves, but also just the greening of inflorescences of the plant. It is important to move the container with the spathiphyllum in time to a place with softer light and low temperature.
  • The fact that “female happiness” blooms in green can equally be as responsible as a systematic flooding with water, and, conversely, a low level of humidity. The disease is not the cause, but the consequence of this phenomenon. For example, if the soil is constantly over-wetted, then soon a fungal disease will appear, and green covers will only be its manifestation.

    Such a fungal attack, called late blight, primarily affects the root neck. Fungicidal drugs will help to cope with it.

Because of what the cover was not originally white?

  1. The plant was originally grown in low light conditions.
  2. The green color of the bracts can be their natural color.
  3. Greening of the inflorescences may be a sign that the soil in which the spathiphyllum is growing does not have enough nutrients.

The reasons why the bracts of "female happiness" are not inherent shade

  • The veil may begin to turn green immediately after the “female happiness” fades, or at the very end of this process.
  • Excessive illumination.
  • Low humidity in the room.
  • Wrong temperature conditions.
  • Large accumulation of fertilizers in the soil.

How to prevent the appearance of unusual plant color?

Respectively, in order for the bracts to not turn green during the life of the plant, it is necessary to solve the problems listed above, gradually excluding each.

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  1. Move the spathiphyllum to the east or west window sill, if it turns green during the growing season. If this happens in winter, then excessive illumination can be excluded from the list.
  2. In winter, keep the plant as far as possible from the heaters and spray it daily, thus ensuring an adequate level of humidity. During the growing season as often as possible to carry out spraying and not to keep skosnyaky.
  3. Constantly maintain a certain temperature in the room with the spatifillum - 18 - 25 degrees (depending on the season).
  4. Adjust the dressing mode, fertilize metered, in small quantities.

Preventing re-discoloration

Despite all of the above reasons for this phenomenon, the most basic is the natural aging of spathiphyllum, and not disease, abnormal conditions or fungus.
  1. To the plant was always only white inflorescences, green can be carefully cut off.
  2. Water the flower only as the top layer of the substrate dries out and fertilize no more than once a week.
  3. And, of course, the right temperature, lighting and humidity.

It is impossible to manage without the basic conditions for keeping a spathiphyllum All prevention consists of maintaining a comfortable environment for the plant.

It is important to know that in some cases, even with perfect observance of conditions for growing spathiphyllum, its inflorescences may turn green. That may be the end of flowering, or the aging process. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, which is not necessary to be afraid of.

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