Nasturtium from the family Capuchin (or nasturtium) is a popular, unpretentious plant in ornamental floriculture.
There are about 50 types of nasturtiums.
The most famous varieties of instructions:
1. large - with bright flowers, caps;
2. cultural - with large flowers and creeping stems;
3. bush - is used in decorative borders, containers, vases.
With this flower, gardeners create unique floral arrangements. It is difficult to find a garden in which there would be no nasturtiums. In addition, it is grown on window sills and balconies. Many since childhood, familiar with her smell.
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Nasturtium landing rules
For planting nasturtium is required to meet the following conditions:
Choose a bright place - preferably in the sun, it is possible in partial shade under a tree. If the light flower is not enough, its shoots will become stunted, and flowering will not occur.
The soil should be moderately fertile, drained, with a weakly acidic medium. Fertile, organically fertilized soil contributes to a large amount of green mass, but the plant blooms poorly.
If you prefer a seedling method, keep in mind that the plant is very sensitive to root damage. Therefore, seedlings should be grown in separate containers, preferably in peat cups. Seeds are better to sow 2-3 pieces in one cup in April.
When it is grown, a good light regime must be provided, otherwise the seedlings will stretch, and when they are planted, they will be sick and will not bloom. With proper care, seedlings will appear after 2 weeks. Planted seedlings should be in early June, right with an earthy clod, so as not to damage the roots.
When using a seedless method, nasturtium seeds should be placed in water up to +50 degrees for 20 minutes before sowing, and then soaked for a day.
Make holes 2 cm deep at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. In each well, drop 2-3 seeds. The term of sowing is the end of May, if there are no frost anymore, otherwise the sprouts will die at temperatures below 0 degrees.
It should be remembered that the nasturtium is light-requiring and heat-loving, afraid of strong wind and frost.
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Growing nasturtium in my area
To grow beautiful nasturtium flowers you need to fulfill the main conditions - water, fertilize, weed.
- Watering - regular, moderate, warm water. In the dry period - 4-5 liters of water per square meter. During flowering, watering should be suspended and carried out during the drying of the earth. It should be remembered that on too moist soils the roots rot, and the plant dies.
- Top-dressing - twice a season with fertilizers such as nitrophoska.
- Weeding can be replaced by mulching, that is, cover the area near the plant with a layer of material: peat, straw, fallen leaves, etc.
Young plants should appear in the first half of June. Flowering usually occurs within a half to two months after planting and continues until the autumn frosts.
If you want to extend the period of lush flowering, remove those flowers that have bloomed. So new are formed.
Collection of seeds is carried out from the fruit, which appears in place of the flower. It is better to collect them as they mature, while ensuring that self-seeding does not occur. Fallen seeds can even winter in the soil, maintaining their germination for four years.
Nasturtium Diseases
Nasturtium is subject to certain diseases:
leaf spot - the appearance on the leaves of small dots with red edges, which subsequently cover the entire leaf;
- bacterial wilt - weakening of the lower leaves with further wilting;
- rust - the appearance of small black or brown spots, which then develop into convex pads;
- gray rot - the formation of gray-brown spots on some parts of the plant;
- mosaic - the appearance on the leaves of a mosaic pattern of green spots, resulting in slow growth.
If the nasturtium has undergone one of the diseases, the plant must be removed, burned damaged parts, then treat it with chemical or bacteriological preparations. Bacteriological are more harmless to people and plants.
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Curly nasturtium
The most popular among gardeners is an annual plant - nasturtium climbing. The height of the nasturtium reaches three meters. Most often it is planted along walls, fences, around arbors, on balconies. It blooms especially beautifully from the beginning of summer to the first autumn frosts.
The flower propagates in two ways:
- seedlings - by growing seedlings in pots (3 seeds in one pot);
- seedless - by sowing seeds in open ground (2-4 in one hole 2 cm deep at a distance of 30-40 cm or one seed every 10 cm).
The plant does not need strong watering, it prefers dry, weakly perennial soil. Feed this variety nasturtium can be just like other varieties.
Flowers and leaves of climbing nasturtium not only decorate the garden, they are also used as decoration of various dishes and for the preparation of salads. Fruits can be pickled and used instead of capers.
Growing nasturtium under the force of any gardener, even a novice. This plant not only adorns the garden, arbors, balconies and other places, but also has healing properties. With its help they treat:
- avitaminosis;
- kidney disease;
- anemia;
- atherosclerosis;
- skin rashes;
- baldness;
- bronchitis.
Nasturtium is rich in vitamin C, provitamin A and phytoncides, has a strong antimicrobial effect. And dishes with its use have a unique taste and dietary properties.
Thus, nasturtium contributes to the treatment of many diseases, and also brings aesthetic benefits.