Tips for growing geraniums in the open field - how to ensure her proper care?

Geranium is a popular decorative culture that is most often grown at home. But many growers have learned to cultivate the plant in the open. It's very easy to do if you know some secrets of geranium care.

What the flower loves and what should not be allowed, the rules of care in the garden, possible problems and diseases - this will be discussed in this article.

Features of flower growth in open areas

In open areas, predominantly annual geraniums are grown. This plant loves warmth, therefore in the summer sunny areas will be suitable for it, but partial shade will not prevent the flower from actively growing and blooming. Almost all types of geraniums are unpretentious, they tolerate harsh winters and summer drought.

Can it grow outside?

Geranium can be grown on the street, but in the winter it is better to bring a flower into the house.

What does not love?

Geranium has long been grown in flower beds, but There are a number of conditions that a flower will not tolerate:

  1. Land for planting dark and not illuminated by sunlight.
  2. The soil is heavy and poorly drained.
  3. Soil with a high concentration of clay.
  4. Wetlands that are constantly wet.

How to care?


Geranium does not impose special requirements on humidity, but it is very fond of fresh air. Culture endures a humid atmosphere and dryness.

Note! it is not necessary to jump, otherwise it will cause burns.


Growing geraniums outdoors is necessary when the air temperature is not lower than 12 degrees. If this indicator goes down, then the leaves will begin to fall off and wilt.


It is necessary to moisten the plant regularly, but to avoid standing water, as this is fraught with the development of root rot. But drought is undesirable, otherwise the flower will not bloom or its inflorescences will become smaller, and the leaves will begin to wither. But after watering all the elements of the plant will be restored.

It is best to moisten the soil after drying the top layer. Excessive soil irrigation provokes the cessation of flowering.

Top dressing

In abundant food geranium does not need. It is quite enough to use compost and peat, which were introduced before planting in a hole. Excess fertilizer will adversely affect the formation of colors.

Before flowering, you must apply a feed containing phosphorus. Potassium compounds should be used every 2 weeks during the formation of inflorescences and with active flowering, as they will provide large lush inflorescences.


With the onset of autumn, you can proceed to the formation of the crown of geranium. Then it will be thicker and begin to bloom profusely. During pruning, it is necessary to leave a stalk with 6-7 leaves.

Recommendation. You need to remove shoots that do not grow from the roots, but from the leaf sinuses.

If the bush has grown much in winter, then at the end of February or at the beginning of March it can be cut again. Cut shoots are perfect for grafting.

Subsequently, to improve flowering and create a beautiful form of crown, cut off the geranium shoots when a 4-5 leaf appears. But only from December to January, it is better not to touch the plant, since it begins a period of rest. Geranium pruning has many advantages:

  • bush turns thick, resulting in a compact and decorative look;
  • pruning allows you to protect young leaves and shoots from diseases, as dried flowers and leaves very often affects gray rot.

How to care in the summer garden?

Summer care for outdoor geraniums is not very different from the standard. At this time, you need to increase the number of irrigations, it is impossible to allow the soil to dry. Nitrogen-containing fertilizing no longer make, as they contribute to the development of foliage, while flowering will be scarce and ugly. In the summer you need to make compositions rich in potassium, then the bush will bloom for a long time.

Possible problems and illnesses

When growing geraniums the following problems are possible:

  1. Geranium does not bloom. Most often, the lack of flowering in geraniums is the result of the late molding of the crown. To avoid this, the plant should be regularly cut to stimulate flowering.

    There are also other reasons: low air temperature or lack of lighting, too fertile soil, too deep planting pit, as a result of which the roots begin to grow actively, and he has no forces to bloom, few nutrients in the soil due to the lack of top dressing.

  2. Yellow leaves. This problem is very common, and such factors can affect it: if the leaves turned yellow and began to dry around the edges, it means the plant lacks moisture, if the leaves turned yellow and faded, then the reasons are in excess of moisture, the yellowing of the lower leaves and their gradual fall off speak about the lack of lighting, if the leaves turn yellow after transplantation, then this indicates the adaptation of the plant.

Geranium belongs to those plants that are sick little and suffer from attacks of pests. The following problems are extremely rare:

  • Gray rot. It defeats only the leaf plate of the plant. It is necessary to immediately remove the diseased leaves and stop watering. In the end, geraniums are treated with antifungal agents.
  • Root rot. It develops with frequent moistening of the soil, when the earth lump has not yet had time to dry in a pot. Save the plant is no longer possible, you need to get rid of it, and the soil in which the flower grew, process the solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Aphid. This pest is green, gray or black. It is concentrated on the inside of the leaf plate. To get rid of the parasite, it is necessary to use an insecticide, and the instruction will help determine the dosage of the drug.
  • Mealy dew. This is a fungal disease in which the leaves and stems are covered with white bloom, resembling flour. The main reason for the development of the disease lies in high humidity. To defeat the disease, it is necessary to use a solution of copper sulfate, ammonium nitrate 0.5%.

It is possible to grow geraniums on the street as an annual plant. There is nothing difficult in this, as this flower is not fastidious. It is important to provide him with a full and regular watering, in time to make additional feeding and to carry out prevention against diseases and pests.

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