A tomato that will never let Mobil down: description and photo of a medium early variety

Tomato Mobil is not the first year the recognition of gardeners, thanks to its reliability and high yield. If you want to ensure its positive qualities, plant this tomato in your garden.

And to know everything about its characteristics and get acquainted with the description of the variety, read our article. In it you will find a lot of useful information.

Mobil Tomato: variety description

Grade nameMobil
general descriptionMid-season determinant variety
Ripening115-120 days
The formFlat rounded
Average tomato mass90-120 grams
Yield varietiesHigh yielding
Features of growingAgrotechnika standard
Disease resistanceDisease resistant

The variety Tomato Mobil is not a hybrid variety and does not have the same F1 hybrids. It belongs to the middle-early varieties, since its growing season ranges from 115 to 120 days. This tomato is characterized by compact determinant shrubs about 60 centimeters high. They are distinguished by medium foliage and are not standard.

This type of tomato is characterized by extremely high resistance to all known diseases. You can grow as in greenhouse conditions, and in unprotected soil. Tomatoes Mobile are distinguished by smooth fruits of round or flat-round shape, which weigh from 90 to 120 grams. They have unsurpassed taste and tolerate long-distance transport.

These tomatoes are adapted for long storage. Tomatoes of this species have a bright red color, high density, a small number of nests and an average level of dry matter.

You can compare the weight of the fruit of a variety with other varieties in the table below:

Grade nameFruit weight
Mobil90-120 grams
Miracle Lazy60-65 grams
Sanka80-150 grams
Liana Pink80-100 grams
Schelkovsky Early40-60 grams
Labrador80-150 grams
Severenok F1100-150 grams
Bullfinch130-150 grams
Room surprise25 grams
F1 debut180-250 grams
Alenka200-250 grams

A photo

Visually get acquainted with the tomato variety “Mobil” in the photo below:

Read on our site all about the diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses and how to combat these diseases.

We also offer materials on high-yielding and disease-resistant varieties.


Mobil tomatoes were bred in Ukraine in the 21st century. Growing such tomatoes is allowed throughout Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Tomatoes of the aforementioned variety you can use raw, as well as apply for pickling and canning. Tomato Mobil attributed to high-yielding varieties.

The main advantages of tomatoes Mobil can be called:

  • remarkable disease resistance;
  • high yield;
  • universality of fruits, their unsurpassed taste and remarkable transportability.

Mobil tomatoes have no significant drawbacks.

You can see the yield of other varieties in the table below:

Grade nameYield
De Barao Tsarsky10-15 kg from a bush
Honey14-16 kg per square meter
Blizzard17-24 kg per square meter
Alezi F19 kg per square meter
Crimson sunset14-18 kg per square meter
Chocolate10-15 kg per square meter
Brown sugar6-7 kg per square meters
Solaris6-8.5 kg from a bush
The miracle of the garden10 kg from a bush
Balcony miracle2 kg from a bush
Read on our site all about the diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses and how to deal with them.

And also about varieties of high-yielding and disease-resistant, about tomatoes not undergoing late blight.

Features of growing

Mobil tomatoes are heat-loving and light-loving plants. The most favorable for their cultivation are light fertile soils. Mobil tomatoes can be grown both with seedlings and by sowing seeds in open ground. Sowing seeds for seedlings occurs in late April or early May.

They must be immersed in the ground to a depth of about 2-3 centimeters. Before planting, the seeds should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and rinsed with clean water. As soon as at least one full leaf appears on the seedlings, they need to be dived.

During the entire period of growth, seedlings need two or three supplements with mineral fertilizers. A week before landing in the ground, begin to harden seedlings. Planting of seedlings in unprotected soil should be made at the age of 55-70 days. The distance between the bushes should be 70 centimeters, and between the rows - 30 centimeters.

The main activities for the care of these plants are regular watering with warm water, loosening and weeding the soil, as well as the introduction of mineral fertilizers. Tomatoes Mobil require a garter to support and the formation of one stem.

There are a huge number of ways to grow tomato seedlings. We offer you a series of articles on how to do this:

  • in twists;
  • in two roots;
  • in peat tablets;
  • no picks;
  • on Chinese technology;
  • in bottles;
  • in peat pots;
  • without land.

Diseases and pests

This variety of tomatoes is not subject to any diseases, and special insecticidal preparations will help to save your garden from pests.


If you have been looking for a high-yielding sredneranny variety of tomatoes, Mobil tomatoes are worthy of your attention. Their positive qualities were appreciated by a huge number of vegetable growers.

Early maturingMiddle lateMedium early
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May RoseDe Barao RedRussian soul
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