High-yielding tomato "Ilyich F1": description of an unpretentious variety

Tomato hybrids are an excellent choice for novice gardeners. The owners of greenhouses and greenhouses will like the hybrid variety Ilyich F1, which gives a bountiful harvest and is resistant to diseases.

You can get acquainted with tomatoes in more detail by reading the article. In our material you will find both a full description of the variety, and its characteristics with growing features.

Tomato "Ilyich F1": description of the variety

Grade nameIlyich
general descriptionThe first-generation indeterminant hybrid
Ripening100-105 days
The formFruits are flat-rounded with noticeable ribbing
ColourOrange red
Average tomato mass140-150 grams
ApplicationCan be used for salads, side dishes, mashed potatoes, juices, as well as for canning
Yield varieties5 kg from a bush
Features of growingAgrotechnika standard
Disease resistanceIt has good disease resistance.

Ilyich F1 is a successful hybrid of the first generation, early ripe, high-yielding. Indeterminate bush, not too spreading, reaches 1.5 m in height. The amount of green mass is moderate, the leaves are simple, dark green. Tomatoes ripen brushes of 3-5 pieces.

Fruits of medium size, weighing 140-150 g. The shape is flat-rounded, with noticeable ribbing at the stem. Ripening, Ilyich F1 tomatoes change color from apple green to bright orange-red. The pulp is dense, the number of seed chambers is small. Taste is saturated, not watery, sweet with a slight sourness.

Variety Ilyich F1 Russian breeding, recommended for cultivation in greenhouses and film shelters. In regions with a warm climate, it is possible to plant tomatoes on open beds.

And in the table below you will find such a characteristic as the weight of fruits from other varieties of tomatoes:

Grade nameFruit weight (grams)
American ribbed150-250
Raspberry jingle150
The Golden Fleece85-100
Bella Rosa180-220


Productivity is high, from a bush it is possible to collect up to 5 kg of tomatoes. Fruits are perfectly stored, are subject to transportation. Tomatoes can be plucked green, they ripen quickly at room temperature. Tomatoes can be used for salads, side dishes, mashed potatoes, juices, as well as for canning.

Among the main advantages of the variety:

  • excellent taste of the fruit;
  • high yield;
  • tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption, salads, canning;
  • resistance to major diseases (fusarium, late blight, verticilliasis).

There are practically no flaws in the variety. The only negative characteristic of all hybrids is the inability to collect seed from personally grown tomatoes.

As for the yield of other varieties, you will find this information in the table:

Grade nameYield
Ilyich5 kg from a bush
Banana red3 kg per square meter
Nastya10-12 kg per square meter
Olya la20-22 kg per square meter
Dubrava2 kg from a bush
Countryman18 kg per square meter
Golden anniversary15-20 kg per square meter
Pink spam20-25 kg per square meter
Diva8 kg from a bush
Yamal9-17 kg per square meter
Golden heart7 kg per square meter
Read on our website: how to get a big crop of tomatoes in the open field?

How to grow a lot of delicious tomatoes all year round in greenhouses? What are the subtleties of early cultivating agricultural varieties?

Features of growing

Like other early ripe varieties, Ilyich F1 tomatoes are sown on seedlings in early March. It is desirable to process the seeds with a growth stimulator, this will significantly improve germination. Read more about seed treatment here. The soil should be light, consisting of garden soil, humus mixed with washed river sand. Planting is carried out with a depth of 2 cm, on top of planting sprinkled with a layer of peat and sprayed with warm water.

After the appearance of the first germs of capacity expose to the bright light. Watering moderate, when drying the top layer of soil. Only warm distilled water is used. When the first pair of true leaflets unfolds, the seedlings swoop in separate pots. At this age, requires mineral fertilizing full complex fertilizer. It is possible to use nitrogen-containing drugs that help young tomatoes to increase the green mass.

Transplantation in the greenhouse begins in the second half of May. The soil is thoroughly loosened, fertilizers are added to the wells: superphosphate, potash complexes or wood ash. On 1 square. m can knead no more than 3 plants. Immediately after disembarking, bushes are tied to a support. Tomatoes are formed in 1 or 2 stems, lateral stepchildren are removed. As the fruits ripen, branches are also attached to the support.

Watering tomatoes is not necessary often, but plentifully. Warm water is used, the ovaries are shed from a cold plant.

For a season, tomatoes are fed 3-4 times with a full complex fertilizer. It can be alternated with organic matter: diluted mullein or bird droppings.

Pests and diseases

Tomato variety Ilyich F1 is resistant to many ailments of the nightshade. It is a little subject to a fitoftoroz or fusarium withering. Under greenhouse conditions, plants may be threatened with vertex or root rot. To prevent the disease will help mulching, loosening the soil, not too frequent watering followed by airing. Plants are recommended to regularly spray phytosporin or pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Landings are often affected by pests. During the flowering period, spider mites and aphids annoy the tomatoes, later naked slugs and a bear bearing the fruits appear. Large larvae are harvested by hand, and then the landing is abundantly sprayed with an aqueous solution of ammonia. Warm soapy water will help to get rid of aphids; an infusion of celandine or an industrial insecticide works great with mites or thrips.

Tomato variety Ilyich F1 has proven itself in different regions. The gardeners, who have already tried it, note the excellent taste of the fruit, good yield, and easy maintenance. Plants are very rarely sick, they are able to bear fruit until frost.

In the table below you will find links to informative articles about tomato varieties with different ripening terms:

SuperearlyEarly maturingMedium early
Big MamaSamaraTorbay
Ultra early f1Early loveGolden king
RiddleApples in the snowKing london
White fillingApparently invisiblePink Bush
AlenkaEarthly loveFlamingo
Moscow stars f1My love f1Mystery of nature
DebutRaspberry giantNew königsberg

Watch the video: High Yield Tomato Plants: 50-80 lbs per Plant (January 2025).