Crispy, tasty and beautiful - pickled cabbage with beets. Step-by-step recipes

No matter what they say, a rich festive table decorated with various dishes is a distinctive feature of Slavic hospitality. Salads, hot, drinks delight the eye of the pickiest gourmet. Everyone eats and praises the mistress.

But, among this variety, the special attention of the guests is invariably called pickles. And if they are also an unusual coloring - and even more so. And here pickled cabbage with beets comes first! In the article we will give step-by-step recipes for homemade delicious, tender and juicy cabbage, show the photo of the finished dish.

Benefit and harm

The chemical composition of the cabbage speaks for itself. Here almost the entire periodic system: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, sulfur — can be listed for a long time. The vitamins contained in cabbage - first of all, of course, vitamin C - have a beneficial effect on the human body, especially in the long winter season, increasing resistance to colds, struggling with avitaminosis. Fiber and other cabbage fiber normalizes intestinal function.

But we in our recipes consider cabbage in combination with beets, so let's say a few words about it. Beetroot also contains many trace elements, and vitamin B stimulates the brain. It helps to remove toxins from the body.

Attention: Calorie cabbage usually does not exceed 27 kcal, and fresh beets contain 40-42 kcal. So get better by eating pickled cabbage with beets, you are unlikely to succeed.

As with pickled, pickled cabbage, it retains its beneficial properties for much longer than fresh.. And thanks to the indispensable fermentation process, it acquires additional useful qualities.

Of course, everyone’s health is different. People with high blood pressure, bowel disease, high acidity should be treated to pickled cabbage with caution, use it in small quantities. Some restrictions can be made even in the cooking process - to eliminate spicy seasonings, replace sugar with fructose.

What cabbage variety to choose?

Classic white perfect. Red, as you know, in its taste is not inferior to it. Cauliflower with its unusual appearance will additionally decorate the holiday table. You can even pickle Peking, although experts still believe that in fact it is a kind of salads. For example, we use those varieties that are easiest to buy in a store or in the nearest market.

Most often for salting, pickling and pickling goes variety of white cabbage "Glory". Juicy, crispy, with a distinct sweet taste, it is ideal for processing. In addition, this late-ripening variety is most often found in vegetable vendors.

Of the others, it is worth noting the "Gift" - a variety that is less common, but the most suitable for pickling. In a cool place, billets from this variety can easily withstand up to five months, without changing the taste.

Inexperienced hostesses are often looking at the shelves "Pelyusku" and "Provensal", not knowing that in fact it is not cabbage varieties, but methods of its preparation. Below we will definitely stop them.

How tasty to marinate with beet?

Traditional recipe

To cook deliciously pickled cabbage "like your grandmother," there is a proven reliable recipe for yearsWhich is suitable both for a glass jar, and for other capacity.

Products based on 2 kg of cabbage:

  • Cabbage - 2 kg.
  • Carrots - 3 pieces (you can learn other recipes for marinated instant cabbage with carrots here).
  • Beets -2 pieces.
  • Hot pepper.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Garlic - 1 small head.
  • Pepper Peas.
  • Coriander.
  • Bay leaf.

For the marinade:

  • Water - 1 l.
  • Refined sunflower oil - 150 ml.
  • Salt - 2.5 st. spoons.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Vinegar - 0.5 cup (125 g).

Heading for pickling should be not very big and hard.. How to cook the dish:

  1. We cut the head into halves, then we cut each half into several more parts so that the leaves remain connected with a piece of the stalk - this will prevent them from falling apart. (If we marinate in a 3-liter can, then it is better to take very small forks and cut them even smaller - otherwise they won't fit in the neck).
  2. The parts of the head, not related to the stalk, are cut into large pieces. By the way, these pieces marinated with buryak are called “Pelyustki” - from the Ukrainian word, translated as “petal”, for its shape.
  3. Clean and wash the roots. You can cut them into slices, straws, grate - any option that your culinary fantasy tells you will be useful.
  4. Garlic is best to either crush or cut into thin slices. Lay in prepared dishes layers in turn - root vegetables, cabbage.
  5. Lay each layer with greens and other spices. If you are too lazy to tinker with the styling, mix the ingredients in a basin and fold them in that form. Believe me, this does not affect the taste.

Cooking marinade:

  1. Add salt and sugar to preheated water to taste.
  2. Put the spices and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour in vinegar, mix thoroughly.
  4. Before pouring the cabbage, cool the marinade a little so that it does not cook.
  5. Pour over cabbage pickled "top".
  6. Add some vegetable oil to the jar.
  7. Close the dishes and clean in a cold place.

After 3-4 days can be served at the table.

We recommend to watch the video about cooking pickled cabbage with beets:

Our specialists have prepared for you other articles on beetroot-marinated cabbage recipes:

  • in Gurian;
  • in Georgian;
  • quick cooking.


The cabbage with Armenian beetroot is cooked just as quickly.. Its main difference - pouring is done without vinegar to preserve the process of natural fermentation. To add an unusual taste add the seeds of dill - now they are easy to buy. The recipe is very similar to the previous one, only here you can save on sugar - it is not needed.


  • cabbage - 1 head;
  • beets - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • carrots - 2 pcs .;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 1 l;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc .;
  • Dill seeds - 2 tbsp. l

How to do:

  1. We cut cabbage into pieces of medium size to fit in a jar (we told about other ways of pickling crispy cabbage in a jar here).
  2. Cut vegetables into slices no more than 0.5 cm thick. Lay vegetables on the bottom of the jar, lay cabbage on top.
  3. Dilute salt in water, bring to a boil, pour. Leave for 5 days to ferment at room temperature. We remove the jar in a cold place.

Other quick ways

Unlike fermented pickled cabbage can be ready to eat within a few hours after cooking. This is its indisputable advantage. And the cooking process itself does not take much time. Waiting for guests? For the preparation of delicious dishes enough for four hours.

One of the most popular pickling options for cabbage is Provencal. Its main difference from other methods is that sweet pepper is included in the composition (you can find more recipes of pickled cabbage with bell pepper or chili here). The distinction of marinated instant cabbage is in pouring vegetables with hot marinade. After four to five hours, snacks can be served to guests.

We recommend to read our other articles on how to quickly cook pickled cabbage:

  • with turmeric;
  • in hot marinade.

Culinary Tricks

As you see The principle of cooking pickled cabbage with beets is very simple. He has many variations that differ from each other only in details: someone cuts cabbage in large chunks, quarters, someone makes it in a jar with petals ("pelyustkami" or "pilyuskami"), someone instead of vinegar adds to marinade apple, tartaric, citric acid, even essence. Instant cabbage is sometimes seasoned with lemon juice or kiwi juice.

Add or not oil? This is also, as they say, an amateur. If the product is to be stored for a long time, it is better to add it, since the oil reliably blocks the access of oxygen, therefore, the fermentation processes in cabbage will slow down. Also, the oil will not be superfluous if you are going to use cabbage as one of the ingredients of any dish. And if you serve it on the table as an independent dish - you should think about the need for oil.

Garlic is included in almost all marinating recipes. (about how to quickly cook pickled cabbage with garlic and other ingredients, you can here, and from this article you will learn about other recipes of this dish with hot pickle with vinegar). Its specific aroma goes well with the taste of pickled cabbage. The main thing here, as in all cooking - not to overdo it. After all, not everyone loves a strong garlic smell.

Board: Cabbage can be pickled not only with beets. It is wonderfully combined with other vegetables and even fruits, such as carrots, bell peppers, beets, apples, plums, lingonberries or cranberries. When adding onions, its flavor goes to the cabbage.


Pickled cabbage is best served as a separate separate dish.. Beautifully arranged pieces of cabbage of an unusual bright red color look great on their own. To enhance the visual effect is enough to add fresh greens. You can put pickled cabbage in any of your branded vegetable salad, its original flavor will add a highlight to it.

Watch the video: Braised Red Cabbage Recipe - Sweet & Sour Braised Red Cabbage Side Dish (January 2025).