The importance of correct timing: when is it better to plant beets?

Beetroot is one of the most beloved vegetable growers of Russia. They are valued for their taste and benefits, as well as they can be stored for a long time and subjected to conservation.

In addition to fruits, they also use tops as food, which, moreover, contains many vitamins.

Beets are grown wherever there is a suitable climate for this, from the southern to the extremely northern regions. When you can sow this vegetable and how best to plant it, we will consider in this article.

The importance of proper timing of growing

There are different ways of sowing beets. Two planting options are seeds and seedlings. The suitable time may be spring or autumn, the main thing is to observe the correct dates. Spring planting of seeds in open ground is carried out in the period of 1-2 decades of May, when the soil becomes fully warmed.

If the seeds are located in insufficiently heated soil, sprouting of shoots will begin and a good harvest will not be obtained.

The autumn period can also be chosen for planting beet seeds, usually the end of October or November, depending on the region. Landing is made in case of the onset of air temperature of -4 degrees. Beet plantation should not be carried out too soon, as seeds awakened from the heat may die.

Often the beets are planted in a seedling way. At the same time seeds are planted at home. Also planting is made inside the greenhouse or greenhouse.

Seedlings are sown when the first days of April come and after a month they are placed in open ground. The seedling method of planting beets ensures early harvest and seed savings, since the sprouts remaining after thinning are suitable for planting.

What does it depend on?

Beet sowing time is determined by the climate conditions of the region in which you live. The optimal time for planting a vegetable is when the last frost is gone. The sowing time also affects whether you are going to cover the crops with a film.

Sowing time also determines the beet variety. Generally, early varieties are subject to earlier sowing, and later ones should be planted later. When planting late varieties, a more coarse root crop will occur too early.

We have prepared useful information about the manual and other beet planters, about the principles of crop rotation.

Terms of sowing for seedlings and planting in the open land in the spring - what's the difference?

You can often hear the advice to plant beets in the early spring, in March. However, it is very poorly tolerated frost, it should be borne in mind. In the Urals, Siberian areas, planting beets in the open ground will somehow have to come when it is mid-May. When the seedlings are grown for a long time at home, it is drawn out and the future yield decreases. This means that for planting seedlings in the garden to sow it more correctly in April, in the first or in the middle.

The appearance of 2-3 true leaves means the readiness of seedlings for open ground. It is important to prevent excessive growth of seedlings. If the roots are supported on the bottom of the box, the shape of the roots may turn out to be incorrect.

Planting seedlings on the bed occurs when the soil is heated not less than up to +10 degrees (usually in the middle of May).

When to sow the seeds?

The best thing

Beet is a heat-loving vegetable, so it is planted in the ground, which is heated to + 5-10 degrees. Terms of planting beets vary depending on the climate. For example, in the southern regions (Krasnodar, Kuban) beets are planted in March and April. At the same time, in the areas of the Moscow region, beet plantation takes place in the early to mid-May days, and in the Siberian and Ural areas it is the period of the second half of May.

Not recommended

Not recommended to plant too early. Wherein seeds may germinate prematurely and be damaged by frost. It can also be dangerous podzimny beet sowing.

Definitely forbidden

It is forbidden to sow beets except when the soil is heated at a depth of 10 cm (in spring), or otherwise in the fall for drowning in the late-early October-November.

What will happen if the work carried out at an inopportune time?

If you sow beets on seedlings earlier than mid-April under weather conditions that will not allow a plant to be planted on a bed, then the seedlings will stretch.

Briefly about how to grow vegetables

  • In order to grow beets, it is most correct to use lighted, not shaded, friable land plots. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account which cultures grew on the site earlier.
  • Beets are not planted for several years in some places.
  • Also, it should not be placed in the ground after carrots grew there.
  • At the same time, cucumbers and carrots are good predecessors.
  • Beets are considered a plant that conducts moisture well and does not tolerate an excess of water, preferring uniform moisture. It requires regular watering.
  • Beets have special requirements for moisture, when it begins to grow and actively increases the mass of the root. At that moment, when two or three weeks remain before cleaning, watering is reduced.

Read more about what can be planted after beets, next to the culture and what predecessors are suitable for it, read here.

With the right place for growing, beet feeding does not require.

We offer to watch a video on how to grow beets:

The time when beets are planted is the most important factor in caring for them. In open ground beet seeds are planted in spring and autumn. Seedlings are planted when there is one and a half months left before transplanting to open ground conditions.

At a temperature of +5 degrees, the seeds begin to germinate and withstand short-term cooling to -2 degrees. But freezing should be avoided as it leads to flowering plants.

Watch the video: Drink One Glass Of Beet Juice Daily And This Will Happen To Your Body (January 2025).