Features carrot varieties Boltex. Agricultural cultivation, similar species

Boltex carrots are a universal crop and, due to their high yield, taste and long-term storage, are among the top ten varieties.

The ancestor of the species grows in the open spaces of France. On the basis of the original breed, breeders created this species and adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of Russia, made it resistant to rot and to some garden pests.

Variety Bolteks very unpretentious. In order to harvest a rich harvest of carrots, you only need to prepare the land in time and plant the seeds in time.

Detailed characteristics and description of the variety

  • The appearance of the plant. Root in the form of a cone with a rounded end of a bright orange color. The surface of the carrot is flat and smooth, the flesh is juicy and dense, and the core is almost absent. The length of the fruit varies from 15 to 23 cm. The plant is semi-vertical, strong and dark green in color.
  • Sortype Boltex carrots - an improved and improved type of Shantane variety.
  • The amount of fructose and beta carotene. The content of carotene per 100 g of the product is up to 13 mg, the sugar content of fructose is from 5.5 to 7%.
  • Sowing time. Sowing is carried out in early spring and late autumn, depending on the region of the country. In southern latitudes, planting of crops begins earlier than in northern ones.
  • Seed germination. Seeds sprout in 2-3 weeks.
  • The average weight of 1 root. The average weight of the root is 150-200 grams.
  • Productivity The plant gives a high yield, up to 80 tons of carrots are removed from 1 ha.
  • Assignment grade and keeping quality. Boltex is grown for use in the spring and summer in a fresh "vitamin" form and harvested for storage in bins. Carrots are used in the food industry, animal husbandry, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Keeps value in a processed form, in conservation and frosts. The variety has high keeping quality. Subject to the necessary conditions, the shelf life is increased to 1 year.
  • Growing regions. Agricultural crops are cultivated in the whole of Russia, especially in demand in the Urals and in the Siberian region.
  • Where to grow. It is recommended to plant in open areas or in greenhouses. Carrots love sunshine and warm soil. In the greenhouse is also easy to create the necessary conditions.
  • Resistance to diseases and pests. The variety is immune to disease and insects. But sometimes carrots are exposed to external influences, prone to "tsvetushnosti."
  • Maturation term. Root is fully formed for 110-120 days after the emergence of sprouts. Its development depends on the climate and temperature.
  • What kind of soil prefers. Bolteks carrots grow in any soil - chernozem, sandstone, clayey, saturated and scanty, friable and dense. Prefers nutrient composition of soil of average humidity, well loosened and saturated with air.
  • Frost resistance and transportability. The hybrid is cold-resistant, carries frosts up to - 5 degrees and sudden temperature changes. Preserves a presentation during long shipments.
  • Manufacturability varieties. Agrotechnica species differs for farms and peasant farms. On the plots use the single-row method on narrow beds. In large areas, carrots are planted in wide stripes.

Breeding history

Boltex - a hybrid of the first order. The authorship of the species belongs to the breeders of the agricultural company Clause (France). The history of the company has more than 200 years of professional work in breeding and introducing innovations for vegetable producers to the market. Today the company is among the leading seed companies in the world.

The plant was obtained by direct crossing maternal varieties. In the new development, breeding has significantly improved the qualities and properties of its predecessors. The list of varieties of Chantonnay is replenished with a productive and high-quality variety Bolteks.

What is different from other species

  1. In dense ground, root crops grow straight, free of defects.
  2. Harvesting is easy in dry and rainy weather (carrots are well pulled out of the soil).
  3. The foliage is powerful and strong.
  4. The vegetable is evenly colored inside and outside.
  5. Ripens a week ahead of schedule.
  6. Used for underwinter seeding.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of a hybrid:

  • resistant to low temperatures;
  • high-yielding variety, ripens 2 times a year;
  • resistant to bolting and root rot;
  • carrots bear fruit on any soil;
  • shelf life of 12 months without loss of taste.

The disadvantage is the inability to independently reproduce. (variety quickly degenerates) and high seed value.

Features of growing and care

Growing system

The growing season of agriculture occurs 2 times - in May and November. In the spring, carrots are planted for storage, and in winter - for consumption as vitamins.

To harvest a rich harvest of carrots, you need to prepare the land in a timely manner. Preparatory work is better to start in the fall. - identify the area, add organic soil or potassium phosphate fertilizers to the soil.

It is recommended to change the landing site every year. Culture grows well after cabbage, garlic, potatoes, legumes and tomatoes. Seeds are ready for sowing without soaking.

Before planting, be sure to loosen the soil. Make furrows 3 cm deep and saturate them with water, the distance between them is 20-30 cm. Plant seeds after a gap of 2 cm, level the ground and compact. The air temperature should be + 13-19 degrees. When sub-winter sowing soil cannot be moistened.

Caring for carrots should be regular. After the appearance of the first shoots must be thinned. Constantly remove weeds, loosen the ground, water abundantly in the evening. Boltex does not need additional fertilizers.

Harvesting and Storage

Carrots are harvested in the fall before frost - in the northern regions by the end of September, and in the south in the twentieth of October. Root vegetables dry and cut tops.

Store the crop in a cool and dry place - in the cellar or subfield at temperatures up to +10 degrees. Put the carrots in piles or put in boxes, plastic bags with holes. They are filled with sawdust, sand, garlic / onion skin or lime.

Diseases and pests

Boltex is resistant to disease and carrot fly, but prevention does not hurt. Planted next to the carrot onion and garlic repel insects. It helps to prevent the problem by putting tobacco between the rows and treating the tops with kerosene.


If you observe the conditions of planting and caring for the plant, as well as carry out preventive measures, then problems do not arise.

Similar types of vegetables

All varieties of the Shantonet variety are Royal, Cardinal, Shantane 2461, Red Cor, Charlotte, Royal and others. The similarity of varieties:

  1. They have the same shape of the root.
  2. They belong to the mid-season group.
  3. Increased resistance to external influences.
  4. Simple to soil structure.
  5. Taste and commercial quality.

Variety Boltex - table, unpretentious in the cultivation of the root. Growing carrots will not be difficult for growers in any region. But a rich harvest depends on the investment of efforts - to comply with the rules of agricultural technology, planting conditions and proper care of the crop.

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