The amazing properties of the usual product - the benefits and harms of roasted garlic, its use for medicinal purposes

Garlic is very popular, being one of the most popular seasonings. It is used in marinades, pickles, sauces, salads, cutlets and in a huge number of dishes. Garlic is used in different forms: raw and fried. Many discussions have been held on this topic, some say that raw garlic is a sheer benefit, and the past heat treatment is aroma and good taste, but without any benefit, others protect the properties of roasted garlic that are positive for the human body. And who to believe now?

Let's look at all the intricacies of using garlic, to clearly understand whether this product is useful, what it helps from and what can be harmful.

How does the chemical composition of vegetables during frying?

The brightest distinctive feature of a vegetable is its unusual smell and antibiotic property, which is based on the presence of allicin essential oil in garlic.

Thanks to the research of scientists, it became clear that garlic has a positive effect on the body.:

  • thins blood, eliminates cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis and obesity;
  • boosts immunity;
  • cleanses the body and removes toxins from it;
  • helps to destroy cancer cells and helps in liver detoxification.

In addition, garlic contains phytoncides that kill microbes and bacteria not only inside the body, but also in the environment.

The disgusting smell from the mouth after ingestion, and the irritated intestinal lining are compensated for by the large composition of B vitamins, which are necessary for the central nervous system, sulfur and manganese, which help the calcium needed to be absorbed in the body.

Unlike raw, roasted garlic loses a peculiar smell and some properties, a small amount of essential oils is destroyed, but in general, it remains an effective fighter against diseases. Not surprising that heat-treated garlic becomes more caloric than raw, but in no case does not harm the figure, as the enzymes contained in it, are actively involved in the splitting of fats.

Harm and benefits to the human body

What is useful product?

The fact that roasted garlic does not have a strong odor and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth makes one sympathize with it. But there are reasons and more compelling. For example, garlic is in the top 5 products that not only do not lose, but also increase their positive properties.

Some useful properties of processed garlic:

  • roasted garlic cleans the intestines from harmful toxins and fixes the immune system;
  • resists acidification of the body;
  • strengthens metabolism, burns fat, removes excess fluid;
  • kills germs and bacteria;
  • fights radicals and cancer cells.
Regular consumption of roasted or baked garlic helps to improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, getting rid of toxins and a pair of extra pounds.

Also, roasted garlic is capable of reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques. But, it is worth understanding that garlic only starts the process and The benefits of the product are noticeable for a couple of months, but not moreafter cholesterol rises to its former state.

We offer to watch a video about the benefits of roasted garlic:

What is its harm to health?

Like everything else in our world, roasted garlic has the other side of the coin. Despite the large number of useful qualities, it has several negative, for example, harmful effects on the human brain.

Garlic contains a sulfonyl-hydrosilic ion that penetrates the blood of the brain and is poisonous to higher mammals.

Thanks to Dr. Robert Beck, we can now find out that garlic affects our brain in a negative direction. He discovered that a person who consumed garlic had a slower reaction than someone who did not eat garlic. In addition, garlic poisoning the brain makes a person feel a weak headache, discomfort during work, absent-mindedness and inattention.

Summarizing, we can indicate that roasted garlic:

  1. Negatively affects the work of the brain, which leads to distraction, slow reaction and headaches.
  2. It helps in the prevention of disease and is a natural antibiotic.
  3. Briefly reduces cholesterol.
  4. Used for the prevention of cancer.
  5. Able to reduce pressure and favorably affect the cardiovascular system.

Contraindications to the use

Heat-treated garlic has several contraindications for some diseases.. Due to the aforementioned sulfanyl-hydroxyl ion, drowsiness and lethargy are caused in humans. And due to the fact that it irritates the mucous membranes, it is not recommended to use in gastritis, colitis and hemorrhoids.

Contraindications refer to the raw product, because roasted garlic has almost no harm on the human body, but on the contrary, heals and helps.

How to apply for treatment?

The fact that roasted garlic does not help a person in the fight against disease is a stereotype. In order to help improve the bowel, lower cholesterol and increase immunity, it is recommended to eat 6 cloves of roasted garlic every 3 days.

Among other things the use of 6 slices every two days helps to speed up the metabolism and even a small weight loss. You can spread the slices on a slice of black bread and use this tool in the morning before breakfast.

To heighten the speed of detoxification of the body, it is imperative to follow the drinking regime - at least 2 liters of water per day.

How to make slices?

In the oven

Prepare garlic in the oven as follows:

  1. We preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, in parallel we clean the head from the shells and leave the most dense that is adjacent to the garlic itself, intact.
  2. Cut off the top of the heads.
  3. Fill the head with oil and salt a little (optional).
  4. Take the foil and wrap the garlic in the form of a bag, like candy.
  5. Thanks to these actions, the garlic will be cooked in its own juice and become more fragrant. Ready bags must be placed in the oven for 40 minutes. Willingness is determined by a regular toothpick, garlic should be soft and easily peelable.

In the pan

  1. As for roasting, slices are peeled and minced in a garlic mill or with a regular knife.
  2. Meanwhile, the pan is poured with oil and heated to a boil, after which the garlic is placed on the surface of the pan and fried until golden brown.
  3. At the very end, you should place the finished product on a napkin so that the excess oil is absorbed into it.

In the microwave

Very rare way of cooking, but it is worth knowing about it. It's about frying in the microwave.

  1. This will require dishes from special glass or ceramics. Before cooking, the slices must be mixed with a couple of tablespoons of oil, and later put in the oven for 1-3 minutes (depending on the set power and type of microwave).
  2. The finished product should come out crispy and not bitter, because when over cooked, garlic will become very bitter.
    For storage of the product, insulated glass containers may be used, either at room temperature or even in the refrigerator.

How often to use the product for recovery?

In order not to overdo it or vice versa, you must have a schedule of garlic intake. Roasted garlic is recommended to eat every 2-3 days, it will help to improve your health and will deprive some of the problems that have already been mentioned above. If we talk about the amount of food eaten, then the best option would be to use 6 cloves of roasted garlic at a time.

Despite everything, consult a doctor about eating garlic (in any form) in food, for some diseases you can make yourself worse only by your ignorance. Take care of your own health and the health of your loved ones!

Also on our site you can find information about the benefits and dangers of garlic and recommendations for use: for women, for men, boiled vegetables. And in this article you can learn about the chemical composition, nutritional value and medicinal properties of raw garlic.

Watch the video: What is Garlic Good For? Benefits and Medicinal Uses for Garlic (December 2024).