Causes of allergy to garlic in adults and children, as well as how to cope with the disease?

Can an adult or child be allergic to such a natural and useful product as garlic? The answer is yes, some people are allergic to this vegetable, and they should be careful when using it.

In our article, you can familiarize yourself with the symptoms of the disease and see in the photo how an allergic reaction to garlic appears.

Despite the fact that garlic can cure a lot of diseases, people who are allergic to the product need to know how to prevent and cure it.

Does this happen and what are the reasons?

The main cause of allergy to garlic is the effect on the body of aplicin contained in it. This is a very powerful natural antioxidant that plays an active biological role in the tissues of this plant. Aplitsin can be ingested by eating garlic for food or by inhaling its aromas (both flowers and fruits).

A healthy immune system does not respond to substances contained in garlic. But the allergic functioning of the immune system is impaired, and it perceives the components of the plant when ingested as foreign. A specific reaction begins, the production of antibodies to the incoming substances is called an allergic process.

Among the factors predisposing to allergy include:

  1. Digestive disorders, due to which garlic is digested too long or not fully digested, which contributes to the release of aplicin in the blood in increased quantities.
  2. Overeating product.
  3. Genetic predisposition to allergies.
  4. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  5. Concomitant effects on the immunity of other allergens.

Read more about who can and who is contraindicated to eat white garlic, read here, and from this article you will learn about how effective it is in treating diseases, and in what form it is better to take it.

Symptoms in children and adults

Symptoms of the disease can vary depending on whether garlic is ingested through the digestive system or through the nose (if inhaled with its flavor). Upon receipt of garlic through the digestive system, the classic symptoms of food allergies develop:

  • The presence of eruptions on the body in the form of small papules or watery blisters.
  • There is a strong tooth in the eruption area.
  • Dry skin.
  • Frequent sneezing and tearing, sore throat.
  • Tingling sensation on tongue, in throat.
  • Diarrhea, flatulence and heartburn.
  • In severe allergies, the tongue and upper respiratory tract swell, Quincke edema is noted. This condition requires hospitalization and emergency resuscitation.
When inhaling garlic aroma, respiratory symptoms of allergy develop first: rhinitis, tearing, sneezing, sore throat, hoarseness, mucus secretion, shortness of breath.

The symptoms in adults and children are almost no differences, but manifestations of allergy to garlic in children more severe - Dyspepsia, swelling of the respiratory tract or angioedema are more common and quite small doses of the allergen are sufficient for children to develop characteristic symptoms.

Photo disease

In the following photos you can see how the symptom of the disease manifests itself on the skin areas of the adult and the child.


Drug therapy involves taking antihistamines, such as:

  • Claritin.
  • Erius.
  • Zyrtec
  • Tsetrin.

These drugs have a minimum of side effects, with non-acute allergies enough to take 1-2 tablets per day.

Important: The exact dosage of the drug is established by an allergist.

If the attack is acute, problems with swallowing, difficulty breathing, then injection drugs such as suprastin, diazolin are injected. With the development of angioedema, rash spread throughout the body, severe respiratory disorders, you should immediately call an ambulance for resuscitation.

  1. To clear the gastrointestinal tract from allergens, use Polysorb, Enterosgel or Atoxil.
  2. To relieve the itch, apply local ointments and creams: desitin, Solkorezil.
  3. Severe symptoms include corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone, prednisone. These are quite potent hormones with many side effects, so they should be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor.

Supplement drug therapy can be the use of folk remedies. Here are some recipes:

  • 1 spoon chamomile decoction, 1 spoon nettle decoction, a glass of water. All three ingredients are mixed and used for compresses on the itching area.
  • 1 spoon of a brew is brewed in a glass of water and is drunk as tea. The decoction of the series can be added to the bath as a means against itching.
  • Hops, nettle and elderberry are poured boiling water, infused, and then used as lotions.

The ingredients of folk remedies may themselves act as allergens, Therefore, before taking a full infusion or decoction, you need to check the body's response to it, using a small portion.

Want to know more about what black and wild garlic is and how to eat them? Also look at our other materials on the most common form - white:

  • How to grow it?
  • What is the difference between winter and spring?
  • What are the rules for winter care and what are the best varieties?


It is necessary to abandon the use of garlic in any form, as well as from products containing it. You need to stay away from the smell of garlic, so it is better to remove this plant from the house and the refrigerator and to air out all the rooms well (you can find out how to remove the smell of garlic from the mouth and skin of your hands).

If you are allergic to garlic due to digestive problems, then you need to go on a diet, which will eliminate them and prevent constipation. You also need to give up bad habits, minimize stressful situations and monitor the state of your immunity.


Allergy to garlic is found in people because of the content of the powerful antioxidant aplicin. Symptoms of the reaction are similar to the symptoms of other food allergies, and treatment methods are similar: antihistamines, topical ointments, corticosteroids. Contact patient with an allergen must be excluded.

Watch the video: Dr. Oz's Anti-Allergy Diet (January 2025).