Is it possible to store leeks and bulb in the cellar or basement for the winter?

To keep the onion harvest in autumn fresh and fragrant until spring, you must strictly follow the rules of storage.

Onions can be stored in several ways, and the most successful is considered cold method at an average temperature of about 0 ° C. The ideal place for this is the basement or cellar.

Is it possible to store onions in the cellar or basement in winter?

The longest method is to freeze onions in the freezer, but it is not always the most convenient and is suitable only for a small amount of vegetables.

The basement or cellar is not just the right places, but most comfortable, unlike onion storage sites. It is there that the easiest way to maintain the necessary conditions. This applies to any varieties of onions, which include sevke, and bulb, and leek.

Room preparation

How to prepare a cellar for storing onions? Not every cellar meets the right requirements. You need to make sure that the conditions are exactly suitable, if not - then a little bit to insure:

  1. Temperature in the cellar should not fall much below zero degrees, otherwise the cellar must be insulated.
  2. The cellar will need well to airso that the onions can get enough fresh air, do not rot and fade.
  3. Cellar for onions should be spacious, since the bow can not be folded in thick layers.

    It will take a lot of space to distribute the entire bow.

    If there is not enough space, you can nail the shelves under the boxes and baskets.

Such training will allow you to easily establish and maintain the necessary conditions.

Optimal conditions

How to store onions in the cellar? Onion storage temperature varies slightly depending on the variety. Onion storage onion requires a temperature of 0 ... -3 ° C. Storage leek - temperature + 1 ... -1 ° C. Humidity should be not lower than 75% and not higher than 90%. If the humidity is too low, the husk can crack, which dramatically increases the risk of disease. At high humidity, the bulbs simply start to rot and germinate.

Optimum humidity - 85%. It happens that the humidity in the cellar is often higher than necessary. Containers with chemicals that are sold in special stores, or natural absorbents, such as buckets of ash or lime, will help to cope with this.

Neighborhood with vegetables

What kind of vegetables and fruits can be, and with which it is undesirable to store onions? Onions should not be stored together with other vegetables or fruits.

The reason is simple: onion storage is needed low humidity in the basement, when for the vast majority of fruits and vegetables moisture is much higher.

An exception - garlic and pumpkin, which are allowed to be stored with onions. Storage conditions of garlic almost coincide with the onion. This also applies to pumpkins. Pumpkin is stored at a temperature of 4 ... 12 ° C and humidity of 80%, garlic - at a temperature of 4 ... -3 ° C and humidity of 80%.

Is it possible to store onions in a cellar with potatoes? You may notice that for storing potatoes the moisture corresponds to the desired indicator for onions. But with potatoes, onions store also Not recommended, as the onions sates from it with moisture. Also, these vegetables have a slightly different storage temperature, but 2-3 ° C is already critical.

Fundamental rules

How to prepare onions? Preparation of onions begins with the harvest. About how and in what time it is necessary to remove the bow, our article will tell.

The best stored bulbs that not damaged and not subjected to a sudden drop temperature or humidity. Therefore, you need to remove the bow correctly:

  1. Harvest not earlier and not later, but exactly on time. Immature or overripe bulbs will be stored worse than normal.
  2. Try to choose for cleaning onions dry dayso that the fruits do not get too much moisture. This will lead to premature decay.
  3. Carefully pick each bulb so that don't hurt the bottom. Do not pull or hit the bulbs. In general, avoid any damage.
  4. After harvesting onions sort out it to separate the flat, strong and healthy bulbs with intact husks from the "wounded" and ill fellows. They will not only spoil themselves, but also infect the rest of the harvest.

Then onions need to dry. This can be done in several ways:

  • lay the bow in the sun, for example, on an armor mesh, which is very convenient;
  • tie in bunches and hang on the street under a canopy or at home on the balcony, putting bow on the draft;
  • houses in the oven at the minimum temperature.

How to dry onions for storage, also read on our website.

The main thing - do not over dry the onions. From this cracked scalesprotecting onions from diseases.

To understand if the onion is dry enough, stick your hand into the folded pile. If a hand passed easily, then drying should be finished, if not - then continue.

The last step in preparing onions for storage - pruning dry leaves and roots. It is most convenient to do this with scissors. Cut the leaves to leave the neck about 4-6 cm, and the roots, not touching the bottom. If you are going to weave the bows in bundles, then the leaves should be left.

Preparation of leek to storage is slightly different from turnip onions. After harvesting, do not completely trim the leaves and roots. Leek is best kept when the leaves and roots are cut to 2/3. It is also not necessary to dry leek: it is stored for storage almost immediately after harvesting.

What is better to store onions in the cellar?

Onions are sorted into special and pre-prepared containers, for example:

  • wicker baskets;
  • carton boxes;
  • wooden boxes
  • fabric bags;
  • vegetable nets.

The main criterion - the container should be good air out.

That is, if you are storing boxes or boxes, be sure to make several fairly large holes in them, so that the onions do not rot.

Tara should not be too big, as it is not recommended to lay out onions with a layer more than 30 cm thick. The reason is the same airing. It is better to take several small boxes or bags instead of one big one - this will help to further extend the shelf life.

Terms of savings

Subject to all conditions turnip bow can lie in the cellar for about six months, leek - about five.

To exactly achieve this period, you need several times over the entire storage period. to sort out onions to keep track of whether rot, mildew or diseases have appeared.

Affected bulbs should time to cleanso that they do not have time to infect the rest.

In case the onions are a bit dampened, you can once again dry it and put it back in storage, and in order that this will not happen again, you should sprinkle it a little in chalkwhich will absorb excess moisture. If due to high humidity onions began to sproutthen coat the bottom with lime paste or burn the roots.

Such simple preventive measures will help preserve almost the entire harvest until early spring.


How to store onions in the cellar in the winter? The easiest and most convenient way to store onions is to arrange them in boxes, boxes or vegetable nets. However he not the most reliable, as there is a risk that the rot or disease that infected one onion will quickly spread to the rest of the crop.

To combat this, use more reliable methods of storing onions.

One of them - nylon stockingswhere every bulb is "isolated" from the rest.

How to store onions in nylon stockings:

  1. You will need a decent amount of nylon stockings. Nylon panty hoses are also suitable. It is enough to cut off their tip.
  2. Do not use stockings as a bagby simply stuffing a bow in them. Fill them in one bulb.
  3. Make a knot over each bulb to isolate them from each other.
  4. Hang stockings. It is best to hang them. to the ceiling, as the walls of the cellar may be overly damp.

The most effective method of storing onions are considered bundles - woven braids. Cute bundles are not only very convenient to store - they are also often used as an interior item and disinfector. For storing onions in bundles its leaves are not cut.

How to weave onion braids:

  1. You will need a twine or any other. strong thread.
  2. Tie Twine vertically so that its lower end is at a convenient height for you, from where you will weave.
  3. Tie to the lower end record, sliver or something similar that will not allow bulbs to slide off.
  4. Take two onions and twist their tails together to get a small dumbbell
  5. Wind the dumbbell around the twine and cross the bulbsso that the dumbbell does not unwind.
  6. Take two more bulbs and repeat steps 4-5. Two dumbbells should not be exactly one on the other, but crosswise.
  7. Continue weaving until you finish the bundle.
Weaving this method allows you to make a bundle very smooth and neat, and also makes it possible to easily pull out one spoiled onion without unraveling the whole braid.

Master class on weaving onion braids for storage in this video:

Features for leek

How to store leeks for the winter in the cellar? Leek can not be stored in boxes, and a bundle of it can not be woven. To store leek, you need to cook for it. special conditions. As a rule, this is a box with sand or sawdust.

Since the onion is stored for storage immediately after harvesting, sandboxes must be prepared in advance:

  1. Select the height of the box on the assumption that it will be filled sand or sawdust 15-20 cm
  2. Sand or sawdust must be completely a little wet.
  3. Put sand on the bottom of the box with a layer of 5 cm and vertically mount the stems. So the bow will remain even.
  4. Put another 10-15 cm of sand between the rows.

Occasionally air out a cellar so that the onions receive a portion of fresh dry air and not fade.

Strict observance of each storage rule will certainly preserve most of the crop and provide an opportunity at any time of the year to feast on the fresh and fragrant onions.

How to store leeks in the winter in the cellar? About the method of storing leek in a cellar in a sandbox in this video:

Watch the video: The Best Method to Grow Large Onions (December 2024).