Storage of onions, green, seedlings and leeks in the conditions of an apartment and your house in winter

After the onions have been harvested, the question arises how to save it for planting next spring and food use throughout the year.

Under certain conditions, the onions are beautifully stored not only in the cellar (about this method of storing onions, see the article “Storing Onions in the Cellar (Basement)”), but also in the apartment. Let's talk about how and what to store different varieties of onions at home.

Fundamental rules

How to store onions at home in the apartment? Rules:

  1. For long term storage only an uninfected ripe onion is suitable without mechanical damage. It should have thin necks and strong scales (the immature will rot, the probability of its infection with diseases is great, and the overripe can give roots again, having lost dry scales).
  2. Before storage, the harvest should be well to dry.
  3. When pruned, leave onions at least 4 centimeters of a neck.
  4. Required condition - breathability tara.
  5. In winter you need twice or thrice to bite the bow, remove rotted onions, and if it is damp, dry again.
  6. Excessive moisture air adversely affects the condition of stored vegetables. This should be considered when choosing a place for onions in the apartment.

Note: to solve a problem such as onion germination, you can use lime paste.

She smears the root lobes of the bulbs after cutting the roots.

Another way - root burning. The minus of both onion treatments is that after them it cannot be used as planting material.

How to store onions at home?

To learn how to remove and dry onions for storage at home, you can learn from the video:


How to prepare onions for storage? Harvested onions dried for two weeks, laying them out with a thin layer on a dry surface (boards, blankets, etc.) outside. In case of bad weather, the onions are dried, laying it out in a thin layer in a well-ventilated room (for example, on the veranda or on the balcony).

Another variant - dry the onions with the oven. It is heated and turned off when the inside of the cabinet becomes warm (not hot), put onions there.

It should not be overdried, a sign of which are heavily cracked scales.

The bulbs must be cleaned of excess scales and earth. After drying, cut the leaves, leaving 4 -5 cm necks, and roots, without causing damage to the bulb.

Bow sorted, selecting the bad: wet, with a neck green, soft, damaged. For storage, leave dried and dense onions.

Grown under adverse conditions (frequent rains, cold, overcast) onions before drying, peeled scales as much as possible. It should be almost naked. When the onions are dried, scales will reappear on them.

Nuances and storage conditions of onions in this video:

Tara and place

What to keep onions at home? In the conditions of the apartment (house) onions can be stored in different containers. The following storage methods comfortable, efficient and time tested:

  1. Wicker basket has holes that let air through. The material for its manufacture is environmentally friendly. Wicker things look aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Low boxes economical in terms of space: of can be put on each other. In them, the bow does not "gasp", since it is ventilated.
  3. Lying in carton box The bow can also be ventilated if holes are made on all sides of the box.
  4. Onion Filled nylon pantyhose or stockings on the walls it is unlikely to decorate a room or a kitchen, but it is convenient to keep them in the closet.
  5. Bags - Another convenient option for storing onions. The main thing is not to fill them with more than 30 centimeters layer of onions.
  6. Nets allow you to visually monitor the state of the onion: rotted and sprouted bulbs are noticeable in them immediately. Grids provide good air circulation for long-term storage of the crop.

From the bow also weave braids, which can be not only one way to store the harvest, but also the decoration of the kitchen.

Learn how to weave bows for storage in an apartment from this video:

Where to store onions in the apartment? The place where you will store the crop, you must choose dry, and the tank is permeable to air.

Will fit mezzanine, cupboard, pantry. Some housewives prefer to store chopped onions in the freezer and add it to soups, main dishes during cooking, not previously defrosting. Below we will also tell about the balcony storage of onions.

Optimal Modes

Consider the conditions of storage of onions at home. At what temperature to store onions in the apartment?

Do not tare with onions close to the batterysince the temperature in the room where the onions are stored should not exceed 24 degrees Celsius.

To prevent rotting, germination or drying onions need air saturation with moisture not less than 50 and not more than 70 percent. If the house air is too dry due to central heating, use special air humidifiers. Humidity is determined by a hygrometer. Onions do not like drastic climate change.

To prevent the bulbs from drying out in low humidity conditions, their peppered husk. In order not to rot in conditions of excessively high humidity, near the tare with onions put a container with ash, sawdust or lime.

Terms of savings

240 days at a temperature of +18 - +22 degrees Celsius and humidity of 50 - 70%.

Chopped onions are stored in the freezer throughout the month.

Yalta onions store 5 months.

Dried onions in vacuum bags suitable for food. during a year. If storage conditions are not sealed - from 3 to 9 months.


Where to store onions in the winter in a private house or apartment? To store onions and garlic at home using the following methods.


  1. On the balcony (onions).
  2. How to keep peeled onions in the refrigerator? In the freezer. Store it in a plastic bag, after clearing the bulbs of scales, cutting them into slices and freezing on the board or baking sheet.
The method is suitable only for a small amount of onions.


  1. In breathable packaging, at room temperature.
  2. In chopped dried form (onions, usually dried in a dehydrator or in the oven). Read more in the article "Drying onions for the winter at home."

For how to dry the onion turnip in an electric drier, see this video:



Green onions kept in the fridge on the bottom shelf within 2 weeks. How to store green onions in the refrigerator for a long time? The stale feathers are removed, the roots are moistened with water (the feathers cannot be wetted) and wrapped in a wet cloth along with the bulbs. On top of the cloth, you need to make an envelope out of paper and tie it up with a rope at the beginning of the feathers.

To store in the refrigerator green feathers can also be wrapped. in food paper or put onion stalks in a container of waterCovering feathers with a package. Green feathers can be prepared for the winter, having dried them in convection oven, in the oven or in the open air. You can learn more about storing green onions in the article “Storing green onions”.

The way to store green onions in the refrigerator in this video:


How to save leeks for winter? Most often, leek storage is poured with sand. In the tank poured sand 5 cm layer.

Onions set the rows of onion stalks. Rows are filled with a 10-centimeter layer of sand. With this method of storing onions within six months stays fresh.

Rarely put this type of onion in the freezer or stored in dried form. Optimal the temperature for a leek is 1–2 degrees with a plus sign, and the humidity is 85 percent.

How to store leek at home? Onions can winter and on the balcony, if you make around a container with him warming from a blanket or, for example, an old coat. Regular inspection of the crop and removal of substandard plants (dried or diseased) is necessary. Read the details in the article "Storage leek".


How to keep onions at home until spring? The fact that onions are ready for storage, says rustling during his turning. Onions need a dry place. As a container for it you can use a basket, box, bag or store onions on a shelf (the layer of onions should not be more than 40 cm), sprinkle it on top with dry onion scales.

Onions braid in braids and place them at the plate on the wall. Spicy onions some housewives store on the balcony. To do this, choose the strongest onions, dry them and put them first in the fridge (in the vegetable department).

Then put the bow in the box, cover it with a blanket or old warm outer clothing (this will protect the bulbs from sudden temperature changes), take out the box on the balcony. The amount of onion required for cooking is defrosted each time in the refrigerator before use. Read more - in the article "Storage of Onion".


How to properly store onions sevok at home?

Balcony, loggia, storage room, shed (in these rooms the temperature in winter drops below favorable for sev +16 degrees).

Centimeter bulbs stored at room temperature, onions less than 1 cm fall in the garden, because in the heat of the winter they dry out a lot and lose the ability to form new bulbs.

How to keep onion sets up to spring in the apartment? Seat storage can be fridgein which there is a department with a temperature of -1 to -3. See also "Onion sets: storage".

Yalta bow

What are the storage conditions for Yalta onions in the winter at home?

Sweet onions, not causing tears, stored for long, maximum 5 months, in the refrigerator or braided in braids.

If stored longer, the onions become loose and dry.

Sevok can not be stored at a temperature from zero to +16 degrees Celsius.

Under these conditions, onions quickly begin vernalization, and they have much earlier generative organs are formed. When such sevok planted in the ground, he goes to the arrows, not giving the harvest.

Refrigerator use

Is it possible to store onions in the refrigerator and in the freezer? Green onions and leeks are stored in the refrigerator, and onions Feels much better at a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. It makes no sense to keep it in the refrigerator: there it becomes sluggish.

In the freezer, as a rule, many other products are stored, and very few people put onions there, which can be fresh throughout the year and at room temperature.

In the freezer mistress, usually sent a small amount of chopped onions for convenience: throughout the month you can use onions ready to be added to food.

Read more about this in the article "Freezing onions at home for the winter."

How to keep green onions in the fridge to stay fresh? The condition of long storage of green onions in the refrigerator - onions must be dry. It is sorted, dried, laid out on paper, and put in a plastic bag. Wash greens before bookmarking can not, and in the package should make holes.

How to store leek in the refrigerator? A small amount of leek can be stored in the refrigerator. Pre-pick it, cut the roots and leaves. Then distributed into packages (approximately 8 pieces each) and placed in the department for vegetables.


Store onions in the apartment is convenient: it is all the time in availabilityBut this vegetable is added to many dishes.

However, due to improper storage, the bulbs can rot, causing an unpleasant smell and the appearance of flies.

Using our recommendations, you will store onions in the house not problematic.

Watch the video: Plant Your Sprouted Onions to Make More Onions! (January 2025).