Features of the use of black cumin oil for colds and respiratory diseases

Cumin seeds are known to any housewife as an aromatic spice, but not many people know that the oil that is squeezed from the fruits of this plant has very wide application in traditional medicine. In particular, this product is very effectively used for the symptomatic treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx, including sinusitis, bronchitis and tonsillitis. All the intricacies of using black cumin oil for various types of common cold will be discussed in this review.

Black Cumin Seeds Composition

The Latin name for black cumin, belonging to the family of buttercups and having a one-year life cycle, is Niguela satіva. In Russian, this plant is officially called Chernushka sowing, among its other names can also be found such as Seidan (sedan), Roman Coriander, Kalindzhi. Seeds of Chernushka sowing campaign are contained in fruits that have the structure of a multi leaf. The shape of each seed is a triangle, covered with tubercles and wrinkles. The chemical composition of seeds Kalindzhi rich and diverse.

Among the most significant elements contained in this plant should be called:

VitaminsA (alpha- and beta-carotene), thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acids, biotin, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, phylloquinone, calciferol (vitamin D)
MineralsCalcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium, copper
Amino AcidsAlanine, arginine, aspartic and glutamic acid, valine, glycine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, proline, tyrosine, serine, threonine, cysteine, fellilanilil
Fatty acids (saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated)Capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, lignoceric, docosanoic, palmitoleic (omega-7), oleic acid (omega-9), gadoleic, gondoinovaya (omega-9), linoleic (Omega 6), linolenic (Omega 3) , eicosatriene (omega-6), arachidonic (omega-6), docosadienoic (omega-6), cervonic (omega-3)
FlavonoidsQuercetin, luteolin, apigenin, kaempferol
Other phenolic compoundsCaffeic acid, peonol, resins, tannins
AlkaloidsNigelitsin, nigellidin, capsaicin and others.
PhytosterolsCampesterol, sitosterol, sitosterol, sigmasterol, gramisterol, lofinol, avenasterol, obtusifoliol
GlycosidesArbutin, Cycloartenol, Steril, Acetyl-Steryl, Alpha-Hederin, Hedaregenin, Melanthin
Terpenoids and terpenesTimol, cineol (eucalyptol), thujone (monoterpin), melanthol

In addition, the seeds of cumin also found:

  • enzymes, including cycloisomerase and lipase;
  • coumarins, including umbelliferon and scopoletin;
  • aldehydes, including cumin aldehyde;
  • phytoncides.

However, perhaps the most interesting and valuable component of black cumin is timochinone, which is present in its essential oil.

Did you know? The black cumin is mentioned in the Old Testament, namely in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, and, as is clear from the quotation, this plant, according to the established order of God, was cultivated by the ancient Jews, who, "leveling the surface of the earth," sowed a dill on it, and then " smashed its seeds with a stick.

Today, thymoquinone secreted from Chernushka seed is used to treat some malignant neoplasms, in particular, carcinomas.

Useful medicinal properties of black cumin oil

The incredibly rich chemical composition of black cumin oil causes a number of unique properties that this product possesses.

Did you know? More than half a century ago, American scientists, in search of a cure for cancer, placed cells of living organisms in Petri dishes, added essential oils of various plants to them, and then treated them with special mutagens that transform benign cells into malignant cells. As a result, cancer cells were formed in all cups, except those where black cumin oil was present.

Among them should be called:

  1. The most powerful immunostimulating action. Black cumin oil stimulates the production of two important proteins of the immune system - mucin and cytokines; increases immunoreactivity (the body's ability to detect and quickly suppress foreign cells); increases the colonies of the main components of the cellular immune defense - phagocytes, T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes.
  2. Antioxidant properties. The substances in the oil in the aggregate very actively neutralize the products of incomplete redox reactions, bind free radicals, which helps to improve overall health, rejuvenate and prevent various pathologies, including from the cardiovascular system.
  3. Antiseptic, antiparasitic action. Black cumin oil has long been used as an anthelmintic agent, and also helps to destroy the mycelium of fungi, colonies of pathogenic bacteria and other parasites that enter the body.
  4. Anti-allergic functions. The product blocks the production of histamine by mast cells, and therefore reduces the allergic reaction, which often becomes the cause of various autoimmune pathologies.
  5. Cleansing action. The drug binds and removes from the body (through the skin or with urine and feces) heavy metal salts, toxins entering the body with food or due to the vital activity of various parasites, as well as all other harmful substances.
  6. Active recovery of the liver. Due to this property, the antitoxic and cleansing effect of the oil is increased, since it is the liver that is the organ that carries the main burden resulting from improper lifestyle, alcohol consumption, fatty foods and other "unhealthy" products.
  7. The ability to regulate excess weight (including due to the active breakdown of fats).
  8. Restoration of pancreatic functions, improvement of the digestive system as a whole.
  9. Lowering insulin in time, which makes oil an indispensable product in the diet of patients with diabetes.
  10. Beneficial effects on the skin. Black cumin oil not only improves the condition of the epidermis, but also allows to cure various kinds of dermatological problems, including eczema, acne, etc.
  11. Stimulation of breast milk production. Lactating mothers in the period of formation of lactation is very useful to drink in small quantities of black cumin oil.
  12. Anti-cancer activity. The drug not only interferes with the process of transforming typical cells into atypical ones, but in some cases can reduce the number of already mutated cells.

Use black cumin oil

The above properties of black cumin oil allow it to be widely used in the treatment of pathologies from various organs and systems - digestive, circulatory, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, urogenital, respiratory.

In particular, with various kinds of colds, in addition to the mentioned anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immunostimulating qualities, this drug is also very interesting because it has a diaphoretic effect, which contributes to enhanced heat transfer, and therefore, without the use of potent antipyretic agents, to reduce body temperature during fever .

Did you know? A cure for all diseases, with the exception of death - as Mohammed called black cumin oil - the last of the prophets and the Messenger of Allah on earth.

In addition, the use of Chernushka seed oil gives a noticeable mucolytic effect, that is, it allows you to cope with a productive ("wet") cough. However, the use of the drug for adults and children has its own characteristics.

For adults

Adult patients with diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract, regardless of the nature of the disease, can use black cumin oil to improve their own condition in any of the possible ways, namely:

  • take orally;
  • drip in the nose;
  • mix with water and other ingredients and apply as a mouthwash;
  • add to inhalers;
  • apply to rubbing the body.

The only precaution (in addition to a number of direct contraindications that the drug does have, for all its beneficial properties) is that before starting treatment it is desirable to ensure that there is no allergic reaction to the components of the oil. If we are talking about external use, a drop of money is enough to put on the skin of the hand and wait at least a quarter of an hour to make sure that there is no redness, itching, burning, swelling, rash and other characteristic signs of individual intolerance. Before taking the oil inside, you can chew a few cumin seeds and also wait a while. If no negative reaction followed, there is reason to believe that the patient is not allergic to cumin oil.

For kids

With the possibility of using Niguella satіva oil in treating colds in children, the situation is far from being that simple. However, the statement that this drug can be used without restrictions at any age, if there is no allergy, is still not entirely true.

Important! The main rule that parents need to remember: children under six years old to take black cumin oil inside is prohibited.

In particular, you should know that:

  1. Mucolytics are strictly contraindicated in children under two years of age. and very undesirable until the age of five. The fact is that babies physically cannot cough up sputum, the amount of which in the airways increases mucolytic. As a result, the mucus accumulates and, drying up, forms traffic jams, resulting in the development of pneumonia and obstructive bronchitis. Thus, under any circumstances, it is better to refrain from inhalation with the use of Chernushka seed oil for the treatment of children under 5 years of age.
  2. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs in the form of instillation in the nose "from the common cold" to children up to 2 years old should be carried out only in exceptional cases and only as directed by a physician. No vegetative forms with a principle of action not fully studied in this case are unacceptable.
  3. Rubbing oil for warming competent pediatricians consider nothing but a distracting procedure and method of psychotherapy for parents. Such procedures do not give any therapeutic effect, however, due to the presence in the composition of black cumin oil rather aggressive components that can penetrate the skin, can lead to serious side effects. In addition, capsaicin, thymol and other plant nutrients are very pungent and can cause a real burn on the baby’s skin.
The bitter taste of black cumin is not always liked by children, and in oil this bitterness is expressed especially strongly. Therefore, when using the drug for treating children, it is usually mixed with milk, fruit juice, compote or yogurt to neutralize the taste. Honey is also often added to sweeten the medication.

Important! Rubbing, inhalation and other warming procedures should not be performed in case of increased body temperature, as they will increase fever even more.

Direct treatment of respiratory diseases of black cumin oil

The choice of treatment for black cumin oil depends on which particular disease of the numerous series, combined with the common name of the common cold, is discussed.

Black Cumin Oil for Sore Throat

From severe pain in the throat, which is always accompanied by a sore throat, Chernushka seed oil can be used in its pure form. To do this, the drug is applied to a cotton swab, which gently lubricate the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils. The second method of using natural remedies for sore throat is gargling with a solution prepared from a glass of warm boiled water, a few drops of vinegar and 1 tbsp. l Niguela satіva oils.

Black cumin oil for colds and rhinitis

One of the common treatments for colds is steam inhalation. To increase the expectorant effect in water before the procedure, add 1 tbsp. l Chernushka seed oil. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and placed in an inhaler, and in the absence of such, left in a saucepan and breathe over it, covering his head with a thick towel.

Find out what helps and what diseases treats black cumin oil.

In addition, for the treatment of colds and rhinitis, black cumin oil can be used:

  • to grind the chest, mixed with any other vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 5;
  • for steaming the legs, adding to the container with hot water instead of mustard powder or along with it;
  • as an additional healing supplement to herbal decoctions, tea or milk with honey.

Black cumin oil cough

The expectorant properties of black cumin oil are best disclosed if the drug is taken orally in its pure form. Standard dose - 1 tsp. You need to drink the medicine on an empty stomach, seizing honey or honey syrup (1 tbsp. L. Honey per 125 ml of water). To cough not tormented at night, before bedtime it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk mixed with 1 tsp. cumin oil. Another feature of mucolytics is that their effectiveness has been proven only in the treatment of colds of the upper respiratory tract - laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis. With the defeat of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia), these drugs are usually powerless. However, this warning does not apply to cumin oil, since, in addition to expectorant, it also has a bronchodilator effect, that is, it is able to relieve bronchospasm and alleviate the condition as with bronchitis, as with pneumonia.

Important! Expectorant drugs do not reduce cough, as many believe, but on the contrary, strengthen it. Therefore, such drugs can not be taken with an unproductive cough, when sputum is absent: except for the painful convulsions, literally "tearing" the bronchi, no other effect will follow.

Black cumin oil with sinusitis and frontal

A few words should be said about the local use of the squeeze from seeds of the chernushka seed in the treatment of diseases of the nasal or frontal sinuses - sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. Due to the strong burning of the drug in its pure form in his nose to instil in no way impossible. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the product is diluted with water in a rather weak concentration, not more than 2-3 drops per 100 ml.

Then the liquid is slightly heated (the solution should be warm, but not burning) and drip 3 drops into each nostril. The drug can be used no more than three times a day. In some sources, it is possible to meet the recommendation to put a mixture of caraway and olive oils in equal parts into the nose, but such a remedy for a delicate mucous membrane may be too aggressive. Moreover, it is not necessary to conduct similar experiments on children.

Contraindications to the use of oil

Many of the components that make up Nigula satіva are poisonous. It is this property that makes the squeeze out of the seeds of a plant deadly to bacteria, fungi, and helminths, but it also requires special care with which to approach the preparation. Especially it concerns cases when the patient, besides cold or other pathology, on which treatment treatment is directed, has other serious problems with health.

Important! A dangerous dose of black cumin oil, even for a healthy person, is considered to be 25 g, which is less than one and a half tablespoons!

In such a situation, potent and aggressive ingredients of the oil can lead to undesirable consequences and significantly worsen the patient's condition. Below are the standard contraindications to the use of the product and the reasons for which it can be dangerous.

Diseases and conditions in which you should not use black cumin oil Product properties that make it dangerous in such diseases or conditions.
Pregnancymay cause strong contractions of the uterus muscles, which creates a threat of miscarriage;

the ability of the active components of the product to cross the placenta and, possibly, adversely affect the fetus is not fully understood

Проблемы с пищеварительной системой в стадии обострения (язва, гастрит, панкреатит и др.)Many of the components of the Niguela satіva seeds are very bitter and burning, and therefore they can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines
Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart attack, thrombophlebitis, coronary disease, blood clots)plant nutrients increase blood formation and accelerate blood flow, which leads to an increase in the load on the heart and blood vessels
Urolithiasis and cholelithiasisthe activity of the components of the drug can lead to uncontrolled movement of stones, which is associated with serious risks
Transplanted transplants and blood transfusionsdonor organ rejection and other negative reactions may occur.
Children's age up to 6 yearsAccording to the official position of the World Health Organization, until this age the use of medicinal plant forms of non-industrial production (traditional medicine) in the treatment of children is not allowed, since the risk to health may be higher than the expected therapeutic effect
Postoperative periodthe drug has a strong choleretic and diuretic effect, and also contributes to muscle hypertonia, which is fraught with divergence of the sutures and deterioration of the patient's condition
Recently suffered serious illnesses, old age, weakened immunityaggressive components of the drug can cause a serious negative reaction
Individual intolerance to one or more components of the drugstandard contraindication for all products (black cumin oil reduces the manifestation of allergy, but only in cases when none of the substances in its composition in itself causes allergy in the patient)

Black cumin oil can not be cured or flu, or SARS, much less a sore throat. However, proper use of this herbal product along with the implementation of standard rules of conduct (for viral infections) and prescribed medical therapy by a professional doctor (for diseases that are bacterial in nature) can significantly alleviate the condition of the patient throughout the treatment period. It only needs to be remembered that, like any other medicinal plant, cumin contains very active and even toxic components, which in certain cases can bring the human body, especially when it comes to a child, serious harm, therefore, you need to apply this kind of medicine caution.

Watch the video: 9 Reasons To Have A Teaspoon Of Black Cumin Seed Oil Every Day (December 2024).