Feed for hooves, joints and horse hair

In the 21st century, horses are rarely used as a force for priests. Nevertheless, the load during competitions, hunting and various shows can adversely affect the health of the animal. To avoid this, it is necessary to use special additives. Consider the symptoms of shortage of nutrients in horses, and also offer high-quality supplements to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Why do horses need feedings

For livestock, poultry and other farm animals, there are a variety of vitamin or mineral complexes that increase productivity and also have a positive effect on health and appearance. Horses are no exception, and they also need various nutritional supplements to increase endurance, strengthen bones and joints, and also to prevent problems with coat and skin. The diet of horses is not always balanced, which can lead to a shortage of certain substances. Most often, problems arise in winter and early spring, when beriberi is manifested not only in humans, but also in animals. It can lead to fatigue, bone destruction, problems with tendons. Horses that are used in equestrian sports should always be physically fit, so experienced breeders regularly give them mixtures of vitamins and minerals.

Did you know? Horses do not distinguish between red and blue shades, but other colors are perceived the same way as humans. At the same time, a special landing of the eyes allows the horses to see around themselves almost 360 °.

Signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies

  1. Reduced fertility.
  2. Keratinization of tissues.
  3. Rickets.
  4. Immune system dysfunction.
  5. Metabolic disorders.
  6. Jaundice.
  7. Skin swelling.
  8. Muscle tissue degradation.
  9. Intramuscular hemorrhage.
  10. Loss of appetite.
  11. Cramps.
  12. Diarrhea.
  13. Dermatitis.
  14. Deterioration of the coat.
  15. The skeleton deformation.
  16. Anorexia.
  17. Rachiocampsis.
  18. Renal dysfunction.
  19. Fragile hooves.
  20. Fatty degeneration of the liver.

Which feed is better to choose

Consider a number of feedings for horses, which will avoid avitaminosis, the lack of important macro and micronutrients, as well as provide the horse with all the necessary substances in the period of lack of juicy green fodder and roots.

For the growth of hoofed horn and against the fragility of the hoof

In horses of all breeds, there is one big problem: the weariness of the ungulate, which cannot be corrected without the use of feedings, which increase the growth rate. We present 2 drugs that can equally well help both young animals and old ones.

Learn how to breed horses at home.



  • methylsulfonylmethane (MSM);
  • biotin;
  • calcium;
  • methionine;
  • zinc;
  • essential amino acids.

The drug supplies the body of the animal with all the necessary "building" substances that are used to form the tissues of the hoof. Zinc, which is part of the "Hufmeyker", accelerates the healing of epidermal tissue, and calcium increases the strength of the ungorn horns and reduces wear. Mode of application: additive must be mixed with feed. Adult horses are given 20 g per day, young animals and ponies - 20 g 1 time in 2 days. The result will appear in 1 calendar month. To achieve the best result, it is necessary to give "Hufmeyker" for 6 months. The manufacturer of the drug is Ireland. Packing - 60 sachets of 20 g.

Important! The composition of the feeding should not include GMO products, as well as preservatives.

"Kerabol Equisto"


  • water;
  • glucose;
  • methionine;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • biotin;
  • organic manganese;
  • beta carotene.
The action of the drug is aimed at improving the composition and strength of the hoof, and not to accelerate their growth. The liquid form improves the digestibility of the supplement. Mode of application: the additive is given to the animal along with water or feed. For adult horses (from 1 year old) the daily dose is 1 ml per 50 kg body weight. For young animals, the daily dose is 5-10 ml. Manufacturer - France. Packing - plastic container with a volume of 1 l.

Important! Horse hair and hooves are made up of keratin, so the above preparations are also used to improve the condition of the coat.

For joints, ligaments and tendons

The joints and ligaments of horses daily carry a large load, which requires a regular intake of substances necessary for the restoration and healing of tissues.



  • MSM;
  • vitamin C;
  • glucosamines;
  • chondroitin sulfates;
  • docosahexaenoic acid;
  • eicosapentaenoic fatty acid.
This supplement increases the flexibility of the joints, as well as ensures their normal functioning under increased load.

Mode of application: the drug is given along with the feed. For horses up to 250 kg a dosage of 3 scoops per day is used for treatment, or 1.5 m. L. for the prevention of joint problems. For animals weighing up to 500 kg, the therapeutic dose is 6 m l., Prophylactic - 3 m. L. in a day. For horses weighing 750 kg, the treatment dose is 9 m. L., And prophylactic - 4.5 m. L. in a day. The course of treatment or prevention is 30 days. The therapeutic effect is observed already on the 3rd week of use. Manufacturer - Germany. Packing - plastic bucket weighing 1.5 kg.

"GelaPoni Artro"


  • collagen;
  • vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12;
  • biotin;
  • selenium;
  • beta carotene.
The drug is a complex supplement that improves the regeneration of tissues of the joints, tendons and bones, strengthens them, and also prevents the degradation of the backbone.

Read also about how to call a horse.

Mode of application: "GelaPoni Artro" is given to young animals, as well as adult horses during heavy loads. The course of treatment is 2-3 months, after which a break is required for 1 quarter. Adult animals weighing 500 kg give 30 g of supplements per day, young animals aged 6-12 months - 15 g per day. For ponies, the daily dose is set to be within 15 g. The powder must first be diluted in water and then mixed with feed. The additive is administered gradually over 1 week, starting at 1/8 of the recommended dose. Manufacturer - Czech Republic. Packing - plastic buckets weighing 0.9 and 1.8 kg.

Did you know? The strength of horse bones is comparable to granite, and wool is still used to produce fishing gear and bows.

Such supplements make it possible not only to strengthen the horse’s health, but also to eliminate serious injuries, as well as premature aging as a result of heavy loads. It should be remembered that all of the above drugs can not be used as a replacement for vitaminized feed.

Watch the video: Trifecta 4-in-1 Performance Supplement (January 2025).