Why does the calf have wool

Breeding livestock is a very profitable occupation, but in the process farmers face some difficulties and problems and do not always know how to solve them correctly. One of the most common phenomena is the loss of hair in calves. Why this happens, how to prevent it and how to deal with it, we will tell in this article.

Why does the calf have wool

Causes of hair loss can be varied, while both harmless and dangerous to the health of the animal. That is why it is very important to notice the first symptoms in time, correctly determine the diagnosis and organize the treatment. Let's see what can cause calf hair loss.

Seasonal moult

The most innocuous diagnosis is a seasonal molt: in the spring and autumn the cow's coat is updated, so there is no reason for alarm. At the same time, the animal looks healthy, does not lose its appetite, is active, and its fur is shiny and smooth to the touch.

Important! Seasonal livestock moults usually occur in November and March.

Hormonal disbalance

A young organism is subject to hormonal changes, especially if hormonal preparations are used or the scheme of the phase of covering is violated. Such a failure is accompanied by loss of gloss and loss of hair in cattle, but it is not so easy to diagnose it with an unaided eye.

Symptoms such as:

  • cysts;
  • cycle disorder or infertility in chicks.


The diet of pets should be complete and balanced. Often the cause of hair loss in calves becomes improper food. Young animals should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals from their food, and the menu should also include sufficient milk in mother’s quantities — for this, the amount of food for a cow increases. For the rest, coarse and poor quality or spoiled feeds should be avoided.

Important! Calves have a tender intestine, and, accordingly, one should be attentive to their diet: rough food will certainly lead to its breakdown, and as a result, immunity will decrease, which can lead to loss of hair.

The menu for young stock should not be applied:

  • fresh grass;
  • roots;
  • beans and cereals;
  • fish and bone meal;
  • tops.


One of the causes of hair loss are also lice, ticks, louse and lice. Parasites can move from a sick animal to a healthy one, or develop in calves due to the lack of sanitary conditions in the barn.

Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that the livestock of the cattle house is clean and to disinfect them in a timely manner with the help of special preparations, as well as to isolate sick calves from healthy ones.

Find out why the calves do not stand up, why the calf grit its teeth, why the calf coughs.
The main symptoms of the appearance of parasites in young cows are:

  • itching;
  • bald spots;
  • loss of wool;
  • restless state;
  • depletion and weight loss (in advanced cases).


Fungal diseases can also cause hair loss - most often caused by poor sanitary conditions when raising livestock. Such microorganisms as fungi are dangerous for the animal, not only those that cause discomfort, itching and loss of hair, but also can cause ringworm. This disease is not fatal, but to treat it is quite difficult.

Did you know? Cows have a well-developed maternal instinct: they feed their babies with milk up to 3 years old, of course, if people do not interfere and do not separate the child from the mother at an earlier age.

Its main features are:

  • itching;
  • bald spots;
  • concerned condition;
  • Islands of wool appear on the body, which are as if trimmed with scissors.
Such an affliction is treated for a long time, and in this case, complex therapy is applied, which includes antifungal drugs, vaccination, as well as drugs aimed at raising immunity.

Other reasons

Problems with the scalp may also occur due to:

  • transferred stress;
  • allergies;
  • intoxication and severe poisoning, both with poor-quality food and poisonous substances;
  • after illness, as a result of reduced immunity.

Did you know? Cows are suspicious and sensitive animals, they are painfully experiencing the death of relatives and separation from calves, to the point that they mourn their loss for hours. They can also experience joy and happiness.

Preventive measures

It is better to prevent any problem than to look for ways to solve it and to treat it, and in the case of hair loss in calves. It is necessary to follow simple rules in order to prevent this in your barn, namely:

  1. Maintain cleanliness in the livestock house.
  2. Provide animals a complete and varied diet.
  3. Minimize cattle contact with other animals.
  4. Regularly conduct routine inspections and be attentive to animals.
  5. Correctly determine and mark the time of the onset of seasonal molting.
  6. Treat livestock with special drugs for parasites.

Now you know why the calves have wool, how to recognize the true cause of hair loss and how to deal with it. The most important thing that farmers should remember is that they need to be attentive and sensitive to livestock and react promptly to changes in behavior and obvious symptoms of diseases.


Such baldness is often at this age in violation of mineral metabolism. As a rule - this is a consequence of the "shoals" of feeding cows during pregnancy

Vitamins like Tetravit, Trivit quickly begin to act when administered intramuscularly - for about 3 days almost the entire drug is absorbed in the body (I personally like Tetravit more).

When applying it, it is also necessary to review the composition of the feed by minerals, protein. Vitamin is a medicine. Do not treat them simply. I like the drug "Chiktonik" very much for kids; it is good to put a Felutzen type lizun.

Tyurina Evgenia

When the calf drank colostrum, the muzzle got dirty - the wool fell out.

Natasha, it is quite possible that these are parasites, look carefully around the tail, on the neck, and in general look at everything. I always process in the spring with a preparation for cows Butoks 50, sell in vetaptekah.
Schneider Svetlana

Watch the video: Newborn Calf Being Eaten Alive By Maggots (December 2024).