Belmu on the eye of a cow: symptoms and treatment

Opacification of the cornea occurs as a result of injuries, chemical burns, diseases and appears in almost all animals. A cow or calf-like inflammation of the tissues provokes pupil misting, poor eyesight, impaired coordination, etc. Identifying this problem by the characteristic symptoms at the initial stages will allow you to maintain good vision and take care of the animal. How to do this and how to treat inflammation - let's talk about this in more detail in this article.

What is this disease?

An eye sack speaks of an inflammatory process caused by mechanical tissue damage. That is, it is inflammation of the corneal tissue in those places where small traumatic particles can get. Sometimes a similar disease may appear as an additional signal about other infectious diseases in the animal's body.

Causes of

There are quite a few reasons why an eyesore can appear. Most often it is provoked by trauma to the delicate tissues of the cornea, the ingress of some small particles or the contamination of the same injured tissue. This happens quite often, because during the entry of an external object and its removal from the eye, the normal healing process begins - connective tissue grows at the site of injury to the cornea, which grows, causing opacities.

Did you know? Cows sense the Earth’s magnetic field and feel when it changes. When eating food or resting, they place their body exactly along its lines.

Also, a thorn may appear after inflammation, such as conjunctivitis or ulcers. In this case, a scar appears. Sometimes a thorn occurs from improper treatment, such as washing with some kind of active chemical component that burns the cornea and causes turbidity. Telazioz is a common disease that causes vision problems. It appears as a result of helminth infection. They usually fall through flies - they sit on the edge of the eye and begin to lay eggs, from which small worms appear. They attack the cornea and penetrate inside, causing an inflammatory process, keratitis, which causes a decrease in vision. Sometimes a thorn can be generic. In a calf, it appears when the animal suffers inflammation or infection with helminths, and it is transmitted to the fetus. Most often such calves are born early and develop poorly.

How to recognize the symptoms

The appearance of the catarate immediately provokes a decrease in visual acuity, so the owner can easily determine that something is wrong. The animal may begin to move strangely and poorly, losing coordination: walking sideways or constantly turning its head in one direction (usually in the direction of a healthy eye, as the field of view decreases). It is for such a characteristic walk that the easiest way to determine the appearance of a problem.

Important! To determine the inflammatory process is quite simple. In this case, the cow begins to actively shake her head, is afraid of light, begins to behave restlessly and even aggressively, constantly moaning. It speaks of pain, discomfort.

Also a bright symptom will be an inflammatory process in the eye, in the tear ducts, the nasopharynx. Usually the first symptom is a copious discharge of fluid from the nose or eyes. If the inflammation is not treated, it enters an acute stage - blood clots appear on the soft shell of the eyes, redness, swelling of tissues.

How to cure an eyesore in a cow

Only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment correctly, so if you detect a cataract or inflammation, be sure to consult a specialist. A variety of medications are used for the treatment, but you can also use a few popular recipes. And we must remember that even if the thorn already appeared, this does not mean that the inflammatory process has died away.

Find out what cows are sick of.

Drug treatment

Recommended washing with a solution of chlorophos 1%, which is carried out several times a day (5-6, if the process of inflammation is active). It is advisable to carry out prescription washing and after consultation with the veterinarian. Sometimes he prescribes injections for the third eyelid once or twice a day for 3-5 milliliters. After impose tetracycline ointment. You can also apply the ointment directly on the eyelid and without injections, as an independent means of treatment several times a day. If the inflammation is caused by helminths, the veterinarian will prescribe an effective antiparasitic agent (for example, albendazole, used once a day for 1 milligram per 10 kilograms of animal weight). When telazioze use this tool: 1 gram of crystalline iodine is mixed with 2 grams of potassium iodide and diluted in a glass of boiled water. The mixture must be collected in a syringe or syringe and process the eye with it. Direct the stream of solution in the corner of the eye.

Important! Treatment must be systematic and carried out constantly and actively. The general course of using any means helps no sooner than in a month or two. And be sure to follow the instructions of the doctor and monitor the condition of the animal.

Washing is repeated 3 times a day, they help to get rid of worms in the eyes for a few weeks. To wash the eyes, you can use such a tool: a solution of carbolic acid 0.5% diluted in 200 milliliters of water and carry out the washing according to the same scheme as the previous solution.

Folk remedies

One of the most popular folk remedies is powdered sugar. Some owners just gently blow it into the eye, while others dilute it in a little water and apply it as an ointment. The procedure is done several times a day. Such a tool helps to get rid of the initial degree of the disease - within a few days of such therapy, the thorn grows dull and less, but the tool does not cure corneal damage. You can also make lotions from the infusion of dandelion, 5 times a day. There is no need to worry about where to put the rest of the ointment or infusion - inflammation rarely goes away quickly.

Did you know? Bulls and cows have become ruminants in the process of development and evolution. Due to the lack of claws, canines, the ability to run fast, they gradually invented another way to eat - quickly grab your food, swallow it and run away. And then do it in a safe place.

Folk remedies for the treatment of walrus also include the use of rye bread: in the freshly baked bread, a hole is carefully made in the wall, of such a size that a glass can fit into it. The vapor that enters the glass is used as a remedy, you need to drip 3 or 4 drops three times a day. Treatment takes 1-2 months. The second method of obtaining therapeutic condensate is a cake made from rye flour, which is placed hot in a jar, after which the container itself is tightly sealed and waited until the cake is cooled.

Preventive measures

Prevention is not only about maintaining cleanliness in the barn and caring for animals, it is also recommended to carry out preventive cleansing from parasites. Also, the prevention of the appearance of eyesore includes:

  • Pasture selection in places. remote from the forest (so that the animal is less injured by the branches during the search for leaves).
  • Removing all dangerous places in the room that could injure the eye.
  • Timely vaccinations are given, prophylactic injections are required for pregnant cows. It is also desirable at least once a year, in the spring or in the summer, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments against parasites (albendazole, alvet or tetramisole). Antiparasitic drugs are diluted in water and allowed to drink from the trough to the whole herd.
  • Timely removal of manure from the barn, treatment of the room from flies and other parasites.
  • Be sure to carry out preventive treatment of the wool of the whole herd with medicines against flies, gadflies and ticks.
It is also advisable to monitor the conditions in which the animal is, in what condition it is, to inspect at least once every few weeks. This will help to quickly determine whether there is any health problem and also quickly take steps to eliminate it. The treatment of a white spot is a difficult and long-term matter, but it is quite possible to prevent its occurrence. Follow the prophylactic instructions, administer vaccinations in a timely manner, monitor the condition of the animal and then, most likely, you will be able to avoid such troubles as a thorn or inflammation.

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